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Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:57 am
by Nessa
When our covid alert level changes, every cell phone gets the robotic female voice loudly alert us... With warning beeps. Anywhere else get compulsory cellphone alerts?

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:14 am
by RickD
Nessa wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:57 am When our covid alert level changes, every cell phone gets the robotic female voice loudly alert us... With warning beeps. Anywhere else get compulsory cellphone alerts?
My iPhone used to have monkey alerts set up. Monkey alerts are alerts from Fauci, every time he makes a pertinent announcement. A problem occurred on my phone, because Fauci changes his mind so much that my alerts kept going off. No masks...wear masks...wear double masks...keep 6 feet away from, keep 3 feet away...

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:20 am
by RickD
Back to the topic...

My personal experience with the vaccines at the hospital where I work, are that admin is pushing big time for employees to get vaccinated. My guess is that’s because they didn’t get the compliance #s from the original vaccinations here.

Nurses and healthcare workers are refusing the vaccines in droves here.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:45 am
by Stu
I suggest you watch this. Here Pastor Dean goes into some of the big pharma issues and how they really don't care one bit (he will show you how they covered it up) if you die or live and as long as they make a profit.

500 000 people died from taking Vioxx from 1999 to 2004 and they covered it up during that time, knowing that it was killing people. All that happened was they got a fine but their profit was more than the fine so it was a win for them. Pastor Dean was prescribed Vioxx by his doctor and said he would have to take it for his whole life. When he got home and was about to take it the Holy Spirit spoke to him and said do not take that stuff, and he obeyed and threw it away and never took it. After the facts came out about Vioxx he now knows why the Holy Spirit told him to throw that stuff away.

Start at 28:00 and watch until 1:20:57 or watch the whole thing for some biblical info.

It gets into how there can be side effects from the vaccine even a year later from taking the vaccine. They are considered experimental still so we really don't know the long term effects.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:22 am
by RickD
Stu wrote:
It gets into how there can be side effects from the vaccine even a year later from taking the vaccine. They are considered experimental still so we really don't know the long term effects.
This is such simple logic that many refuse to grasp.

The Covid cases, at least in my area are on a big decline. Which makes sense, because after over a year of having this virus with us, most of the people who are considered high risk for being exposed to the virus, have already been exposed. It’s not rocket surgery.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:39 am
by Stu
RickD wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:22 am
Stu wrote:
It gets into how there can be side effects from the vaccine even a year later from taking the vaccine. They are considered experimental still so we really don't know the long term effects.
This is such simple logic that many refuse to grasp.

The Covid cases, at least in my area are on a big decline. Which makes sense, because after over a year of having this virus with us, most of the people who are considered high risk for being exposed to the virus, have already been exposed. It’s not rocket surgery.
And the amount of people who are or have been infected is probably 10x that of the what the stats show. Because as they admit many people don't display any symptoms or just have a cough. So herd immunity is probably a lot higher than we think.

If you do get it, studies have shown that Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Colchicin (taking one rather than all three at the same time is what I mean) are good ways to fight covid taken in conjunction with zinc, Vitamin D and C.

Though Hydroxychloroquine has been so demonised in the US that I believe doctors are even refusing to give it even though it is 50 years old or something. Funny story, while the Cuomo that works for CNN was decrying the use of Hydroxychloroquine on CNN, his brother's (the other Cuomo) wife got ill with covid and guess what she took to help get better...... that's right Hydroxychloroquine. The left are such hypocrites.

Then there was the case of a Democrat who got covid and was seriously ill and heard about Hydroxychloroquine from Trump and she got better and actually thanked Trump for telling her about Hydroxychloroquine. You don't see that happen every day.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:43 am
by Fliegender
RickD wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:10 pm
FL wrote:
The science and the evidence are irrelevant to such people.
Says the one who throws out inaccurate data and misleading numbers to back your argument. The hypocrisy is glaring.

If your(both of you) data wasn’t so intentionally misleading I’d chalk you guys up as some pro-vax nutjobs. But the fact that I know both of you enough to know that you should know better, is really quite pathetic.

If you have to use dishonesty to make your points, is it really worth it? You should be looking for truth, not trying to mislead to win arguments.
Yeah, well...millions of people still believe that the American elections were rigged. Assurances to the contrary were ignored and the Capitol was stormed by deluded partisans of an equally deluded President. There no point in discussion with such people because they have "alternate facts".

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:56 am
by RickD
Fliegender wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:43 am
RickD wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:10 pm
FL wrote:
The science and the evidence are irrelevant to such people.
Says the one who throws out inaccurate data and misleading numbers to back your argument. The hypocrisy is glaring.

If your(both of you) data wasn’t so intentionally misleading I’d chalk you guys up as some pro-vax nutjobs. But the fact that I know both of you enough to know that you should know better, is really quite pathetic.

If you have to use dishonesty to make your points, is it really worth it? You should be looking for truth, not trying to mislead to win arguments.
Yeah, well...millions of people still believe that the American elections were rigged. Assurances to the contrary were ignored and the Capitol was stormed by deluded partisans of an equally deluded President. There no point in discussion with such people because they have "alternate facts".
You’re really not helping your case.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:10 am
by Fliegender
DBowling wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:22 pm
Fliegender wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:50 pm Do you have an inexplicable desire to listen to Wagner? To eat sauerkraut?
uh... oh...
Is that a bad thing?
OMG...the nanorobots have started their destruction of your mind!

I noticed that you deviously failed to include the very first side effect of the German/Turk vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech: that of your right arm suddenly and stiffly raising itself to a 45° angle. You only mentioned the innocuous side effects of Wagnerian music and a taste for sauerkraut. Can you see the deception? This is the result of the Turk nanorobots in the vaccine you took: they are convincing you that taqiyya (the permission to lie in Islam) is the way to go. Awful.

Listen, I want to help you. Your family’s health is at stake. I’ve developed a Special Formula of Nanorobot-Killing Crystals that you can add to your morning orange juice. Just two teaspoonfuls a day on my Nanorobot Killing Crystals will eliminate all the nanorobots in your system within one week. Just for you, I’m offering my Nanorobot Killing Crystals at a special introductory price of only $59.95 for a one week supply. Satisfaction guaranteed! I tell you what... I’ll throw in a second bottle of my Nanorobot Killing Crystals free of charge if you contact me by the end of the day! (You just pay the additional postage and handling.)

Act now. Your family’s future is in your hands.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:23 pm
by DBowling
Fliegender wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:10 am I’ve developed a Special Formula of Nanorobot-Killing Crystals that you can add to your morning orange juice. Just two teaspoonfuls a day on my Nanorobot Killing Crystals will eliminate all the nanorobots in your system within one week. Just for you, I’m offering my Nanorobot Killing Crystals at a special introductory price of only $59.95 for a one week supply. Satisfaction guaranteed! I tell you what... I’ll throw in a second bottle of my Nanorobot Killing Crystals free of charge if you contact me by the end of the day! (You just pay the additional postage and handling.)

Act now. Your family’s future is in your hands.
And all I need to do is give you my credit card number... right?

And BTW... my right arm is feeling quite fine... thank you. :D

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:35 pm
by Fliegender
RickD wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:56 am You’re really not helping your case.
No need to help my case. The evidence and science speak loud and clear.

Can I interest you in my Nanorobot Killing Crystals?

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:58 pm
by Philip

Oh, my!

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:45 pm
by RickD
It’s nice to see that you guys can joke about this. Too many of you leftist types(excluding Philip) are scared for their lives about this whole Covid issue.

I think the worst of this is past us now here in the US. For the first time in over a year, my hospital didn’t have a single Covid patient in the ICU. I truly believe that most people who are in the high risk category for exposure, have already been exposed.

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:58 pm
by DBowling
Philip wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:23 pm Rick, when you throw about verbiage like the below -

"Some experts estimate..."

And "assuming the"

"Given the most likely "

such statements are problematic because they are merely of a speculative nature!
Most people realize that there is an "unreported" component to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The issue for the medical community is how to quantify things that are undocumented.

Let's start with what is actually documented.
Here is the CDC COVID Tracking website
COVID Data Tracker ... acker-home
The official documented CDC numbers for COVID are currently
Cases in the US = 29.3 million
Deaths in the US = 533 thousand

As Rick points out, the CDC has attempted to provide 'estimates' for unreported cases of Covid-19 in the US.
Here is a CDC study that attempts to quantify estimates for unreported cases of COVID
Estimated Disease Burden of Covid-19 ... urden.html
According to this CDC analysis
Estimated Total infections = 83.1 million

Another interesting datapoint came out a couple of days ago from the American Red Cross
Covid-19 antibodies present in about 1 in 5 blood donations from unvaccinated people, according to data from the American Red Cross ... index.html
According to data shared with CNN over email, about 1.5% of donations tested in the first week of July were positive for Covid-19 antibodies. That increased to nearly 4% of donations tested in the first week of October, about 12% of donations tested in the first week of January and nearly 21% of donations tested in the first week of March.
So for the sake of argument, assuming that the American Red Cross donation population is representative of the United States as a whole
that would indicate that the approximate number of
US citizens exposed to the Covid-19 virus = 331 Million X 0.21 = 69 million

For each of these scenarios we have the following mortality rates:
Mortality rate for documented Covid cases = 533,000/29.3 million = 1.8%
Mortality rate using CDC Estimated infections = 533,000/83.1 million = 0.6%
Mortality rate using American Red Cross Covid antibodies in March = 533,000/69 million = 0.8%

The key here is that no matter how you calculate the mortality rate for Covid-19
- if you use the documented CDC numbers
- If you use CDC estimated infections
- If you use American Red Cross Covid antibodies for March
The risk of dying from Covid-19 (1.8% or 0.6% or 0.8%) is still orders of magnitude greater (ie not even close) to the risk of dying from the vaccine that protects us from Covid-19.

So no matter which numbers you use, the truth of the matter remains...
Getting a Covid-19 vaccine is still orders of magnitude "SAFER" than doing nothing and contracting the Covid-19 virus.

The number of US citizens who have died from this pandemic is tragic, and if we take this pandemic seriously and 'love our neighbors' then we should do what we can to prevent further needless covid-19 deaths (such as following CDC guidelines for masks, vaccines, and social distancing).

Re: Covid vaccine personal experiences

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:17 am
by Philip
I think the thing one has to ask themself - particularly, if you are someone like me that has immune issues - is what happens if I get the virus, as that could be exceptionally dangerous for me. Of course, this has implications for my son and wife as well. So, if I actually get the virus, is that less a risk than the risk of speculative scenarios related to the vaccines, that while concerning, currently can't be known. Of course, many have died with underlying conditions AND Covid. But the question becomes, would they have survived if not for the Covid on top of other conditions?

I have to make a decision this week as to which vaccine to get.