Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I don't think that we ever had, or will have a true communist state ( though we do practice "communist" ideals within our family structure).

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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by B. W. »

Based on all available evidence, ED's entire understanding of literally everything can be summed up with two false syllogisms:

"The Right" is bad.
X is bad.
Therefore, X is of "the Right."

"The left" is good.
Y is good.
Therefore, Y is of "the left."

Take those misconceptions, season them with heaping spoonfuls of fear and rage, and that's Ed.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by B. W. »

melanie wrote:B.W that's not correct
Your understanding of politicals is flawed due to a personal bias of only wanting or willing to see it through your lens.
The ideals of communism and fascism are opposite.
Communism is a classless system whilst fascism is a nationalist system that relies on the delegation of class.
The mere fact that you would attribute both ideals to a left wing idealogy shows me that you don't clearly understand the politics. I get that it's been subversived in the media to mean whatever one would like it too but in the fairness of history, politics and truth that's just not the case.
With all respect your understanding of politics is not accurate and I strongly suggest you independently research the history of communism and the history of fascism.
What is most important in the end is truth. That cannot be subversived or twisted by any side when we know the facts and can separate truth from fiction.
Hold on Mel, Fascism and Communism are both of the extreme Left. That is historically accurate.

Soft Socialism eventually leads to greater forms of Hard Socialism which involves acquiring total power to control all aspects of life. Fabian socialism is a slow steady approach toward one a world governmental system. It is systematic and slow.

You have the Saul Alinsky type which is a mix of soft and hard socialism where the ends justify the means to achieve the total destruction of society and reshape it where power of the state rules the masses.

In the USA, in our history, we rejected the Divine Right of King model of Government, which is a socialist model where one person governs through, yes men - the elites - with absolute power.

We in the USA set up the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and a divided but coequal 3 branches of Govt for the people and by the people to avoid the divine right model of Govt of England had back in 1776 era.

Europe and the world for centuries were governed by kings and emperors and their 'yes men' elites. Will You deny this?

Both Soft socialism and Hard socialism goals use ideas of fairness and equality as the tools needed to win over public support for their acquiring of absolute governmental power. They cannot take care of you after they run out of other peoples money.

They care less about the poor and the needy but say they do in order to keep them voting and supporting their climb to achieve total power. Basically the phrase, useful idiots, comes into play here for those that champion the ideas of socialism's Utopian society which they will not deliver on. Once in power, it is over, period.

Prophetically, since this is a Bible based Website and Forum, know that this goal will be reached. It will be reached by shedding of blood of Christians and Jews. Until then, we have the right to defend ourselves and be salt and light to a world hell bent on actual oppression and destruction of freedom to be uncut stones.

Nimrod, set up a kingdom where all people were shaped into the same mold, bricks. The Govt he set up decided for the people who and what they are to be and be like. On the other had, God told Jacob, Abraham, Moses, to use uncut stones to build altars to God. Uncut stones. Think about the difference.

I went to college, Social Work is my Degree. I was inundated with leftist, socialism thought and tactics for social change based totally on lies. I attended, for my practicum, Teacher Certification Classes, where they justified the new ideas to brainwash the younger generations to accept the ideas of socialism's quest for absolute power to govern all, not for positive improving of society, but rather to acquire raw power by using people's heart strings to build this off of. This is was sick. Do you support this?

I am seeing the fruit of it now and I just do not give a rip what you, Mel, or Ed or anyone says about how off I am on this or that I do not know what the hell I am talking about. I was trained in it. I read the works of Alinsky and other leftist as textbooks. I was publicly persecuted along with other Christians in several Social Work Classes, so don't say I do not know what is coming by means of useful idiots.

The extreme left is both Fascist and Communist. Both govern the same way, by means of absolute power. They are like parallel train tracks joined by railroad ties heading in the same direction. Soft socialism and Hard socialism likewise use the same tactics as both these groups. We are experiencing these in the USA now in full force. Fascism and Communism were experiments as was German 1870 progressive socialism. The new socialist think they can improve the model of welding absolute power to govern fairly. They cannot and will not.

I humbly suggest that you read bible prophecy on who the anti-Christ is and his form of global Govt he will rule by and how he brings this about. The stage is being set.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by edwardmurphy »

So you're rubber and I'm glue? Wow.

Seriously, though, if you paid any attention at all you'd know that that's BS. I hate the terms "left" and "right." They're only useful in context, and if there's one thing that never shows up in today's political dialogue it's context.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by B. W. »

Here ya all go...

This is what we are dealing with...

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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by B. W. »

What Proff Jordan mentions is correct even correct in regards to the Universities in USA. I went through the Social Work Program at Colorado State University.

I chose that field because I enjoy helping people better themselves. Instead, I leanred the stuff this video discusses. Our Text books at the time, want us to become "Agents of Social Change" fully trained in " Community Organization for social change."

Post Modern Marxist were my Professors their. All Radicals of the left of the 1960's and 70's. Their goal was to gain power, pure and simple, wield political power based on Identity Politics in order to destroy the existing social and governing order under the disguise of promoting equity ie equality, fairness, etc.

We were trained to look for hierarchy in a system. A system is any organization, group, society. We were trained to sort people into groups, we could control for political goals - votes. These systems if they did not have the proper equality ratio per population demographic we then suggest changes to it or raise collective H**L to ensure equality.

We also attended Teacher Continues ED Certification classes and wrote reports on what we saw, on how the need to train the young pre-scholars to High School to think in postmodern Marxist terms. It was absolutely crazy.

Proff Jordan in the Video addresses this with a better flare I can do to warn people about what the heck is going on.

They are now tearing down monuments and history, just like ISIS, the Taliban, and Nazi's and Communist all did. They are sorting people into groups to identify who the victims are feeding them with thoughts of revenge and calling good people racist, bigots, etc,,, In Canada, they have Boards of Govt to determine compliance to Marxist leftist mod of thinking.

This is what we are facing. It is here, You see it on the news. The Left is open about this. People are being called names that do not apply to them at all to force compliance....

There are many fair minded people who want the best for people, who model themselves after love and acceptance of all people, who want to help people better themselves, and do altruistic things out of the goodness of their heart. Many such folks side with the postmodern Marxist thought without realizing they are being used. They side with noble ideas of socialism or basic altruism not realizing whom they are siding with.

Many even think and call themselves Progressive Liberals but if they actually knew the end result of Progressive post modernist, the acquiring of total power to control all aspects of human life, they would in turn rebel against it.

The true Postmodern Leftist are the ones in power. The ones fomenting the violence. It is those who I have grown to hate with a righteous anger because I know their end game, and it is not pretty, not is it true equality.

I went into the field of Criminal Justice with my S.W. degree as there was hope then, that the Left had not gained control of that field in Colorado. During my career, I saw the changes, and the stupid diversity training, the racism training, the hug a thug approach, poverty and victims of oppression training mixed with a few actual training pertaining to the actual job.

Nowadays, it is a mess. The true leftist want dead cops and shout it using the postmodern text book of oppression to bring about chaos in the streets so the politics left gains more power to take over all aspects of life. Law and order is breaking down in the USA in the major cities. People and organizations are now being controlled by identity politics and the fear it instills in people when you have Govt Commission to enforce it as they have in parts of Canada and soon the USA.

This sort of thing happened in the USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, killing over 100 million people.

Post modern Marxism desire to maintain population of around 500 million people worldwide, They support genocide of babies in the womb for mostly minority groups and assisted suicide. They, the leaders will be the top and rest of humanity will be their footmat to wipe their dirty feet on.

They like to divide and conquer in order destroy the identity of people, and even will destroy/eliminate those who at first support their propaganda duped into thinking they are doing the right thing. Those people awake to the game these leaders play and are eliminated. It has happened in every Marxist country and Fascist country on the same level and use of same tactics.

I understand that for some of you, you may have innocently sided with the left without realizing what it is you are actually siding with.

All I suggest, is that you check out what Postmodern Marxism is, its goals, in its plans, its tactics - these folks are brazenly open about it. Our Universities Humanities departments and Educations departments are open about this. Wha Proff Jordan mentions is true.

Next you have the hard core Leftist who will use ridicule and seek to pit people against each even on discussions forms such as this. Just be aware of the Left's game and their real end goal, POWER; RAW POWER over all as they chose to weild it for their benefit - not humanities.

As Christians, we see the sin nature n humanity because t is there within all people and is why leftist thought will never be able to achieve Utopian Good.

Throughout history, the central planning model of Govt, produces more bad and corrupt leaders that decent ones.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

That sounds crazy, but actually makes good sense. Even I see it happening too, and how people are sucked in the "bread and circus" of stuff like shoes, movies, clothes, and pop music, with little else.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Kid, B.W. is a fanatic. He has this one idea - the left is bad - and he seemingly spends all of his time trying to support it.

I have a history degree and I like to read. I went through a College of Education, too. I have an M.Ed. I've worked as a teacher and been in dozens of schools and hundreds of classrooms. I know scores of teachers. I'm married to a Principal. And I'm going to tell you that most of the things that B.W. is saying range from grossly oversimplified to outright false. Thats not to say that there's no truth to anything he says, but those nuggets of truth are buried so deeply in paranoid delusions that they're nearly unrecognizable.

I have a bit of advice for you.

Don't trust pundits and fanatics, ever, period. Anyone who tells you that the other side is responsible for all the ills of the world and their side can do no wrong is either crazy or lying. Things are very rarely cut and dried, black and white, or simple. If an explanation can fit on a bumper sticker then it's an oversimplification at best. More likely it's a lie. Don't be seduced by liars, particularly if they always seem to say what you want to hear. Question their claims and their motives. Think for yourself.

Long story short, nobody holds a monopoly on truth or righteousness. The truth is almost always complex and if two Parties are claiming that they're right it's a safe bet that both are right about some things, wrong about others, and either misrepresenting or omitting whatever doesn't fit their narrative.

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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by melanie »

As Christians, we see the sin nature n humanity because t is there within all people and is why leftist thought will never be able to achieve Utopian Good.
And therein lies the biggest blunder, that politics will ever or has ever been the navigator of goodness or Christian collective thought or a utopia.
Politics is as worldly as the name suggests.
I could argue academically and politically all the inaccuracies of your post but I would rather highlight that no government, in it's greed and quest for power is trying or striving for a godly outcome.
It's not the nature of the game and you are kidding yourself if you think it is.
The reason secular government when you strip it bare resembles each other so closely is because behind every campaign is the same intended desire and outcome.... power and control.
It's unscrupulous and deliberately misleading because that is the nature of the beast, so to speak.
As far as a working, fair, utopian democracy entails I lean towards a socialist democracy but I'm not deluded in thinking that firstly that is attainable perfectly because history shows it's not, neither would I ever suggest that it's Godly because when you put men in positions of power they are not thinking of anything first other than ego.
That is politics
And that is the nature of men
Both left and right
Sure you can have a personal preference for secular politics but when you become so one-eyed you can't see straight then it becomes difficult to see the forest through the trees.
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Let us talk and adultly debate politics but don't convolute or pretend like a 'side' has the monopoly on faith or goodness because that's a load of rubbish!
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by Philip »

Get society's collective hearts and minds correct towards God, FIRST, and THEN good politics will flow from that! Yet, so many Christians talk as if the inverse sequence is the answer - which is impossible. What INSTANTLY changed the former Saul's politics??? Faith in Christ and discovering Godly values!
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by Hortator »

edwardmurphy wrote:Kid, B.W. is a fanatic. He has this one idea - the left is bad - and he seemingly spends all of his time trying to support it.

I have a history degree and I like to read. I went through a College of Education, too. I have an M.Ed. I've worked as a teacher and been in dozens of schools and hundreds of classrooms. I know scores of teachers. I'm married to a Principal. And I'm going to tell you that most of the things that B.W. is saying range from grossly oversimplified to outright false. Thats not to say that there's no truth to anything he says, but those nuggets of truth are buried so deeply in paranoid delusions that they're nearly unrecognizable.

I have a bit of advice for you.

Don't trust pundits and fanatics, ever, period. Anyone who tells you that the other side is responsible for all the ills of the world and their side can do no wrong is either crazy or lying. Things are very rarely cut and dried, black and white, or simple. If an explanation can fit on a bumper sticker then it's an oversimplification at best. More likely it's a lie. Don't be seduced by liars, particularly if they always seem to say what you want to hear. Question their claims and their motives. Think for yourself.

Long story short, nobody holds a monopoly on truth or righteousness. The truth is almost always complex and if two Parties are claiming that they're right it's a safe bet that both are right about some things, wrong about others, and either misrepresenting or omitting whatever doesn't fit their narrative.

Think. For. Yourself.
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by Mallz »

There is no satan, there are no conspiracies, there is no spiritual warfare, biblical prophecy is false.

Oh, wait...
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Re: Well, what about offensive historical public monuments?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Hortator wrote:What do you think about David Barton and the Wallbuilder's Foundation?
When you asked the answer was "Never heard of them," so I did 90 seconds of Googling. At a glance, it doesn't seem like we'd see eye to eye.
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