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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:52 am
by Anonymous
Hey I'm vvart, its a very late introduction but better late then never :?

Anyway I live in California in Palo Alto which is basically fairly close to San Francisco. I'm in a region where the majority hates Bush, supports gay marriage and evolution is all the rage :cry:

I'm deeply religious and this site has helped me to understand a lot of the science that goes hand in hand with Scripture and its great.
ID rules!!! :D

another howdy from yo mama

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:37 pm
by Anonymous
i should have introduced myself here first. i'm new here. i just wanted to stop in and say hello.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:41 am
by Anonymous
Didnt see this at first but let me introduce myself now.

Im dro611, a freethinker, non-theist for the moment until anyone convinces me otherwise. I agree with some of the nihilist concept, mostly about not believing in anything. So i dont believe in anything, i just go with the flow. Base my so called beliefs in percentage. I stated that there is no god/s, but there could be, but more of non. Im open minded and would doubt but never forget.

If your asking why im in this site, then my reply is that im just looking for knowledge. So if anyone can convert me, please do.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:02 am
by Kurieuo
dro611 wrote:So if anyone can convert me, please do.
Just thought I'd made the statement that noone can convert you.


Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:26 pm
by Mastermind
I agree. nobody is truly converted. Conversion has to come from you, not from us. We can only show you the way.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:53 pm
by Alanna
Hi! My names Alanna, and I'm a deeply commited Roman Catholic.
I live in a small town in Canada (population of under 500) I'm fourteen. since grade 7 I've been homeschooled (which I enjoy very much) My hobbies are: studying Catholicism, riding horses, writing, and debates/discussions. I love my faith, my family, my friends, and above all, Jesus!!! :D I actually found this website while doing a search on google for a school project :P I hope I can make a few friends here.

God Bless!
Your sister in Christ, Alanna

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:13 pm
by Kurieuo
Welcome Alanna, it's good to see more women coming to this board to help even the sexes out. So I hope you enjoy posting here and stay. :)


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:47 pm
by Mastermind
I added you to my MSN, just so you know. :p

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:39 am
by Anonymous
Then Guide me....

just be warned coz i might guide you....

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:51 am
by Kurieuo
That you may, but I don't see what you could offer if you're never sure about anything ;). But if you do believe that we can know some things, then it is important to understand one can lead a camel to water but can't make it drink.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:36 am
by Anonymous
hi all I'm new to :)
Thought I would sign up here, after ages of reading posts and browsing the G&S site waiting for the new articles to be posted :P I find alot of the stuff quite intersting to read and very informative. Its good its all backed by scripture as well :D

This has to be one of the best sites on the internet imo

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:05 pm
by Anonymous
Hello. My name is Russ. I am a foster care case manager. Enjoy studying the Bible. Recently started studying it in detail. Never knew I could study the original language, think critically, etc. Look forward to discussing some things with you guys and gals.

Presentation and question about the Guidelines

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:15 pm
by Anonymous
I'm an atheist. I just joined up and read the guidelines. Particularly where it says
Therefore, those who are Christian or haven't made up their minds are encouraged to join, while others who merely wish to attack and try to discredit Christianity are discouraged
I'm not a christian, but HAVE made up my mind (to be an atheist). On the other hand, I have no intention of attacking or discrediting christianity.

What I'm really interested in is science. I don't think there is such thing or even CAN be such thing as scientific evidence for God. But I'm willing to listen.

I'm not sure how the guidelines apply to me, but if atheists are acceptable I'd like to participate. If not, please let me know.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:48 pm
by Jac3510
Just watch the guidelines closely. We don't have a problem with non-believers participating, but bear in mind the purpose of the boards. Honest discussion is always welcome, but attempts to tear down the Christian faith (calculated attacks, etc.) simply aren't tolerated. There are plenty of atheist vs. Christian forums for that.

Otherwise, good to have you aboard (same with everyone else ;)), and I look forward to discussions and what we can learn from each other.

God bless

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:05 pm
by Anonymous
Sorry I should have done this ages ago. Hi my name is Phil, I live in New Zealand. I'm 18, and I'm just about to start teachers college so I can become a school teacher in New Zealand.