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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:11 pm
by Anonymous
Beena wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Beena wrote:MY DEAR, science cannot explain the existence of God or life, only God can explain His own existence because God creates science.
Isn't it possible that God could explain things about Himself through His creation? Thus, science could point to the existence of God, and it could also reveal certain qualities about God, to those that listen and see. So, I see no reason why God wouldn't explain Himself through His creation?

That's definately possible when you say that, "God could explain things about Himself through His creation." But then it could only be through a revelation from God and not a scientific and/or moral analysis (although that would help a lot,) because we cannot think like God. So in order to know God or everything we would need His kind of thinking which we wouldn't have and so a revelation is a must to know the mysteries of the universe and life and God.
Do you believe if God wanted to express himself to us through his creation He is smart enough to dumb it down for us? :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:28 pm
by Deborah
sofalogic wrote:
Deborah wrote:The god of the Christian and the Jew is the same God.
Probably the Islamic God is also the same. But other religions books to do stand up to the scruteny of science, history ect, that the bible does.
All I am saying is Muhammad was not inspired by God. He was inspired by a "being" who claimed to be God's messenger (Gabriel). That being was a satanic being or Satan himself.
I never said anything about muhammad.
The possibility is that all three religions have the same God. (I suggest a big possibility) But Mohammed, the founder of Islam, died in AD 632, yet his biography was not written until AD 767.

When I was a newer Christian than I am now, I had the prililedge to read a paper that told about one mans struggle to disprove god, after about 10 years guess what.. he found God. the following is a passage from his paper.
About this time in my life, I decided that other religious systems might be just as good as the Bible. To check them out, I began reading the Vedas, Koran, Sayings of Buddha, writings of Bahaullah and Zoroaster and found that other religions taught many things I could not accept. There were teachings in their writings concerning what life was like after this life that were unrewarding and unrealistic and there were descriptions of God that were illogical and inconsistent. There were also many scientific inaccuracies in their works. There were many teachings about life and how to live it that were not workable. This included the role and position of women in the Koran, the Holy War concept of Mohammed, the pantheism of nearly all other systems, reincarnation, idol worship, polygamy and a myriad of ideas which I had expected to find in the Bible, but did not. I began to realize that nothing matched the Bible's system of life. Only in the Bible could I see statements which would stand in the face of the scientific facts that I knew to be true and only the Bible offered a system of life that I felt was reasonable and consistent. I decided that if I ever carne to believe in God, it would be a belief based upon the Bible.
it and the rest of the paper can be found at

the following links to a chart that shows us how different and how similar the Christian Muslim faiths are.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:19 am
by Kurieuo
Beena wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Beena wrote:MY DEAR, science cannot explain the existence of God or life, only God can explain His own existence because God creates science.
Isn't it possible that God could explain things about Himself through His creation? Thus, science could point to the existence of God, and it could also reveal certain qualities about God, to those that listen and see. So, I see no reason why God wouldn't explain Himself through His creation?
That's definately possible when you say that, "God could explain things about Himself through His creation." But then it could only be through a revelation from God and not a scientific and/or moral analysis (although that would help a lot,) because we cannot think like God. So in order to know God or everything we would need His kind of thinking which we wouldn't have and so a revelation is a must to know the mysteries of the universe and life and God.
While we may not know all the God's mysteries, we can certainly know some truths about God through His general revelation (i.e., creation). Then there is special revelation from God, which many Christians believe the Bible to be, and is perhaps more what you mean by revelation.
sofalogic wrote:Do you believe if God wanted to express himself to us through his creation He is smart enough to dumb it down for us? :lol:
Smart enough to dumb down what matters? As a Christian, I believe so.
  • Psalm 19:1-4—
    1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
    2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they display knowledge.
    3 There is no speech or language
    where their voice is not heard.
    4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
And then Paul also says,
  • Romans 1:20—
    For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:01 am
by SourceofLiFe
Is marrying 7 wife morally correct? It is morally flawed, just like Islam. People kill one another, abandon love for their own wicked desires. So their so called "god" allah would reward them 8 women in their "heaven" Osama Bin Laden and terrorist attacks were triggered from Islamic relations.

Satan is cunning and very good at deception, he will do all he can to deceived people, even if it means having several dash of correct meaning taken from God Almighty, then twisting it with his remains then have the good side to cover up the bad side. But the bible say, evil tree bears evil fruits. Are you happy when your 7 wives aren't getting along and creating troubles and conflict for you? Is that "blessing" from your so called "god?" is that love and absolute truth of the meaning?

Definitely not.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:37 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
SourceofLiFe wrote:Is marrying 7 wife morally correct? It is morally flawed, just like Islam. People kill one another, abandon love for their own wicked desires. So their so called "god" allah would reward them 8 women in their "heaven" Osama Bin Laden and terrorist attacks were triggered from Islamic relations.

Satan is cunning and very good at deception, he will do all he can to deceived people, even if it means having several dash of correct meaning taken from God Almighty, then twisting it with his remains then have the good side to cover up the bad side. But the bible say, evil tree bears evil fruits. Are you happy when your 7 wives aren't getting along and creating troubles and conflict for you? Is that "blessing" from your so called "god?" is that love and absolute truth of the meaning?

Definitely not.
LOL....yeah, I feel sorry for the Muslim men. When one of my teachers was a missionary, a Muslim basically moved into her house during Christmas. He would rock in the rocking chair and stair at the Christmas tree, and then after Christmas stuck around. She finally found out (he never talked to her really) it was because his wives were always fighting and he was getting away from them