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Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:09 pm
by abelcainsbrother
One thing I've noticed is evolutionists prefer to have to deal with young earth creationism.They don't want to have to deal with a knowledgable old earth Gap Theory creationist because their theory of evolution will be defeated by a much more believable theory based on much of the same evidence they use for evolution.We just show how much of the evidence really is evidence for another more belivable theory than the theory of evolution. sure it won't change science but not many people will believe evolution once all of the evidence is laid out,it gives the theory of evolution serious competition about what the evidence in the earth is telling us and what it is not telling us.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:24 pm
by hughfarey
abelcainsbrother wrote:We just show how much of the evidence really is evidence for another more believable theory than the theory of evolution.
It's been a while since I debated the evidence regarding the development of life, so forgive me if I generalise, and by all means attack the flaws in these generalisations with a good will. But here goes:
1) On the whole I find that non-evolutionists tend to rely more on saying why they think evolution is an inadequate explanation, rather than adequately explaining the processes of and evidence for alternative hypotheses.
2) Although I am a Catholic, relying on the bible as the primary evidence for, or proof of, alternatives to evolution is weak, as interpretation is all, and the majority Christian view is that the bible is not incompatible with evolution.
With this in mind I would love to hear a non-evolutionary explanation for, say, the appearance of elephants on planet earth!

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:53 pm
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:We just show how much of the evidence really is evidence for another more believable theory than the theory of evolution.
It's been a while since I debated the evidence regarding the development of life, so forgive me if I generalise, and by all means attack the flaws in these generalisations with a good will. But here goes:
1) On the whole I find that non-evolutionists tend to rely more on saying why they think evolution is an inadequate explanation, rather than adequately explaining the processes of and evidence for alternative hypotheses.
2) Although I am a Catholic, relying on the bible as the primary evidence for, or proof of, alternatives to evolution is weak, as interpretation is all, and the majority Christian view is that the bible is not incompatible with evolution.
With this in mind I would love to hear a non-evolutionary explanation for, say, the appearance of elephants on planet earth!
Let me say first off that I reject the theory of evolution based on how weak the evidence is that scientists use to demonstrate life evolves.The evidence they use does not in noway back up or demonstrate how they explain life evolves. I mean sure they use all of the big fancy scientific words and phrases that make them sound believable when they explain how life evolves but their evidence does not back up what they explain,no matter how scientific they sound when they explain it.But there are also other reasons why I reject the theory of evolution.

I do agree with you that it can be difficult to get people to accept a translation that differs from their's and we've had debates before that show this and how divisive it can get. But all I can do is explain this bible interpretation and then try to give evidence to confirm this translations and that is all I can do. In alot of ways I'm already at a disadvantage because the Gap Theory is not as popular as it used to be,it has been surpassed by more popular creation theories and interpretations just because of the platform these creation ministeries have,they have the platform to get their bible theory and interpretation out there and are much more popular. But just because they are more popular today does not mean they are right. I believe one reason the Gap Theory is not as popular today as it used to be is because it does not have the platform the other more popular creation theories have,but I believe if it had the platform of any of these much bigger platforms have the theory of evolution would have been defeated by creationism along time ago,or at the very least it would not be as accepted as it is now today.

As far as elephants there were wooly mammoths in the former world that lived in that world until they died and then the former world perished completely and there was a Gap of time until God made this world and made elephants for this world.

An example for this is Genesis 1:24"And God said,Let the earth bring forth the living creature AFTER HIS KIND,cattle,and creeping thing,and beast of the earth AFTER HIS KIND:and it was so.
Notice that God made these creatures AFTER HIS KIND,this is telling us that God made these creatures after life he had already created before - AFTER HIS KIND,it points to the life that existed before this life was made. So Wooly mammoths were created first for the former world then when God made this world he made elephants AFTER HIS KIND which would have been Wooly Mammoths.

The problem though is science always keeps atleast some life alive so that it can evolve through all exctinction events. We would conclude that because of looking at everything from an evolution perspective scientists have overlooked that there was a Gap and all things have not gone on continually since the beginning of the creation.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:35 am
by hughfarey
Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Dryas event.

Re: How God can create through evolution:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:11 am
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Thank you, abelcainsbrother, but can you see that you have conformed exactly to the stereotype I generalised above? You began, not by giving evidence for an alternative hypothesis, but in finding fault with evolution, and proceeded to quote only the bible as evidence for your beliefs. However, can I delve a little deeper into the elephant thing?
Firstly, When you say the former world perished completely with the death of woolly mammoths, can you say roughly when this was? Woolly mammoths are supposed to have become extinct some time after the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, although some seem to have survived until about 6000 years ago. Is that about the timescale for this 'perishing completely' that you have in mind?
Secondly, what do you mean by 'perished completely'? Do you mean that the world was destroyed and recreated, or just that all living things perished?
Thank you very much.
Yeah,I just briefly explained why I reject evolution.I did not go into great detail about why,I just explained why so that you would understand.I can get into why in much greater detail though but I have'nt at this time. We can have that discussion I'm sure somewhere in these threads though.

As far as the former world and when we think it perished you first must understand the Gap Theory biblical interpretation and then after that can delve into science to find evidence to support it. It was not my intention to explain in great detail in this thread.

Yes,we believe there was a former world that existed on this earth that had life,etc in it but that former world perished completely until God made this world we now live in and we believe the bible teaches this but has been overlooked by many.It is biblically based first and then we try to find evidence and the evidence is in and on this earth that a former world did indeed exist.

As far as when the former world perished the best we can tell is the Younger Drya event.