Re: Evolution and Intelligent Design
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:19 pm
Pierson... You are not paying attention to my posts... What have I been saying? I'm saying that it is impossible to divorce philosophy from science. Philosophy will always slip into your science. Why? Becuase we are human beings... Science is unbiased, but people aren't.Pierson5 wrote:I never said they weren't connected. Merely they are separate fields. Evolution is connected with many different fields, such as paleontology/archeology/genetics, etc.... But, these are still different fields. I really don't see the point you are trying to make. They are connected, so what?
Again... The words "possibly", "could", or "perhaps" are NOT scientific terms.... That is a belief system. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.Pierson5 wrote:Again, we don't accept it as fact, but as a likely possibility. I don't see anywhere in the text that evolutionary biologists are the ones who are doing this research, do you? They are different fields. Connected sure. I don't see what you are trying to prove here...
"I don't know" is NOT a scientific term. I'm sorry to explain this to you... You say that "I don't know" but then as I have clearly shown that certain scientists ARE trying to explain it through natural facts. I'm sorry but natural facts never could explain everything as you have already confessed. You fell into my trap.Pierson5 wrote:Not sure if you are taking my quote out of context again. Please read what I wrote above. If you are referring to areas of evolutionary research we are still unsure about, I never said it wasn't factual, but unknown. The blanks aren't filled in with "philosophy," it's filled in with "I don't know."
Both ID and naturalism are faith based... The proof for ID is found in evolution, that it can't address all facts.Pierson5 wrote:I never said anyone has all the answers. I totally agree with you on that point. But some do have more answers than others. I went over degrees of faith. One requires more faith than the other. Look through this thread and compare the evidence provided for evolution vs. that provided for ID (none?). Which do you think requires more faith?
I actually don't have a problem with evolution.. I only have a problem with it when people can't confess that it is has problems too and can't address all things we can see by our observable world. Theories ok, all answers no...Pierson5 wrote:I'll make this point again. I don't care if you don't accept the evidence for evolution, you can believe whatever you want. I care about the alternative being pushed to be taught to school children. If you aren't defending ID, and are just saying evolution is false and you don't know how these organisms came about (clearly appearing to have evolved), we have nothing to talk about.
Again.. Your own confessions says that evolution does not have all the answers. ID is already being used a number of areas of science such as archeology, anthropology, forensics and SETI , and it hasn’t hurt science. Even though the designer is not a supernatural agent, but intelligent humans, the principles involved in studying these areas of science can be applied to the study of supernatural ID.Pierson5 wrote: Why do you bring God into the equation? (see above) We are comparing evolution with ID. You said yourself ID doesn't necessarily mean God did it. Look at the evidence again, and this time compare evolution with ID. If you think ID has more evidence and requires less faith, post the evidence.
I will make this clearer for you... It's not that the macro evolutionary belief is necessarily bad, however, when only naturalistic points are given it can be easier cloaked into the atheistic philosophy.
Actually I would even be fine not to teach ID as long as macro-evolution is not taught as fact and can't answer all things. I would also be content to see the problems with evolution taught.Pierson5 wrote:I totally agree with the bolded statement. We get the knowledge and understanding from the evidence. Again, look through the thread and compare the evidence for the two. Which one is more of a "belief"? This is why ID isn't taught in schools.
I have a problem with macroevolution when people teach it as fact... It is NOT.. It is assumed.Pierson5 wrote:Excellent. Thanks for the definition. I think we can agree "macroevolution" is referring to evolutionary change over long periods of time. Can you give me a specific example of where you have a problem with this?
That is relative to the terms. It is still part of the same family.Pierson5 wrote:Do you agree that speciation occurs within the realms of "microevolution"? Do you agree that we can get another organism that looks very different from its ancestor within the realms of microevolution? (wolves to chihuahuas for example).
No it doesn't.. But evolution doesn't have a strangle hold on all the possible answers either. Science should not be approached dogmatically. Especially around the topic of origins.Pierson5 wrote:I don't see the need for the last sentence. I never said evolution disproved God. This goes back to my main point on page 1 as well. If evolution was proven false, that does not prove ID (and/or God) to be true.
Let look at it in regards to gravity. I don’t think you can compare Darwinian evolution to gravity. When you look at the scientific methods of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton they made observations plus predictions that anyone could observe… Darwinian evolution is not like that. DE is a different kind of science, it’s a historical science that claims what happened in the past, it’s not like gravity at all… There is a categorical difference between evolutionary science and gravity.. Gravity can make simple predictions like the gravitational force between the earth and the moon. It’s something that can be measured.. You can’t take Darwinism and formulate it to an equation like F=MA the force of gravity. Dawinism is NOT a law, you can’t measure it.. It’s all just speculation… And if you believed that life arose by chance processes, you have to believe that millions of years ago life arouse from non-life, from matter, and this violates the law of biogeneis. No scientist has ever showed this law could ever be violated.Pierson5 wrote:Give me physical examples please. Where macroevolution is assumed and certain concepts of ID are fact. This should be easy.
Can you think of anything that doesn't when it comes to macro-evolution or chemical evolution?Pierson5 wrote: "Not as fact but in weight of evidence." This statement is confusing to me. Can you think of something that is in weight of the evidence but is not a fact?
Everyone is religious... Even you. Just the fact that he believed the Bible shows how crucial he was to science.Pierson5 wrote: Mendel was also religious, that has nothing to do with anything.
Again.. Terms like "possible" or "perhaps" are NOT scientific terms.Pierson5 wrote:Theories are explanations of the facts. Evolution is both. I have shown you what college text books say about the origin of life. Purely speculative, but offers experiments done in the lab to show why it's a likely possibility. Why is it taught? Because it's a common question and is currently being studied. We don't have the answer, but the hypotheses and experiments are brought to the students attention. What's wrong with that? Are you proposing we shouldn't teach any hypotheses in classrooms?
There maybe no facts other than natural facts, but of course is that what you mean that doesn’t get you what you want and need which is your reason for believing that there are no facts other than natural facts. It just gives you the way you are choosing to use the term. But can natural facts explain everything?
Can the natural world be explained and understood only in natural terms? If so, then we must have some indication that it is possible. As an example if one was to look at the brain, how would one conclude that there was consciousness? If you looked at a chemical process in the brain could you find what someone said that day or a book that they might have read? It doesn’t mean that we don’t know anything about it but if you are locked into the natural explanations as the only body of knowledge and the correspondence to it as the only reality, then you are making yourself your own reality.
Again... What evidence? You have stated that you don't know... Therefore the belief in a creator cannot be thrown under the table..Pierson5 wrote:It doesn't matter. What matters is the evidence. We don't have any evidence that it was God, aliens or a time traveling cell biologist. I'm still waiting for someone to provide evidence in this thread for ID.
You are greatly confused... You have already stated, "We don't have any evidence that it was God" you have JUST injected your philosophy into your science. I'm sorry you failed the test...Pierson5 wrote:So, because humans are going to inject their philosophies into science, we can't look to alternate hypotheses? That's crazy! No scientific research would ever get done. It doesn't matter if philosophies get injected by individuals. As I said, we all have different philosophies. The scientific method is the best method to discover truth, REGARDLESS of your philosophy. This is why we have the peer review process.
Again you fell into my trap... You clearly stated... "We don't have any evidence that it was God." You are making philosophical statements.. Not science.Pierson5 wrote: I never said science disproves the existence of God. We aren't talking about that. We are talking about Intelligent Design and Evolution. Why do you keep going back to God?
Again.. It is taught in Pragmatism. The philosophical glue of macro-evolution.Pierson5 wrote:Did you not see my very first post? How can you sit there and say you have gotten no evidence for evolutionary theory. Inorganic matter to life is still a mystery, but says nothing about evolution.
And we are still waiting for your evidence too... So far nothing..Pierson5 wrote:I could just as easily ask you for evidence of magic creating life. If you want "macro evolution" creating a new species, look back to the first page and click the link to go back to my response to Jlay. (the one with the whale fossils).
To sit there and say you have gotten no evidence is being disingenuous. The people who are claiming the scientific consensus has examined the evidence and gotten it WRONG are the ones who need to provide some evidence. I'm still waiting.
You stated that there is no evidence for God.. Also the Bible has revealed the "Big Bang" Theory.Pierson5 wrote:It's not science's job to disprove the Bible. The Bible is making the extravagant claims, the burden of proof is on you. I'll create another thread regarding questions I have about the Bible later.