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Re: More Ice?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:39 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
I don't know, but as long as we're discussing the extra ice let me take a minute to explain why it's not the smoking gun you want it to be.

See, the Antarctic land ice has been melting at a rapid rate and spilling into the sea. The result is that the salinity of the coastal water has decreased so it freezes more easily and there is more ice. This effect has apparently been compounded by stronger than normal winds, which are driving the ice toward shore and causing more ridging and a thicker ice sheet. Thus more sea ice than normal, despite higher than normal temperatures. Due to global warming. Which, unfortunately, is happening regardless of whether or not you believe it.

Also, don't worry about the scientists. Antarctic sea ice is seasonal. It will melt in the spring.
PeteSinCA wrote:As for your the part of your post irrelevant to this thread, I'm not taking the bait. Besides, I use the "S Word" very seldom - possibly not all year (note the time/date stamp! - so I would probably disappoint you, anyway, despite being a Mod on a News/Politics discussion forum.
Glad to hear it, but I'm still expecting somebody to break it out.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:09 pm
by PeteSinCA
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
I don't know, but as long as we're discussing the extra ice let me take a minute to explain why it's not the smoking gun you want it to be.

See, the Antarctic land ice has been melting at a rapid rate and spilling into the sea. The result is that the salinity of the coastal water has decreased so it freezes more easily and there is more ice. This effect has apparently been compounded by stronger than normal winds, which are driving the ice toward shore and causing more ridging and a thicker ice sheet. Thus more sea ice than normal, despite higher than normal temperatures. Due to global warming. Which, unfortunately, is happening regardless of whether or not you believe it.

Also, don't worry about the scientists. Antarctic sea ice is seasonal. It will melt in the spring.
PeteSinCA wrote:As for your the part of your post irrelevant to this thread, I'm not taking the bait. Besides, I use the "S Word" very seldom - possibly not all year (note the time/date stamp! - so I would probably disappoint you, anyway, despite being a Mod on a News/Politics discussion forum.
Glad to hear it, but I'm still expecting somebody to break it out.
Right....that must be why the Arctic isn't ice free, as AlGore predicted, either. In fact, it's further from ice free than it was 2 years ago. But it's simply contradictory to be citing Global Warming (Or is it "Climate Change" now? Some four decades ago, at Earth Day I, it was the coming ice age) as the cause for both ice melting (you, know, the reason those Warmistas went there) and ice freezing (what stranded the Warmistas).

I see you've counting down to some one using the "S Word" (notice how I avoided using it?) since Christmas Eve day. Must be getting boring by now....maybe losing count?

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:35 am
by SkepticalSkeeter
PeteSinCA wrote:)Right....that must be why the Arctic isn't ice free, as AlGore predicted, either. In fact, it's further from ice free than it was 2 years ago. But it's simply contradictory to be citing Global Warming (Or is it "Climate Change" now? Some four decades ago, at Earth Day I, it was the coming ice age) as the cause for both ice melting (you, know, the reason those Warmistas went there) and ice freezing (what stranded the Warmistas).
Well, we all know that the first rule of science is that if any single aspect of a scientific model is ever the tiniest bit inaccurate, misrepresented, or misunderstood it invalidates that entire field of inquiry, so I guess you're right. There is no such thing as global warming.
PeteSinCA wrote:I see you've counting down to some one using the "S Word" (notice how I avoided using it?) since Christmas Eve day. Must be getting boring by now...
Nope, not at all. It's not like I just made a comment last Wednesday and didn't think about it again until you brought it up yesterday. No, since I wrote that I've been sitting at my computer for 22 hours a day, hitting the refresh button every 15 seconds, just waiting for someone to call me a socialist. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll be here when it does.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:11 am
by RickD
SkepticalSocialist wrote:
No, since I wrote that I've been sitting at my computer for 22 hours a day, hitting the refresh button every 15 seconds, just waiting for someone to call me a socialist. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll be here when it does.
I have no idea what you're talking about... :poke:

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:40 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
SkepticalSkeeter wrote: I've been sitting at my computer for 22 hours a day, hitting the refresh button every 15 seconds, just waiting for someone to call me a socialist. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll be here when it does.'re a Socialist. Not as big a Socialist as jcgood but you are of the Swedish IKEA Socialist. OK?

I'm fine with global warming - I really am, bring it on! - but what bugs me is that no one commented on my poem...I mean, the pretty Doctor from Slobovia lays a few verses and people like it but I write a magnum opus and...zilch, nada, nothing!

My poem, again, for those of you who missed it:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote: Yo, man! I's in da burbs wit' da snoblower an' it quit
Da blower's tensioner Wheel chewed da drive belt
O' da impeller, Yo! Yo! she dun bit/she done bit/she done bit
Duh dust! Yo! yo-yo-yo! ain't got no help
Wit da shov'lin sno! wit da shov'lin sno, ain't got no help

Yo! so I's gonna get my V12 macho car
Belchin' blue smoke all da way, so far,
So far into da Big City
To pick up a new drive belt, Yo!
dat coss me just $1.99, yo!
But I burned $10 in gas, Man!

Maybe I'll plant a tree?
Forgive me?
FL :fruitcake:

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:11 pm
by Philip
IF GW is happening and it's more than a cycle and it increases - I'm moving the heck out of the South! I HATE hot weather. I love cold weather and snow (within reason). But here in central SC the heat and humidity just kills me! And it gets harder to take, every summer. Strange, but my Northern CT-raised wife always thinks it's cold - AC in the summer and just about anywhere in the winter. I don't understand it. I think she is PRAYING for GW :shock: .

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:45 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:IF GW is happening and it's more than a cycle and it increases - I'm moving the heck out of the South! I HATE hot weather. I love cold weather and snow (within reason). But here in central SC the heat and humidity just kills me! And it gets harder to take, every summer. Strange, but my Northern CT-raised wife always thinks it's cold - AC in the summer and just about anywhere in the winter. I don't understand it. I think she is PRAYING for GW :shock: .
She's praying for global warming: you married a smart woman. I don't think God is answering her prayers fast enough. It is -18C on the thermometer outside my house. That is about -3000 American degrees, I think.

Global Warming :flyingspaghetti: ...Ha!


Re: More Ice?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:51 am
by RickD
The coldest winter I've ever experienced, was a summer in Montreal.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:59 am
by 1over137
Actually, here in Slovakia we have crazy warm winter. :(

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:53 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Temperature this morning on the thermometer outside my house is -24C or -11F.

Global Warming: it isn't coming fast enough.

FL :whistle:

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:40 am
by Thadeyus
*Wonders when people will start talking about climate...and stop wondering about the weather*

72' F, 80% humidity... and not raining.

How does that work? How can the humidity be so high and water NOT fall out of the sky? y:-?

Much cheers to all.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:20 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Thadeyus wrote:*Wonders when people will start talking about climate...and stop wondering about the weather*
I am talking about climate. I want Global Warming NOW!
Thadeyus wrote:72' F, 80% humidity... and not raining. How does that work? How can the humidity be so high and water NOT fall out of the sky?
Same relationship, weather/climate: It only rains/snows when a volume of atmosphere - irrespective of temperature - is saturated with humidity. It may rain at a given altitude but the rain may never reach the surface because it turns back into clouds at a lower altitude. This is called virga.

Global Warming: promises, promises.


Re: More Ice?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:34 pm
by PeteSinCA
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
I don't know, but as long as we're discussing the extra ice let me take a minute to explain why it's not the smoking gun you want it to be.

See, the Antarctic land ice has been melting at a rapid rate and spilling into the sea. The result is that the salinity of the coastal water has decreased so it freezes more easily and there is more ice. This effect has apparently been compounded by stronger than normal winds, which are driving the ice toward shore and causing more ridging and a thicker ice sheet. Thus more sea ice than normal, despite higher than normal temperatures. Due to global warming. Which, unfortunately, is happening regardless of whether or not you believe it.

Also, don't worry about the scientists. Antarctic sea ice is seasonal. It will melt in the spring.
PeteSinCA wrote:As for your the part of your post irrelevant to this thread, I'm not taking the bait. Besides, I use the "S Word" very seldom - possibly not all year (note the time/date stamp! - so I would probably disappoint you, anyway, despite being a Mod on a News/Politics discussion forum.
Glad to hear it, but I'm still expecting somebody to break it out.
Looks like the fact claim in your second sentence doesn't coincide well with reality, SkSk.

Thankfully, it sounds like the trapped Warmistas have been rescued.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:09 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
PeteSinCA wrote:Looks like the fact claim in your second sentence doesn't coincide well with reality, SkSk.

Thankfully, it sounds like the trapped Warmistas have been rescued.
Interesting new data. I wonder how it will fit into the big picture.

Re: More Ice?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:05 am
by PeteSinCA
Oopsie, I spoke too soon! Now some of the rescuers are in need of rescue! The Warmistas who started this whole chain of events are, however, apparently safe and (maybe) :mrgreen: warm :mrgreen: on an Aussie ship.

The Gore Effect is especially strong in the Antarctic ... who knew?!