Why can't you just join in a discussion instead of just whining about everything i write?melanie wrote:This is exactly what I was talking about. Outlaw is NOT here to merely ask questions. He is here to try and plant doubt and 'educate' us. The arrogance involved on his part is mind boggling and clearly shows a complete seperation from God, as we who have the Holy Spirit and Christ in us would never allow the words from a foolish man rock our foundation even in the slightest. But I do not see how his continual input will benefit anybody least of all outlaw, he is on his own little crusade to enlighten christians to the folly of our ways. Every single thing that is said to him will be twisted and turned to suit his agenda. Whilst this has zero effect on me besides mild irritation, my concern is that instead of just reconciling with himself that he personally does not believe in God and just leave it at that, he is driven by this need to tear apart our faith. I'm sure Gods greatest adversary is fueling that 'need'. The fact he has targeted those on here weakest in their faith is my greatest concern. He is here for one purpose and one purpose only.outlaw wrote:To answer the original question, there would be no such thing as Christianity. There would be no need for jesus. Is anyone picking up the pattern here? We have a god that could of created things anyway it wanted a god that can't tolerate sin but yet it creates a system where sin is inevitable, it's a requirement for christianity to work. Can't you see that sin isn't actually real? it's just an idea, an imaginary disease created to sell you an imaginary cure. Classic case of not being able to see the forest for the trees, I mean does your belief make you totally oblivious to this? Its a self fulfilling system can't you see that?
Yes im asking questions and making comments that might challenge your fragile little faith, is that too much for your psyche to handle?
It's a religious forum in case you didn't realise, if you don't like what i write don't read it! no ones forcing you to even be on this forum.
These are the types of questions your gonna get when you want to label something as omniscient omnipotent and omnibenevolent.