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Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:34 pm
by jpbg33
this post is not about once saved always saved it is about how will a Christian live after he is saved.

I believe he will try and do right all the time he may make mistakes but he will not stop trying to please God.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:55 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:this post is not about once saved always saved it is about how will a Christian live after he is saved.

I believe he will try and do right all the time he may make mistakes do he will not stop trying to please God.
All the time? So, every second of every minute of every day of your life, you try to please God?

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:19 pm
by jpbg33
Yes and when I fall short I ask God to forgive me and then I start trying again. I do that because I love God not to love God or because I don't want him to send me to hell but because I love him and want to please him. Am I perfect no just yesterday I had to say I was sorry. We all make mistakes but we mustn't continue in them. Because if we continue in them do we really love God?

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:42 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:Yes and when I fall short I ask God to forgive me and then I start trying again. I do that because I love God not to love God or because I don't want him to send me to hell but because I love him and want to please him. Am I perfect no just yesterday I had to say I was sorry. We all make mistakes but we mustn't continue in them. Because if we continue in them do we really love God?
So even at the very moment you made that mistake yesterday, you were trying to please God?

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:05 pm
by jpbg33
No but I believe God gives people a space to repent because we are human. But if we do not repent even after God has given us time to repent. Then how can you say you still love God? As Christians we may find our selves not pleasing God but when we do we will repent and continue following Jesus's steps.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:44 pm
by RickD

Please allow me to show you where I think a contradiction lies in what you're saying. Then see if you understand what I'm saying.

On one hand you said:
this post is not about once saved always saved it is about how will a Christian live after he is saved.

I believe he will try and do right all the time he may make mistakes do he will not stop trying to please God.
And on the other hand when you replied to my question here:
RickD said:

So even at the very moment you made that mistake yesterday, you were trying to please God?
You said:
No but I believe God gives people a space to repent because we are human. But if we do not repent even after God has given us time to repent. Then how can you say you still love God? As Christians we may find our selves not pleasing God but when we do we will repent and continue following Jesus's steps.
So on one hand you said a believer will "try and do right all the time".

And on the other hand, you said, "No", you weren't trying to do right at the time you made a mistake yesterday.

Can't you see the contradiction in the position you are upholding?

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:54 pm
by jpbg33
I know that this is getting a little into once saved always saved I'm not wanting to talk about that here I am just answering a comment that was make on this post.

I am not saying that you will always succeed in pleasing God, but that you will try and when you find your self not pleasing God you will make things right and start trying to pleas God again. We are humans and we make mistakes but if we love God we will make them right. But if we Don't make thing right knowing that we hurt God do we really love God?

But back to the post

I was at a friends house a while back and they believed once saved always saved and they told me that they new it was wrong to do such and such (I'm not go to say what is was that they know was a sin to do it would probably make some mad) but that they did it any ways because God forgive past present and future sin.

My question is will a real Christian fill that way or will they be trying to please God.

I do not believe a real Christian will live that way because if you are a real Christian I believe you will love God enough to want to please him no matter if what you do will cases you to loose your salvation or not.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:01 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:I know that this is getting a little into once saved always saved I'm not wanting to talk about that here I am just answering a comment that was make on this post.

I am not saying that you will always succeed in pleasing God, but that you will try and when you find your self not pleasing God you will make things right and start trying to pleas God again. We are humans and we make mistakes but if we love God we will make them right. But if we Don't make thing right knowing that we hurt God do we really love God?

But back to the post

I was at a friends house a while back and they believed once saved always saved and they told me that they new it was wrong to do such and such (I'm not go to say what is was that they know was a sin to do it would probably make some mad) but that they did it any ways because God forgive past present and future sin.

My question is will a real Christian fill that way or will they be trying to please God.

I do not believe a real Christian will live that way because if you are a real Christian I believe you will love God enough to want to please him no matter if what you do will cases you to loose your salvation or not.
People do that a lot. They think osas is a license to sin. That just means they are wrong. It doesn't mean osas is wrong.

Look, what you're asserting, we must love God, we will not live in sin, etc., is adding something to the work of Christ for salvation. I'm sure you aren't meaning to, but you're essentially saying Christ's work wasn't enough, we must do this, and this...

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:21 pm
by melanie
jpbg33 wrote:I know that this is getting a little into once saved always saved I'm not wanting to talk about that here I am just answering a comment that was make on this post.

I am not saying that you will always succeed in pleasing God, but that you will try and when you find your self not pleasing God you will make things right and start trying to pleas God again. We are humans and we make mistakes but if we love God we will make them right. But if we Don't make thing right knowing that we hurt God do we really love God?

But back to the post

I was at a friends house a while back and they believed once saved always saved and they told me that they new it was wrong to do such and such (I'm not go to say what is was that they know was a sin to do it would probably make some mad) but that they did it any ways because God forgive past present and future sin.

My question is will a real Christian fill that way or will they be trying to please God.

I do not believe a real Christian will live that way because if you are a real Christian I believe you will love God enough to want to please him no matter if what you do will cases you to loose your salvation or not.

Your friends attitudes are obviously wrong. To think we can do whatever we want and we are 'saved' is making a mockery I think of Jesus. Doesn't it come down to our attitudes? Our heart? If we are striving to do what's right and doing so because we love God, even when we fail because we will then the blood of Jesus and God's never ending forgiveness saves us. Nothing at all to do with our works as such but our attitudes and heart.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:37 pm
by Storyteller
In my honest, personal opinion some people claim salvation and belief in Christ without truly believing it. I think if you truly believe you will strive to live more like Christ but that doesn't mean you won't fail. That is different to claiming God as an excuse to knowingly sin. Having said that though, an example or a thought... an alcoholic who knowingly keeps drinking without fighting the addiction, is that different?

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:47 pm
by jpbg33
I have on problem with what y'all are saying there. I believe pretty much the same way other then the osas other then that I think what y'all said is really good and I originally asked this question because I was confused if people here believe that it was ok to sin and that there is no need to please God. Some of the comments were making me think that the belief here was that if you get saved you want necessarily try and do right but you will do what you want to do because it doesn't matter. I know that everyone's comments were not saying that but I wasn't really sure what was being said.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:15 pm
by melanie
jpbg33 wrote:I have on problem with what y'all are saying there. I believe pretty much the same way other then the osas other then that I think what y'all said is really good and I originally asked this question because I was confused if people here believe that it was ok to sin and that there is no need to please God. Some of the comments were making me think that the belief here was that if you get saved you want necessarily try and do right but you will do what you want to do because it doesn't matter. I know that everyone's comments were not saying that but I wasn't really sure what was being said.

We are pretty much in agreeance then :ebiggrin:
I don't think anyone was saying it is okay to sin, just that if we try our best and keep our eyes fixed on Christ, when we fail we can grow and learn in our assurance of God's love.
I don't know about you but the biggest lessons I have learnt have come after some rather grand stuff ups on my part.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:20 pm
by LittleHamster
melanie wrote:
jpbg33 wrote:I have on problem with what y'all are saying there. I believe pretty much the same way other then the osas other then that I think what y'all said is really good and I originally asked this question because I was confused if people here believe that it was ok to sin and that there is no need to please God. Some of the comments were making me think that the belief here was that if you get saved you want necessarily try and do right but you will do what you want to do because it doesn't matter. I know that everyone's comments were not saying that but I wasn't really sure what was being said.

We are pretty much in agreeance then :ebiggrin:
I don't think anyone was saying it is okay to sin, just that if we try our best and keep our eyes fixed on Christ, when we fail we can grow and learn in our assurance of God's love.
I don't know about you but the biggest lessons I have learnt have come after some rather grand stuff ups on my part.

Hey, you just reminded me of the 'good thief' on the cross next to Jesus at the time of crucifixion. He was saved ! What exactly did he do to get saved ? Did he love God ? Did he love anyone ? Did he do good works ? Did he do bad works ? Did he do any works ? Did he follow God's will ? Did he learn any lessons ? Did he do anything other than hang on a cross and die ?

All he did was to remember Jesus Christ. That's it ! Some prayers even recognize the good thief as the only person confirmed as a Saint, that is, a person known to be in Paradise after death—by the Bible, and indeed by Christ himself.

Salvation is free - absolutely. Some people just can't get their head around it.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:08 am
by jpbg33
Actually he did. He believe in Jesus and from the time he believe until he die the bible dose not record him committing any more sin. So to say he sinned after he was saved by Jesus is an very big stretch. All we have to do is believe works do nothing for us but if we believe if we have a chance then we will work.

Re: salvation and works

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:21 am
by Rob
jpbg33 wrote:Actually he did. He believe in Jesus and from the time he believe until he die the bible dose not record him committing any more sin.
Maybe I'm starting a big circle again here, but I just really wouldn't phrase it that way. It sounds like you're saying if the thief had done another sin while on the cross after his belief, he would not have gone to paradise. But of course, this can't be the case because Jesus told him that he would be before he even had a chance to do another sin.