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Re: The pet thread

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:02 pm
by RickD
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Have you eaten at kurieuo's house then?
I hear Mrs K makes a mean kanga stew ;)
Yes I ate there. But they didn't call it kanga stew. They said it was a "special" Kurieuo family recipe called soylent green. It was delish!
Im sure it was :mrgreen:
I always take my own food when I eat at their house - including marmite.. :P
Mrs. K is Filipino. Don't they eat dogs? Or was it cats? y:-?
Im not a pet person so Im happy with either :P
And I'm not a people person, so I'm happy with soylent green. :mrgreen:

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:01 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
Happy Birthday Bailey .. my girl's 2 , born: Jan. 10, 2014 :wave:


Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:27 pm
by RickD
EssentialSacrifice wrote:Happy Birthday Bailey .. my girl's 2 , born: Jan. 10, 2014 :wave:

I assume you are wishing her a happy birthday on G&S because she reads the forum.

Tell her to join, so we all can talk to her. :pound:

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:31 pm
by Nessa
Woof woof!
download (4).jpg
download (4).jpg (11.25 KiB) Viewed 7112 times

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:00 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
I assume you are wishing her a happy birthday on G&S because she reads the forum.
assume away ??? y:-? ;) :) .... or because it's a pet thread, her birthday and seemed the best thread available ... :pound:

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:28 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
assume you are wishing her a happy birthday on G&S because she reads the forum
y#-o y#-o y#-o man if there was ever a reason for the "DOH" ... i was really just letting you guys know... :pound: not actually wishing her a Happy Birthday :pound: ... but now i see it and yeah... y#-o but :pound:

i'll let her know if anyone passes on their best wishes ... :D

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:44 pm
by Storyteller
EssentialSacrifice wrote:I
assume you are wishing her a happy birthday on G&S because she reads the forum
y#-o y#-o y#-o man if there was ever a reason for the "DOH" ... i was really just letting you guys know... :pound: not actually wishing her a Happy Birthday :pound: ... but now i see it and yeah... y#-o but :pound:

i'll let her know if anyone passes on their best wishes ... :D
Happy Birthday Bailey!

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:23 pm
by RickD
Happy birthday Bailey!

Now that you're a teenager(2 years is 14 in dog years), please don't get into too much trouble for your dad ES.

Teenage girls can be a handful. ES, please don't leave Bailey alone with any teenage boy dogs. ;)

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:24 am
by Nicki
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:You know Kurieuo, Mel and Nicki get all the fun and entertainment with their pets ;) .....

Was that kangaroos, or Mel and Nicki's husbands, after drinking too many Foster's?

They can balance their whole body on their tail :shock:
I am impressed to say the least!
And they taste like chicken too!
Have you eaten at kurieuo's house then?
I hear Mrs K makes a mean kangaroo stew ;)
Foster's? I don't think he's ever touched the stuff - he likes the odd bottle of fancy beer. We do eat kangaroo sometimes though - it tastes a bit like venison really. :D

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:37 am
by Nessa
For the cat lovers everywhere :shock:

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:54 pm
by Nicki
Nessa wrote:For the cat lovers everywhere :shock:


Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:20 pm
by Hortator
Which user do you think would make the best pet?

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:11 am
by RickD
Hortator wrote:Which user do you think would make the best pet?

I'm like a dog.

I'm loyal to the ones I love.

I lead a simple life. Eat, sleep, play, poop, lick myself and others...

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:17 pm
by Philip
lick myself and others...
Um, hopefully, making that last word plural was a mistake? :shock:

Re: The pet thread

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:43 pm
by Nessa
Philip wrote:
lick myself and others...
Um, hopefully, making that last word plural was a mistake? :shock:
At least he said it here and not in a real room talking to us...

How uncomfortable would that be? :econfused: