Is being Gay really that bad?

Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Post by Dan »

Cooljohng wrote:but what if its genetic. Why would God give you a sin from birth? for no reason??
No reason?

God tests us all the time, that's why we have "bad days" in our life. These tests determine if to ourselves if we really are saved or not. The saved man will brush off bad times like dust off a suit. The unsaved man will sulk and moan about it. Of course, this is an oversimplification but you get the point right?

Also, if it's genetic, then it's a scientific matter. God put science in place for a reason, He will not change it just to make someone's life easier. He basically says "deal with it and I will reward you with salvation". The harder your life the more pleased God will be when you stay with Him the entire time.

Post by Anonymous »

That makes no sense at all. If it is genetic, it could be the result of a mutation in a gene. That is not divine intervention, that is just life. If one codon on the DNA strand is changed, then that could cause people to become homosexual. Why should they persue celebacy because of their genes? Why should they not enjoy the pleasures of sex? Sex is a spiritual communion between two loving people. I don't agree that people should go around having sex with the first person they meet, not for religious reasons (im an atheist), but because it causes problems in our society. You shouldn't have to wait till you get married to have sex, what if two people truely in love don't get married? I know someones parents who have been together for 18 years, they are not married but they truely love each other. Should they not have sex because they are married?
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Post by Dan »

Cooljohng wrote:That makes no sense at all. If it is genetic, it could be the result of a mutation in a gene. That is not divine intervention, that is just life. If one codon on the DNA strand is changed, then that could cause people to become homosexual. Why should they persue celebacy because of their genes? Why should they not enjoy the pleasures of sex? Sex is a spiritual communion between two loving people. I don't agree that people should go around having sex with the first person they meet, not for religious reasons (im an atheist), but because it causes problems in our society. You shouldn't have to wait till you get married to have sex, what if two people truely in love don't get married? I know someones parents who have been together for 18 years, they are not married but they truely love each other. Should they not have sex because they are married?
1. Everything is divine intervention that isn't caused by humans. God acts through nature, nature is His tool.

2. Because the pleasure of sex is procreation, not the orgasm. Some people have different circumstances regarding their life, that doesn't mean they should receive special attention. Homosexuality is no different from adultery, and adultery is against the law of God.

3. God could approve of their marriage, no where in the Bible does it say that a legal ceremony must be performed to validate holy matrimony. God has married them and will hold it against them if they stray away from each other. However, they should be legally married for legal reasons.

Post by Anonymous »

1. I completely disagree, nature is not His tool.
2. Why shouldn't people enjoy sex? If God truely only meant it to be for reproduction, there would be no extreme pleasure received from it. It is an act between two loving people, why shouldn't they enjoy it? Aslong as common sense is used, protection etc. then there is absolutly nothing wrong with it.
3. How can you compare homosexuality and adultry?!?! There is no similarity between the two! :? Adultry is cheating on your partner, homosexuality is two partners of the same sex having a loving relationship. What is so wrong with that?
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Post by Dan »

Cooljohng wrote:1. I completely disagree, nature is not His tool.
2. Why shouldn't people enjoy sex? If God truely only meant it to be for reproduction, there would be no extreme pleasure received from it. It is an act between two loving people, why shouldn't they enjoy it? Aslong as common sense is used, protection etc. then there is absolutly nothing wrong with it.
3. How can you compare homosexuality and adultry?!?! There is no similarity between the two! :? Adultry is cheating on your partner, homosexuality is two partners of the same sex having a loving relationship. What is so wrong with that?
1. Prove it. God created nature, He uses it to do His will. Why wouldn't He? You have no logical basis to say otherwise.

2. Yes there is, it's succumbing to worldly pleasure, spiritual pleasure is not derived from sex.


You're beginning to test my patience because you have no idea what my beliefs are and you just constantly parade your ideas as absolute and perfect instead of listening.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

:? i think is two people are together for a number of years (monogamous), and they do love each other and they have every intention of remaining together (and do) and have intercourse without a legal God's eyes they are married.

also, i think that sex was created for more than just procreation. it was meant to intensify bonds and to bring us joy.
New Creation
2 Corinthians 5:7

Post by Anonymous »

what about homosexuality without sex? If "homosexuality is wrong" then that includes a relationship between two men, or women, and therefore what use is celebacy?
If i do not believe in god, saying "God created nature" is not a logical arguement to me! To me, the evidence says God didnt create nature.

Post by Anonymous »

well? what about that? what good is celebacy if homosexuality as a whole is wrong?? including non-sex relationships
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Post by Dan »

There is no such thing as homosexuality without sex. Notice the sex part of sexuality. This is what the bible says:

Leviticus 18:22 " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. "

That has nothing to do with love, it has to do with sex. Congratulations on using a strawman religion to make your point! You have no idea what you're arguing against.

Post by Anonymous »

Yes I do, so you are saying two men cannot just love each other, and not have sex? That is absurb! Listen to yourself man!and the "sexuality" in homosexuality doesnt mean SEX, otherwise being heterosexual would mean that you have sex. That is a ridiculous arguement. Please think before you say something, and what are you on about "strawman religion"? im anti-religion. I dont get what you are talking about.
Two men can love each other and not have sex. It is illegal in the UK for two people under the age of 18 to have gay sex. So why can they not just love each other? That is still homosexuality. They are still gay
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Post by Dan »

Cooljohng wrote:Yes I do, so you are saying two men cannot just love each other, and not have sex? That is absurb! Listen to yourself man!and the "sexuality" in homosexuality doesnt mean SEX, otherwise being heterosexual would mean that you have sex. That is a ridiculous arguement. Please think before you say something, and what are you on about "strawman religion"? im anti-religion. I dont get what you are talking about.
Two men can love each other and have sex. It is illegal in the UK for two people under the age of 18 to have gay sex. So why can they not just love each other? That is still homosexuality. They are still gay
Loving your father is now homosexual, spread the word. :roll:
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so are you

Post by Mr.Gay.UK »

you are saying that we are parading our perfect ideas, well how do you know that our ideas are not the truth, you are doing exactly what we are, except you will not be swayed, you are saying what you belive is the truth, well how do u know it is? becuase the bible says so, oh please, if you want to go down that route then be my guest cus i can certainly burst your bubble there!
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Post by Mr.Gay.UK »

and when did he ever say loving your father is homosexual?

Post by Anonymous »

"Loving your father is now homosexual, spread the word."

For ***'s Sake, why are you being so immature and stubborn?? You know perfectly well what I mean, and you are dodging the subject by saying the most pety things.

Homosexuality is someone loving a member of the same sex, and it is also sex between two people of the same sex. What about a man who loves another man, truely, asif he was a woman, but they do not have sex? That is a sin to you, but there is nothing you can do about who you fall in love with. And what good is celebacy? They are still commiting a sin in your books. If you are just going to be immature and petty and say things such as "Loving your father is now homosexual, spread the word." then don't even bother replying, because all this is, is you being completely blind to the truth. Just because the bible says something, doesnt mean it is true. The Bible is not a "fax from God". But that's a different topic...
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Post by August »

Just because the bible says something, doesnt mean it is true. The Bible is not a "fax from God".
Want to provide some proof?
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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