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Re: Suicide

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:46 am
by RickD

I worked with a woman who was prescribed Prozac for her severe anxiety and depression. And a possible side effect of Prozac is depression, which could lead to suicidal thoughts.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:35 am
by melanie
All the stats show that the number 1 cause of suicide is mental illness.
Some showing a staggering 90%. Although there are differences in figures, usually between 70-90% they all say mental illness is by far and large the biggest contributing factor.
No great surprise though.
Sever depression and mental illness is living in the darkest and most suffocating of places that for too many escape seems impossible.
I have never suffered with this myself but I have seen enough people around me suffer with it to know, it's a lonely, hard road and one that just gets too tough sometimes.
I think we have to break down the walls of stigma attached to mental illness.
Too many people are suffering alone!

Re: Suicide

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:52 am
by Storyteller
Depression was a living hell for me. I felt alone and scared, I couldnt cope with life, there was absolutely no joy, just this huge greyness. I felt dead. I never thought about suicide but I often wanted to just simply not exist.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:40 pm
by Philip
Most people haven't a clue as to what REAL, serious depression is! I didn't either, until I went through it, caused by a severe illness. I am a person who has a crazy sense of humor. I see humor in just about everything. It's a big way of how I navigate and cope with life. But when I got seriously ill, and the aggressive Lyme bacteria I was fighting got into my brain, I became terribly depressed. I'd weep every day over things that made no sense. I remember when I couldn't think of one, single thing that could make me smile. And I didn't see any end to it. But before I went a medication route, God delivered me from it (PRAISE HIM!!!) As He began to make me physically better. And then, suddenly, the depression lifted. But before it did, I couldn't see any way out or an end to it. Actually, I didn't really connect the illness to the depression until later - which is strange. It just seemed to be something I had to endure the only way I knew how to.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:49 pm
by 1over137
I dont trust doctors anymore after my exerience. I went to hospital.only to have test there as all other doctors were on vacation. They did that rohrschach testto me made theyir diagnose (noone told me what was diagnosis that time. Now i tell you they were wrong. Schizophrenia is very popular to give as diagnosis even if wrong). The drugs they gave meade a zpmbie from me not fighting to leave from there. I also had side effects and doctors thoight i was lying. Only family got me out o had two suicide attemts.
My diagnpse should have been f32 and not f23. They made my depressioneven deeper.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:59 pm
by 1over137
Sorry typing from small phone belonging to husband.
That rohrschach test is not very good for certain types of persons. I think even now they would diagnose me some crazy stuff. How can they claim am not in normal condition when they do not know my personality at all?

Also in hospital noone wanted to talk to me. I had questions about my condition and i found only closed doors.

I know that i was not the only one complaining on the chief doctor there. Many people went through unnecessary suffering in that hospital.

Praise to god from delivering me.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:04 pm
by Mallz
Lover y@};- y@};- , you are absolutely hitting the issue with mental illness. Most mental illnesses are not mental illnesses at all. I've never had a conversation with Jac about this, but he knows exactly what I'm talking about as a hospital chaplain.
Most suicides are not caused by mental illness. Most mental illnesses are not a mental illness. There is a vast over-diagnosing and over-prescribing that only further messes up people needing real help. Spiritual distress is really what most 'mental illness' really is.
Most of the churning of this medical world is run by the stupid (outside forces influencing medicine and health) and the un-empathetic and unknowing who were taught biology and not what it means to be a human. And what a humans needs are. I can't stress this enough: a persons health is related between the spiritual (state of spiritual health), emotional (inter-playing with our will) and the physical (our bodies). If one is messed up, it can mess up the other two. The spiritual is the foundation, the emotion the present living from influence (And beliefs) and the physical (our shell that reflects the will and spirit and state of existence).

And I'm not downplaying you philip. You are one of the outliers.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:44 am
by RickD
Lover y@};- y@};- ,

He called you Lover :pound: :pound: :pound:

That never gets old. :pound: :pound:

Re: Suicide

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:07 am
by Philip
Well, I've seen drugs radically transform a friend who was SEVERELY manic! And several times. The meds were - in a most blessed way - able to turn him back from being Mr. Hyde.

My own father suffered debilitating depression back in the 1960s. His doctors' solution? They hooked him up to the jumper cables (EST). I was only about 10, so I can't say what the result was. But he got better and the rest of his life he never hit another such low. I can only remember him daily being immersed in his Bible during those days. And so I'm very careful about depression symptoms. Dad was a depression-era kid - he was a tough, rationalist, and WWII vet. But that is what brought him to his knees, at around 40.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:09 pm
by Nessa
I think medicine for mental illness has a place but it can definitely be misused as well. No doubt bout it.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:02 pm
by Mallz
Yeah.. There's a reason whey we don't do that anymore (Except in extreme cases which are controversial).
I'm not saying there is no mental illness. There definitely is. And they need some necessary things. A good stable foundation, frequent counseling (mental and life skills (spiritual would be foundational but good luck instituting that today)), a refreshed will, and medicinal support. But everything can be overcome through Him. I've seen it. We just need to heal/love the heart and soul and body enough for the person to blossom. That's part of the point of this life, too. Which is why we face tribulation when we choose Him. And everyone's is different but similar. We each have a different route through the thorns to the narrow path and need different things to nudge us there.

If we want to say everyone who has been diagnosed mentally ill is mentally ill. Then everyone is mentally ill! Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down! Move down! :pound: :wave:

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:15 am
by 1over137
While one hospital took me down the second one helped me. There I felt like a human being and not as an object of observation and experimentation.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:42 pm
by Nessa

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:46 pm
by Nessa
I think that one of the biggest causes of Suicide is people believing they don't matter. That their life doesn't matter. If they die and don't wake up, it doesn't matter and that the world will still go on. And in some ways, they are right. The sun will still shine, the rain will still fall but in other ways they couldn't be more wrong.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:47 pm
by Nessa
arrrghh! :shock: Not sure how I triple posted