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Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:37 pm
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:56 pmThen I wonder why this article came out.

"Amid Ukraine complaint, GOP questions move to drop ‘first-hand’ info requirement in whistleblower form" ... lower-form ... knowledge/
The Federalist either failed to thoroughly research the whistleblower laws before they went to press, or they posted a deliberately misleading story for purely partisan reasons. Then the rest of the right wing press picked up the story and either failed to fact check the Federalist's story or deliberately repeated a misleading story for purely partisan reasons.

Here's the IGIC's response to the Federalist's story.
The Disclosure of Urgent Concern form the Complainant submitted on August 12, 2019 is the same form the ICIG has had in place since May 24, 2018, which went into effect before Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 29, 2018, following his swearing in as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 17, 2018. Although the form requests information about whether the Complainant possesses first-hand knowledge about the matter about which he or she is lodging the complaint, there is no such requirement set forth in the statute. In fact, by law the Complainant – or any individual in the Intelligence Community who wants to report information with respect to an urgent concern to the congressional intelligence committees – need not possess first-hand information in order to file a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern. The ICIG cannot add conditions to the filing of an urgent concern that do not exist in law. Since Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, the ICIG has not rejected the filing of an alleged urgent concern due to a whistleblower’s lack of first-hand knowledge of the allegations.
And here's IGIC's response to the President's narrative that the whistleblower is a spy, only had second hand knowledge, or was just repeating hearsay.
As part of his determination that the urgent concern appeared credible, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant had official and authorized access to the information and sources referenced in the Complainant’s Letter and Classified Appendix, including direct knowledge of certain alleged conduct, and that the Complainant has subject matter expertise related to much of the material information provided in the Complainant’s Letter and Classified Appendix. In short, the ICIG did not find that the Complainant could “provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions,” which would have made it much harder, and significantly less likely, for the Inspector General to determine in a 14-calendar day review period that the complaint “appeared credible,” as required by statute. Therefore, although the Complainant’s Letter acknowledged that the Complainant was not a direct witness to the President’s July 25, 2019, telephone call with the Ukrainian President, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that other information obtained during the ICIG’s preliminary review supported the Complainant’s allegations. The Complainant followed the law in filing the urgent concern complaint, and the ICIG followed the law in transmitting the information to the Acting Director of National Intelligence on August 26, 2019.
The guy at the Federalist is either wrong or deliberately lying. That same can be said of the President, his allies in the GOP, and all of the pundits supporting him and pushing his narrative.

Here's a more detailed breakdown from Media Matters, if you're interested.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:26 pm
by edwardmurphy

And here's another debunking of the Federalist story. This pleases me. The media is kind of on the ball, even though Trump tried to distract them by talking about arresting Adam Schiff for treason. I was afraid that they'd totally lose track of everything else.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:48 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Ed is wrong again and needs to take his own advice to fact check and actually read the transcript of the phone call.Because you will see yourself Trump did not try to force the Ukraine to investigate Biden's son by threatenening to with hold foreign aid like Ed claimed.Read it here and see yourself. ... index.html

You will see for yourself that at no time did Trump try to force Ukraine to investigate Biden as has been accused.So this whole thing is based on a lie.Trump asking about the Biden investigation inwhich Bidens son was being investigated is not trying to force Ukraine to investigate it,nor did Trump threaten to withold aid,or money like is claimed.And again it is Biden that we have on tape admitting he extorted Ukraine threatening to withhold 1.5 billion,unlike Trump. Further more,it is good to know that the Ukraine President is a nationalist like Trump and ran on draining the swamp in Ukraine too,just like Trump did.Remember I've been telling ya'll how the world is rejecting liberalism and this is just more evidence. In election after election around the world liberals and the left are losing and they did in Ukraine too.They love each other and support one another.And he will help Trump expose Biden and the investigation into Biden's son. This is already backfiring on the Democrats and is taking out Biden.As this was all planned out by the Trump team and the Democrats and their MSM have done exactly what Trump's team wanted.As Biden has written to all of the MSM news outlets and demanded they not allow Guiliani on their shows to speak,in other words censorship.When the dust settles Trump will be victorious again and people like Ed who still believe the MSM who have been wrong about Trump since day one will be let down again.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:23 pm
by abelcainsbrother
What people like Ed don't realize is that this kind of stuff from the Democrats and MSM to slander political foes worked in the past but the ratings have dropped and the readership has dropped amongst all of the MSM news outlets and now there is a much larger audience getting their news from alternative news sources and so they are not able to reach enough people anymore,nor sway them like they use to be able to do.Our audience is far larger than their's and anytime they report fake news it is exposed too,which ruins their credibility even more than it already is.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:28 pm
by RickD
Ladies and gentlemen...

Welcome to the G&S battle of the intransigent extremists.

In the blue corner is the challenger, hailing from the liberal bastion of New England. With a record of 0 wins, 0 losses, and 50 draws, Edwardmurphy aka skeptical skeeter aka Iain'tnoleftist.

In the red corner is the champion, hailing from way up Trump's rear end. With an undefeated(only in his own mind) record of 96 wins, and 0 losses. All of his wins have come by way of knockout(when his opponents endlessly bang their heads against the wall). We have Abelcainsbrother, aka The Trumpuppet.

:warmup: :twodancing: :fryingpan:

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:42 pm
by abelcainsbrother
RickD wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:28 pm Ladies and gentlemen...

Welcome to the G&S battle of the intransigent extremists.

In the blue corner is the challenger, hailing from the liberal bastion of New England. With a record of 0 wins, 0 losses, and 50 draws, Edwardmurphy aka skeptical skeeter aka Iain'tnoleftist.

In the red corner is the champion, hailing from way up Trump's rear end. With an undefeated(only in his own mind) record of 96 wins, and 0 losses. All of his wins have come by way of knockout(when his opponents endlessly bang their heads against the wall). We have Abelcainsbrother, aka The Trumpuppet.

:warmup: :twodancing: :fryingpan:
Just go by evidence and believe the opposite of about 95% of what the MSM claims and you will learn the truth.Saddly,some refuse to look at the facts and evidence and dig into things to get to the truth,and so are easily mislead.But yet will take a survey about 15 minutes long telling them what kind of potato they are.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:01 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I do not care that some think I'm Trump blinded because I support him.But blame it on the left and MSM who has done everything they can to undermine and harm Trump,because I'm not just going to sit back and not speak up when I can,I will.Because right is right and wrong is wrong.Perhaps some think I should atleast occassionaly act like Trump did something that rubbed me the wrong way,yet I cannot think of one thing Trump has done that let me down.I supported the agenda he ran on and so I think he has done an awesome job fulfilling his campaign promises.And I actually like it when he hits back when he gets hit politically as I used to wish Republicans fought back like Trump does,so why would it now bother me? I sat there and watched how the left and MSM smeared Bush over the Iraq war,while he just sat back and allowed it without fighting back.So that Obama won easily. Trump is doing what I wished Bush would have done and fight back. In an ironic twist Ed and liberals use to point out how the intelligence agencies were wrong claiming Saddam had WMD's but now Ed bashes Trump for ignoring the intelligence agencies as in this thread who have been trying to lead Trump into wars and Trump is not a neo-con.Trump has not forgot how they lied about WMD's in Iraq to get us into war.Trump made it clear that he would rather use the money we waste in wars to improve America's infrastructure,which I agree with.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother
It is looking like it is going to be Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren vs Donald Trump for President. It will be whoever the DNC decides for Democrat voters as the DNC decides who wins in their primaries,not the voters.Project Veritas exposed the DNC months before the 16 Democrat primary election and Primary election night 16 Hillary vs Bernie proved Project Veritas correct that they had rigged the primary for Hillary and that it did not matter how the voters voted.

We all watched as Bernie started winning States,when all of a sudden the delegates Bernie won were given to Hillary,which caused Bernie fans to stay home thinking Hillary already won.There are now some former Bernie Sanders fans in the alternative media now because of it. And we all remember thousands of Bernie Sanders fans outside the DNC protesting shouting "Hell No DNC,WE WON'T VOTE FOR HILLARY!" Over and over. To this day nothing has been done to fix the rigged DNC primary and Bernie Sanders himself is too much of a wimp to even bring it up.Yet we who are informed know that the DNC primary is rigged for whoever the DNC decides for the voters and the Democrats have been too focused on Trump bashing to do anything to fix the problem.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:28 pm
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:28 pm Ladies and gentlemen...

Welcome to the G&S battle of the intransigent extremists.

In the blue corner is the challenger, hailing from the liberal bastion of New England. With a record of 0 wins, 0 losses, and 50 draws, Edwardmurphy aka skeptical skeeter aka Iain'tnoleftist.

In the red corner is the champion, hailing from way up Trump's rear end. With an undefeated(only in his own mind) record of 96 wins, and 0 losses. All of his wins have come by way of knockout(when his opponents endlessly bang their heads against the wall). We have Abelcainsbrother, aka The Trumpuppet.
I'm not typically intransigent, and I'm only a left wing extremist when compared to the God and Science crowd. Anywhere else I'm a moderate. Also, I put Abe back on my ignore list.

Sorry, but I just can't even...

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:15 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:37 pm
RickD wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:56 pmThen I wonder why this article came out.

"Amid Ukraine complaint, GOP questions move to drop ‘first-hand’ info requirement in whistleblower form" ... lower-form ... knowledge/
The Federalist either failed to thoroughly research the whistleblower laws before they went to press, or they posted a deliberately misleading story for purely partisan reasons. Then the rest of the right wing press picked up the story and either failed to fact check the Federalist's story or deliberately repeated a misleading story for purely partisan reasons.

Here's the IGIC's response to the Federalist's story.
The Disclosure of Urgent Concern form the Complainant submitted on August 12, 2019 is the same form the ICIG has had in place since May 24, 2018, which went into effect before Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 29, 2018, following his swearing in as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 17, 2018. Although the form requests information about whether the Complainant possesses first-hand knowledge about the matter about which he or she is lodging the complaint, there is no such requirement set forth in the statute. In fact, by law the Complainant – or any individual in the Intelligence Community who wants to report information with respect to an urgent concern to the congressional intelligence committees – need not possess first-hand information in order to file a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern. The ICIG cannot add conditions to the filing of an urgent concern that do not exist in law. Since Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, the ICIG has not rejected the filing of an alleged urgent concern due to a whistleblower’s lack of first-hand knowledge of the allegations.
And here's IGIC's response to the President's narrative that the whistleblower is a spy, only had second hand knowledge, or was just repeating hearsay.
As part of his determination that the urgent concern appeared credible, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant had official and authorized access to the information and sources referenced in the Complainant’s Letter and Classified Appendix, including direct knowledge of certain alleged conduct, and that the Complainant has subject matter expertise related to much of the material information provided in the Complainant’s Letter and Classified Appendix. In short, the ICIG did not find that the Complainant could “provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions,” which would have made it much harder, and significantly less likely, for the Inspector General to determine in a 14-calendar day review period that the complaint “appeared credible,” as required by statute. Therefore, although the Complainant’s Letter acknowledged that the Complainant was not a direct witness to the President’s July 25, 2019, telephone call with the Ukrainian President, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that other information obtained during the ICIG’s preliminary review supported the Complainant’s allegations. The Complainant followed the law in filing the urgent concern complaint, and the ICIG followed the law in transmitting the information to the Acting Director of National Intelligence on August 26, 2019.
The guy at the Federalist is either wrong or deliberately lying. That same can be said of the President, his allies in the GOP, and all of the pundits supporting him and pushing his narrative.

Here's a more detailed breakdown from Media Matters, if you're interested.
In response to this post by Ed ,because he brought up the IGIC's response to the Federalist while giving links that seem to debunk the Federalist and Trump and right wing press,while Ed claims they lied.I give you this video where he shows you what it really says,which is not at all like Ed claimed by highlighting only certian parts of it,with spin.
I recommend you watch all of it as it is about 30 minutes long however concerning the IGIC you can skip ahead to the 15:20 minute mark to about the 18:55 minute mark where he deals with it.So it shows media matters and the links Ed shared out-right lied claiming it is a lie that the whistle blower laws were changed,they were.It proves the links Ed gave were reporting fake news and lies.Media Matters is funded by George Soros,by the way.First re-read this post by Ed then listen to this and follow where the evidence leads, without bias.
Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing,It's PERFECT,Wait For It...

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:51 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Ya'll should see this tweet from President Trump.Impeach This!

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:00 am
by RickD
Ed wrote:
I'm not typically intransigent...
While that may be true, it certainly fits in this case.
Iain'tnoleftist wrote:
and I'm only a left wing extremist when compared to the God and Science crowd.
I'd say that you're only a left wing extremist, when it comes to a couple of people here.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Also, I put Abe back on my ignore list.
Thanks for the heads-up. Now I'll be sure to quote Abe, so you can read all of the pertinent info that he posts.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:54 am
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:00 amThanks for the heads-up. Now I'll be sure to quote Abe, so you can read all of the pertinent info that he posts.
Thank you for your generous offer to curate Abe's posts for me. I gratefully accept.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:41 am
by Philip
The call to Ukraine's president - an interesting perspective: ... -heres-why

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:24 am
by Stu
Philip wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:41 am The call to Ukraine's president - an interesting perspective: ... -heres-why
Too true.
If It was Trump and his family that had taken the actions of the Bidens then the media and Democrats would be all over it. Pelosi wanted to impeach before she even had her hands on the proper info :lol:

What's even more ironic is that when this all blows over and Trump is still president, it will in fact have strengthened his position with voters, and the Democrats will have scored a huge own goal.

Biden is a big 'ol boob without Obama to hide behind, he looks more and more incompetent every day.