No comments on Kavanaugh???

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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by Kurieuo »

Had my wife say Trump should have just nominated a woman, then there'd be no issue. BUT, then, what's that say -- it gives into men being generally bad i.e., all men are rapists?

It seems this extreme leftist ideology is seeping in and erroding. Even if people disagree with it, they want to take the minimum path of resistence. Path of least resistence, while it might be the easiest, it is doubtful whether it's the best.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by PaulSacramento »

If all men are rapists then all women are whores.
Oh, what a wonderful world we live in.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by RickD »

PaulSacramento wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:30 am If all men are rapists then all women are whores.
Oh, what a wonderful world we live in.
That's only in Canada.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:54 pm
PaulSacramento wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:17 pmAccording to some, the court of public opinion is the only one the matters.
You still haven't told me how any of this is supposed to work. Whatever.

It seems like what you want is for me to admit that everyone is treating Kavanaugh very unfairly and they should give him the benefit of the doubt, but you don't want to say "be nice to my guy" because that would seem like partisan pleading, so you're phrasing it as a universal and an unalienable right. Fine.

People aren't treating Brett Kavanaugh very fairly. They should give him the benefit of the doubt, and stop saying mean things about him. Happy?

Now it's my turn.

You know that phrase "Remember Benghazi"? When are you gong to get upset about the fact that nobody gave Hillary Clinton the benefit of the doubt or the presumption of innocence after the Benghazi attack? Or after the bipartisan investigation found that she did nothing wrong? Or after the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh partisan investigations failed to reveal any impropriety on her part? If the presumption of innocence is an inalienable right then Mrs. Clinton was badly wronged by the GOP, and by many who post on these very boards. For some reason you failed to take them to task. When are you going to do that?

Remember the Uranium One scandal? Remember how Republicans were ready to "lock her up" the second that story hit the air? Remember how it was completely debunked on FOX News? A lot of regulars to these boards were passionate about seeing Hillary go down for treason. They made all kinds of slanderous statements without a shred of evidence to back them. They utterly, gleefully, ignored her inalienable right to the presumption of innocence! Go get 'em, Paul! Burn them in the fires of your righteous fury!

Remember when people refused to believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States, despite having no evidence to the contrary, and that he was therefore both an illegitimate President and a criminal? I'm pretty sure that some of the regulars here still hold to that story. Surely if the President of the United States claims that he was born in the United States people will give him the benefit of the doubt, and not demand that he provide a copy of his birth announcement and two birth certificates. But if he does provide those things then surely they'll accept the validity of his birth. And if some other man, looking for personal political gain, were to refuse to grant the President the presumption of innocence - which is Mr. Obama's inalienable right!!! - then that person would be seen as dishonorable and shunned by decent, right-thinking Americans, right? Right? RIGHT?

Here's the thing, Paul - the people who hated Obama and Clinton didn't give a flying [love] about truth, decency, or anybody's inalienable rights, and neither did the people who uncritically accepted and happily repeated all of their slanderous lies. All they cared about was doing as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible, and as often as possible. For me, sitting here and reading through all of the howls of outrage over poor Brett Kavanaugh is kind of hilarious, in a sickening sort of way. I'm not even sure you guys are aware of the depths of the hypocrisy here, but I assure you, it goes pretty [love] deep.

So sure, everybody has the inalienable right to the presumption of innocence. I'll start taking that seriously as soon as you do.
RickD wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:56 amThis is quite pathetic. Even if he's innocent, don't confirm him?
Rick, Kavanaugh is a hard right conservative who will almost definitely be the final piece in the Republican plan to decimate organized labor, gay rights, women's reproductive rights, environmental protection, consumer protection, the ACA and all of the protections contained therein, and a number of other things that liberal Americans hold dear (and working class conservatives will miss when they're gone). Picking Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court is Donald Trump's way of telling all of the people that didn't vote for him to go [love] themselves. The sexual assault allegations are significant because they might erode Republican support for Kavanaugh. He never had any Democratic support to lose. So yeah, even if he's innocent he's still a terrible nominee. Don't confirm him.

You're wrong again! You see conservatives DO NOT KNOWINGLY LIE about Obama,Hillary,etc.It is you and your Democrt party that uses lies and slander and this is exactly what they have done to Kavanaugh. I know you don't believe conservatives but they do not knowingly lie.It is the truth about Benghazi and Euranium one. These are not lies by the right,they are the truth,you just don't believe it,and instead believe what the MSM says and reports. You go by and trust what they say and so are misinformed on these issues.

It is also a fact that Obama was not a US citezen and was born in Kenya and it is also true that Hillary was the first one to bring it up when she ran against Obama. Even when I have proven this to you before you ignore the evidence and still deny the truth.It is also not a lie when I tell you that the Obama administration committed sedition which is a Federal crime and arrests are coming for it too and you are going to see military tribunals. Meanwhile Russia collusion was a lie by you and your party and the MSM because it is what you and your party do lie and slander political opponents and you think it is justified because the right tells the truth and exposes what has really happened.And unlike with the Russia collusion lie you will not be able to deny the sedition crime committed by Obama,Hillary,James Comey.,Peter Strozk,etc. They have the evidence to prove these crimes too.

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Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by Philip »

To answer the question of this thread's title: Thank God the left's tactics of hyping UN-substantiated accusations did not work! The hysteria, anger, hatred and disregard for facts, and total disrespect for a man they had not a bit of proof as to what he was accused of - well, Americans were watching and those across the heartland, especially, were appalled and will remember. It's really time Democrats abandoned running on a platform of what has mostly become, "We hate Trump and Republicans," and instead actually become willing to work with Republicans to find common ground, to come up with fresh ideas and solutions that both parties can work with for successful outcomes. And both parties should do this - be willing to find good common ground that benefits us all. And both parties better begin to confront the massive debt that keeps growing like a dangerous monster that threatens us all!

And while I personally see much good that Trump has done, he's also very problematic and deliberately and unnecessarily divisive. He's often an offensive nitwit who doesn't know how to not make himself an obstacle to achieving his better impulses. So often he needs to shut his mouth and stay away from Twitterville! A much more mature conservative would be far preferable. His presidency almost guaranteed countless legal battles. Whoring around on his wife with porn girl - really takes away his moral voice or talk of familial values. But if Trump has done us but one big favor, it has been that conservatives need not be afraid to confront bad decisions, ideas and policies, or being afraid of being conservatives. But in certain areas, Trump's mouth has wrongly given people a very misleading impression about conservatives - particularly of Christians. I read progressive rants in the media about the supposed views of Christians and I often wonder if these people truly know very many Christians, as the caricatures they assert are mostly unrecognizable to the Christians I know! YES, Christians have different, Bible-based views than many non-Christians. But most I know are FAR more tolerant and respectful of the views of non-Christians than many of those on the left show Christians.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:17 pm To answer the question of this thread's title: Thank God the left's tactics of hyping UN-substantiated accusations did not work! The hysteria, anger, hatred and disregard for facts, and total disrespect for a man they had not a bit of proof as to what he was accused of - well, Americans were watching and those across the heartland, especially, were appalled and will remember. It's really time Democrats abandoned running on a platform of what has mostly become, "We hate Trump and Republicans," and instead actually become willing to work with Republicans to find common ground, to come up with fresh ideas and solutions that both parties can work with for successful outcomes. And both parties should do this - be willing to find good common ground that benefits us all. And both parties better begin to confront the massive debt that keeps growing like a dangerous monster that threatens us all!

And while I personally see much good that Trump has done, he's also very problematic and deliberately and unnecessarily divisive. He's often an offensive nitwit who doesn't know how to not make himself an obstacle to achieving his better impulses. So often he needs to shut his mouth and stay away from Twitterville! A much more mature conservative would be far preferable. His presidency almost guaranteed countless legal battles. Whoring around on his wife with porn girl - really takes away his moral voice or talk of familial values. But if Trump has done us but one big favor, it has been that conservatives need not be afraid to confront bad decisions, ideas and policies, or being afraid of being conservatives. But in certain areas, Trump's mouth has wrongly given people a very misleading impression about conservatives - particularly of Christians. I read progressive rants in the media about the supposed views of Christians and I often wonder if these people truly know very many Christians, as the caricatures they assert are mostly unrecognizable to the Christians I know! YES, Christians have different, Bible-based views than many non-Christians. But most I know are FAR more tolerant and respectful of the views of non-Christians than many of those on the left show Christians.

Before any of that can happen as far as abandoning the Trump hate and Democrats actually working to help America the swamp is going to have to be drained first.It cannot happen until the swamp is drained and it won't happen because they are controlled by money,blackmail,etc to go along with a certian agenda that is not good for the American people.So pray that Trump truly succeeds in draining the swamp because nothing will change unless he and his team are able too. I believe it is going to happen but we cannot take anything for granted.If Donald Trump does not succeed in draining the swamp then there is no hope for the future of America and the American people.This is our last chance to clean out the corruption in Washington DC and if Trump does not succeed we won't get another chance.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by Philip »

ACB: Before any of that can happen as far as abandoning the Trump hate and Democrats actually working to help America the swamp is going to have to be drained first.It cannot happen until the swamp is drained and it won't happen because they are controlled by money,blackmail,etc to go along with a certian agenda that is not good for the American people.
Look, that swamp isn't just populated by Democrats - it's far deeper than that. You've got lobbyists, all manner of people with harmful agendas that have nothing to do with making America a healthy functioning country. As long as their are human beings in government, there will be a swamp. Don't fantasize that it CAN be drained. Maybe, if enough people of good character and values will step up with good ideas and be responsible, we can make the swamp a lot smaller. But get rid of it - please, the story of humanity has been populated with swamps!

ACB: If Donald Trump does not succeed in draining the swamp then there is no hope for the future of America and the American people.
Listen, Trump is no messiah! He's not remotely as moral a person as many other quite capable people in government. God does not need Donald Trump to achieve His objectives, though He undoubtedly is using Him for His purposes - ones we cannot yet know. And from what I can see of his attitude and often crass behavior - in areas where he could be uniting people and encouraging instead of constantly demonizing - I doubt very seriously whether he's a Christian. But that's between him and God. But God has well used non-Christians throughout history for good outcomes - so, we'll see. If he'd change in areas he should and be far more mature, well, I'd certainly welcome that. But Trump appears to never change or learn from his mistakes.
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by Kurieuo »

I just have one word to say: (warning: explicit language y=; )
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by Philip »

The "v word" sounds like some obscure, third-world country! :lol:
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Re: No comments on Kavanaugh???

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:58 pm
ACB: Before any of that can happen as far as abandoning the Trump hate and Democrats actually working to help America the swamp is going to have to be drained first.It cannot happen until the swamp is drained and it won't happen because they are controlled by money,blackmail,etc to go along with a certian agenda that is not good for the American people.
Look, that swamp isn't just populated by Democrats - it's far deeper than that. You've got lobbyists, all manner of people with harmful agendas that have nothing to do with making America a healthy functioning country. As long as their are human beings in government, there will be a swamp. Don't fantasize that it CAN be drained. Maybe, if enough people of good character and values will step up with good ideas and be responsible, we can make the swamp a lot smaller. But get rid of it - please, the story of humanity has been populated with swamps!

ACB: If Donald Trump does not succeed in draining the swamp then there is no hope for the future of America and the American people.
Listen, Trump is no messiah! He's not remotely as moral a person as many other quite capable people in government. God does not need Donald Trump to achieve His objectives, though He undoubtedly is using Him for His purposes - ones we cannot yet know. And from what I can see of his attitude and often crass behavior - in areas where he could be uniting people and encouraging instead of constantly demonizing - I doubt very seriously whether he's a Christian. But that's between him and God. But God has well used non-Christians throughout history for good outcomes - so, we'll see. If he'd change in areas he should and be far more mature, well, I'd certainly welcome that. But Trump appears to never change or learn from his mistakes.

I'm not just talking about Democrats being in the swamp as it is Republicans also.It has never been about only just the Democrats with the alt-right it is both parties that have been corrupted and compromised.And yes we can drain the swamp and we can prosecute these traitors in our government and it can make a big difference in both parties. You're telling me that if these traitors to our US Constitution are prosecuted it won't make a difference? Yes it will. As far as Trump being a Christian I believe him when he says he is and although it seems to rub you the wrong way with how he fights back politically it never has bothered me because it is very effective politically.

But as I've pointed out before if we go back in history and examine the past Presidents going back to Ronald Reagan and we accept that the ones who claimed to be Christian were really Christian can you explain how it benefitted the American people politically? Because I can see no benefit at all from past President's who talked the talk as a Christian but did not walk the walk as a Christian and America only suffered because of it.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is not faking it like they were,he is being real and that counts more for me than the hypocrites we had before that claimed to be Christians but were'nt. They just faked us out. And you're right even if Trump is not a Christian God can use Donald Trump for good things but what you fail to realize is that Donald Trump is our last chance to drain the swamp and clean out the corruption in Washington DC and if he does not succeed nothing will change and we'll go back to the old corrupt Republican vs Democrat political game where both parties are compromised and are pushing an agenda that is treason to the US Constitution and there is no way to change it.We have the chance to now and we need to make it count now. This is not making Donald Trump into a Messiah it is realizing just how corrupt the US Government has become and draining the swamp to clean out these corrupt people in our government and porosecute them for treason so that in the fiuture they know they will go to jail just like the American people if they break the law and committ treason against America,the American people and the US Constitution. It is the people's responsibility to clean out our government when we have traitors in it.Read the US Constitution.

I seem to remember you hinting before that it might take the American people to change things but you seem to have went soft since then.What happened? You were hinting that a civil war might break out,etc and I thought you realized at the time what it might take,but you seem to have went cold about it.Look at it this way,it won't take a bloody civil war if Donald Trump and the Q team are truly able to drain the swamp and all the American people have to do is get behind this effort and they will have the American people on their side to drain the swamp and it is really them doing the work for us and we just support them politically.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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