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Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:29 am
by snorider
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?

This has now been reduced to name calling. :shakehead:
You're the one in caps, I asked if you read what I said. Whois the angry one cap man? :)

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:38 am
by Danieltwotwenty
snorider wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?

This has now been reduced to name calling. :shakehead:
You're the one in caps, I asked if you read what I said. Whois the angry one cap man? :)
Me caps.....No.... Sam caps Yes

You have to understand that you arguments are nothing new and have been refuted so many times that it becomes very frustrating when they are bought up time and time again.

I doubt Sam was trying to yell at you he was just trying to make his point clear, take a chill pill we are all friendly here.

Anyway I am off to bed, good night and God bless..


Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:59 am
by Sam1995
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?
Indeed I did, and still what you mean does not make sense. How can 9/11 be just purely because God allowed it to happen?
Give me evidence to back up that claim was what I originally asked.


Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:50 am
by snorider
Sam1995 wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?
Indeed I did, and still what you mean does not make sense. How can 9/11 be just purely because God allowed it to happen?
Give me evidence to back up that claim was what I originally asked.


Well, let's start off with the many different religions, you can't deny that religion has caused good people to do bad things. 9/11 was one of many bad situations influenced by those that "thought" they were influenced by God's word. Christianity is not an exception, we are getting off track here though, this is "Bible literally or not".

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:10 am
by domokunrox
Ok, so, I skimmed thru this thread. I have to ask myself why its gone on for this long because there are fallacies stacked so weakly that I think we can call it a space needle at this point.

I am not going to criticize the people who have thus far answered. I applaud them for being as patient as they were. However, I think this thread is quite a shiny example of cookie cutter arguments against religion and Christianity in particular. None of them actually work, and well I think its about time that I should take all those arguments and explain in finer detail why they don't work. So, I am going to take all of snorider's cookie cut arguments, take it to the philosophy section of the board, and expose them. I am hoping that the people who frequent this area will drop by, read it, use it, and/or refer to it. I assure you all that we'll have less threads like this if you guys check it out. Expect it in the 1st week of Jan.

Snorider, I am simply going to respond to your previous post here, so we can see an example of arguments not based in logic.

"There are many different religions. And you can't deny that religion has caused good people to do bad things"

First off, you're begging the question, and attempting to establish your categorical error as facts. Thus, trying to pass off your logic as being reducible to our position being absurd.
I actually can deny that religion has caused good people to do bad things. Just like you remain skeptical about the bible being true, I should be skeptical of your definition of what is "good" and what is "bad" and how you come to know that they are as you say it is. You will never get there, sir. But let's say I grant you that your definition of those terms are universally true. You've yet to show how religion and people are necessarily connected in your statement. The relations of ideas of religion cannot ever connected to the actions of free agents. Let's reduce your statement to another concrete example. Your statement is analogous to "Guns kill people". The statement is a fallacy. An error in logical category. The true of the matter is that people kill people, guns are just the matter in motion. The constant conjunction of which you have no rational basis for. If you cannot account for the matter of fact rationally, I have no confidence that your ideas even logically relate. I don't have that kind of faith in you, sir.
But let's just say that I did anyway, you still ultimately made a category error on top of another by the Tu quoque or "You, also" fallacy. You say that Christianity is no exception. I find it baffling that this argument still gets thrown around. Often, Christian as accused of being black and white thinker, but you cannot see your categorical differences between peaceful ahmish and radical Islam? Surely you must be joking? I can see the differences of atheism between peaceful loving ones and Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. Your inability to see proper category pretty much handicaps your ability to make any debate worthwhile. No rational basis, no logic. Think it over again.

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:06 am
by Sam1995
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?
Indeed I did, and still what you mean does not make sense. How can 9/11 be just purely because God allowed it to happen?
Give me evidence to back up that claim was what I originally asked.


Well, let's start off with the many different religions, you can't deny that religion has caused good people to do bad things. 9/11 was one of many bad situations influenced by those that "thought" they were influenced by God's word. Christianity is not an exception, we are getting off track here though, this is "Bible literally or not".
You're right, we are getting off-topic, this is very interesting though so the topic can wait for a moment! :lol:
There are many different religions. 9/11 was done by extremists in the name of Allah and as I have said to you more than three times on the forum, I cannot and will not defend the muslim faith as it is not my place to as a Christian, I believe that it is wrong. I wish you could give me more examples of bad things done in the name of CHRISTIANITY, other religions aren't of interest to me here, this is a Christian forum. Also, would you like me to list some of the killings done in the name of atheism also?
Christianity is an exception, we have a God of love who wouldn't tell a Christian to do something like that. Stop being so close minded and realize that if a Christian did something like that, it is out of pure disobedience to Christ and it is not part of Christian Divine Command.


Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:48 am
by snorider
Sam1995 wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:
snorider wrote:
Sam1995 wrote:Sno, you have just argued again that God commanded 9/11. Read these words carefully.

He did not command it, God had NOTHING to do with the decision to bomb the twin-towers.

Give me evidence to back up your claim.

Huh? You're an idiot. Did you even read what I said?
Indeed I did, and still what you mean does not make sense. How can 9/11 be just purely because God allowed it to happen?
Give me evidence to back up that claim was what I originally asked.


Well, let's start off with the many different religions, you can't deny that religion has caused good people to do bad things. 9/11 was one of many bad situations influenced by those that "thought" they were influenced by God's word. Christianity is not an exception, we are getting off track here though, this is "Bible literally or not".
You're right, we are getting off-topic, this is very interesting though so the topic can wait for a moment! :lol:
There are many different religions. 9/11 was done by extremists in the name of Allah and as I have said to you more than three times on the forum, I cannot and will not defend the muslim faith as it is not my place to as a Christian, I believe that it is wrong. I wish you could give me more examples of bad things done in the name of CHRISTIANITY, other religions aren't of interest to me here, this is a Christian forum. Also, would you like me to list some of the killings done in the name of atheism also?
Christianity is an exception, we have a God of love who wouldn't tell a Christian to do something like that. Stop being so close minded and realize that if a Christian did something like that, it is out of pure disobedience to Christ and it is not part of Christian Divine Command.

IF you would like to entertain this a little more...

Bad Atheists do things in their own personal interest, not for a god or another purpose. They definitely don't use the excuse of a religion for their evil deeds, it's on them. Just bad people.

Lets, see, should we start with inquisitions, witch hunts and the crusades?
What about mutilation of genitalia? Doesn't seem dangerous but many young ones die every year because of improper circumcisions.

What about the Roman Catholic Pope condemning condoms? How many people have died and are still dying from AIDS or other STDS because of his public statement? That is negligent manslaughter, a small time cult leader would have put on trial.

This is also church related, the scandals of the raping of young boys and covering it up?


Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:54 am
by Sam1995
Christians who commit atrocities do so because they are bad people. If they were true followers of Christ, they wouldn't even think twice about doing something bad like genocide, they simply would not do it. You clearly do not understand what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lets, see, should we start with inquisitions, witch hunts and the crusades?
What about mutilation of genitalia? Doesn't seem dangerous but many young ones die every year because of improper circumcisions.
[Galatians 6:15 NIV]

You mustn't be talking about Christianity...
What about the Roman Catholic Pope condemning condoms? How many people have died and are still dying from AIDS or other STDS because of his public statement? That is negligent manslaughter, a small time cult leader would have put on trial.
I'm not a RC, how can you blame the pope on people dying from AIDS and STDS purely because contraception is not permitted within the RC church, that is a totally ludicrous statement to make! Millions upon millions of people die from those diseases every year regardless of the RC theology on the issue. People do not get STDs only by sex also, and they certainly don't just get AIDS because the RC church prevents contraception. Contraception does not 100% prevent STDs or AIDS either. So what is your point?
his is also church related, the scandals of the raping of young boys and covering it up?
You honestly think you can justify an act like that being deemed moral by God? grow up.


Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:27 am
by jlay

you are wasting your time talking to Sno. Not that questions or objections are a bad thing. They aren't. But it is fairly obvious that Sno is elephant hurling, and you can see by his questions that they are laced with a prejudice that is not open to reason. Move along and don't feed the troll.

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:21 am
by snorider
jlay wrote:Sam,

you are wasting your time talking to Sno. Not that questions or objections are a bad thing. They aren't. But it is fairly obvious that Sno is elephant hurling, and you can see by his questions that they are laced with a prejudice that is not open to reason. Move along and don't feed the troll.
Look into everything yourself, don't allow anyone to interpret or tell you what or what not to believe.

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:46 am
by jlay

I, as much as anyone, am for looking into things. You are a mocker. This forum is for people who are genuinely sincere. You've made it clear that you are not. You are an elephant hurler. You present tired arguments, and before you even consider an answer you have moved on to the next objection. If you think adhering to fallacious reasoning is "looking into everything" then so be it. You are letting others tell you what to believe, because you are simply regurgitating arguments.

Here is one from the other thread.
If you don't believe in me you're going to hell, you better believe in me or else. What kind of God works that way given what we know about the Universe today?
These type of obejections have been asked and answered thousands of times. It is a consequential objection. "I don't like it, therefore it's not true."
What about the Roman Catholic Pope condemning condoms? How many people have died and are still dying from AIDS or other STDS because of his public statement? That is negligent manslaughter, a small time cult leader would have put on trial.

This is also church related, the scandals of the raping of young boys and covering it up?
Here is another. What does this have to do with whether the Christian God is real or not? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. The claims of the Bible? Nothing.
If not why? If you had grown up as a Greek, you would be worshipping the God's they believed in.
You've already been shown that this is fallacious reasoning. One of many rhetorical fallacies you commit often. If you don't have enough sense to look into logic and reasoning and stop letting fallacy dictate your "looking into things" then you haven't got sense enough to come in out of the rain.
Lets, see, should we start with inquisitions, witch hunts and the crusades?

How do these confirm or dispute the claims of the Bible? oh wait, they don't. They are just an emotional objection. You have to smuggle in the Christian God to impune these atrocities, and you aren't even clever enough to understand what you are doing.

You are a troll plain and simple, and I'm surprised you haven't been told to leave. Your quote here from the DCM thread is all the evidence needed.
There isn't decent evidence for any God buddy.
If there is a God there is no reason to think he is the god depicted by the Christian religion.
There is plenty of evidence. And plenty of evidence to expose your fallacious reasoning.

Re: BIBLE: Literally or Not

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:09 am
by RickD
Snorider, you are banned. We have been more than patient with you, but you continually disregard our board purpose. Board Purpose