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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:57 pm
by Storyteller
Because its true perhaps?

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:14 pm
by abelcainsbrother
2nd Peter 3:3-4 "Knowing this first,that there shall come in the last days scoffers,walking after their own lusts,And saying,Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers died all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5-6 For this they willingly are ignorant of,that by the word of God the heavens were of old,and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:Whereby the world that then was,being overflowed by water perished.

The only place you can make 5-6 fit into the bible is Genesis 1:2"And the earth was without form,and void;and darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

Also keep in mind the heavens and the earth had already been created in the beginning before we even get to this verse,verse 2.

Don't forget the evidence of death and extinction in this earth is evidence that proves a former world perished.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:11 pm
by Philip
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?

There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Audie, please don't be so naive. What YOU apparently believe the alternative likely is would be FAR more "wacky": Nothing produced awesome design and complexity - now THAT is wacky. But if something else produced it, or rather SOMEONE, then you think it's wacky. But what is more reasonable? And, YES, I do believe the world and universe are VERY old. But if you knew more about how words are used in the Bible, you would know that this text well supports that. Cute comment, no cigar! :wave:

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:18 pm
by RickD
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:Interesting, the different reactions to the Genesis text. Those who don't believe the Genesis Creation accounts are true, like Audie, and even Neo - a Christian - can see the text doesn't allow for evolution. And those that believe it does must force un-natural meanings or read into it things the text does not say - or that it clearly contradicts.

So, if the evolution of man from animals occurred, why did God give some crazy, stork-like story as opposed to the simple truth? And how could Genesis 3:20 be true? "The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." And if God gave us some wild symbolic story about the foundational story of the Bible, how many other miraculous parts of Scripture are simply symbolic. And how do we know which are which, upon the precipice of that treacherously slippery slope?
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?
There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Demonstrably changed step by step?
Ok. Here's your chance to demonstrate single called life changed step by step over time to become humans.

I think that's what Able is looking for. And guess what else? If you answer, you will be staying on topic. ;)

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:31 pm
by Audie
Philip wrote:
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?

There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Audie, please don't be so naive. What YOU apparently believe the alternative likely is would be FAR more "wacky": Nothing produced awesome design and complexity - not THAT is wacky. But if something else produced it, or rather SOMEONE, then you think it's wacky. But what is more reasonable? And, YES, I do believe the world and universe are VERY old. But if you knew more about how words are used in the Bible, you would know that this text well supports that. Cute comment, no cigar! :wave:
Cute is trying to turn it back on me, cute is substituting "awesome complexity" for a wacky story about the one behaviour of
one of countless purported gods, cute is bringing in a whole new comparison of different topics.

As for who is the naif, you "know how words are used in the bible"? Give me a flippin' break. 38,000 sects of
Christianity, and then all say they got it right.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:34 pm
by Audie
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:Interesting, the different reactions to the Genesis text. Those who don't believe the Genesis Creation accounts are true, like Audie, and even Neo - a Christian - can see the text doesn't allow for evolution. And those that believe it does must force un-natural meanings or read into it things the text does not say - or that it clearly contradicts.

So, if the evolution of man from animals occurred, why did God give some crazy, stork-like story as opposed to the simple truth? And how could Genesis 3:20 be true? "The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." And if God gave us some wild symbolic story about the foundational story of the Bible, how many other miraculous parts of Scripture are simply symbolic. And how do we know which are which, upon the precipice of that treacherously slippery slope?
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?
There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Demonstrably changed step by step?
Ok. Here's your chance to demonstrate single called life changed step by step over time to become humans.

I think that's what Able is looking for. And guess what else? If you answer, you will be staying on topic. ;)
Why not ask for a complete history of the Roman Empire while you are at it?

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:38 pm
by RickD
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:Interesting, the different reactions to the Genesis text. Those who don't believe the Genesis Creation accounts are true, like Audie, and even Neo - a Christian - can see the text doesn't allow for evolution. And those that believe it does must force un-natural meanings or read into it things the text does not say - or that it clearly contradicts.

So, if the evolution of man from animals occurred, why did God give some crazy, stork-like story as opposed to the simple truth? And how could Genesis 3:20 be true? "The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." And if God gave us some wild symbolic story about the foundational story of the Bible, how many other miraculous parts of Scripture are simply symbolic. And how do we know which are which, upon the precipice of that treacherously slippery slope?
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?
There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Demonstrably changed step by step?
Ok. Here's your chance to demonstrate single called life changed step by step over time to become humans.

I think that's what Able is looking for. And guess what else? If you answer, you will be staying on topic. ;)
Why not ask for a complete history of the Roman Empire while you are at it?
Please try to stay on topic. This thread has nothing to do with the Roman Empire. Sheesh! People and their ADD! y#-o


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:38 pm
by Storyteller
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?

There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Audie, please don't be so naive. What YOU apparently believe the alternative likely is would be FAR more "wacky": Nothing produced awesome design and complexity - not THAT is wacky. But if something else produced it, or rather SOMEONE, then you think it's wacky. But what is more reasonable? And, YES, I do believe the world and universe are VERY old. But if you knew more about how words are used in the Bible, you would know that this text well supports that. Cute comment, no cigar! :wave:
Cute is trying to turn it back on me, cute is substituting "awesome complexity" for a wacky story about the one behaviour of
one of countless purported gods, cute is bringing in a whole new comparison of different topics.

As for who is the naif, you "know how words are used in the bible"? Give me a flippin' break. 38,000 sects of
Christianity, and then all say they got it right.
Law of averages would point to one being right then.

God exists.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:41 pm
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?

There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Audie, please don't be so naive. What YOU apparently believe the alternative likely is would be FAR more "wacky": Nothing produced awesome design and complexity - not THAT is wacky. But if something else produced it, or rather SOMEONE, then you think it's wacky. But what is more reasonable? And, YES, I do believe the world and universe are VERY old. But if you knew more about how words are used in the Bible, you would know that this text well supports that. Cute comment, no cigar! :wave:
Cute is trying to turn it back on me, cute is substituting "awesome complexity" for a wacky story about the one behaviour of
one of countless purported gods, cute is bringing in a whole new comparison of different topics.

As for who is the naif, you "know how words are used in the bible"? Give me a flippin' break. 38,000 sects of
Christianity, and then all say they got it right.
Law of averages would point to one being right then.

God exists.
Good point Annette. Even if Audie's 38,000 sects is accurate, I bet all 38,000 believe God exists.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:00 pm
by Philip
Audie: As for who is the naif, you "know how words are used in the bible"? Give me a flippin' break.
So you are familiar with scholarly approaches and methodologies to Bible interpretation, from people who have made careers of studying it as academics?!!! And I AM giving you a break. You insinuate that anything and everything asserted could match up with Scripture, which is untrue. Else why would you insinuate the Bible necessitates and teaches belief in a mere thousands of years old earth? I'll say it again, WACKY is all you've got for your version of whatever possibilities they could have occurred without a God. As for those 38,000 Christian groups, how many don't have Genesis in their Bibles and also don't think it is the word of God? A very short list will do just fine.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:12 pm
by Proinsias
Gnosticism & Marcionism are all that spring to mind, I imagine there are others but I'll grant the idea is not exactly mainstream in Christianity. It's the sort of stuff that was in dispute during the 100 years or so between Jesus appearing on earth and an organised religion being founded around the event, the clarity is as clear as mud to me. It seems to have been settled many years after Jesus left this earth by people who never met him.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:45 pm
by Audie
RickD wrote:
Storyteller wrote:
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:
The world is demonstrably very old, and the living things demonstrably have changed, step by step, over that time.

Why indeed, would a god give such a wacky story?

There is an epiphany lurking in there.
Audie, please don't be so naive. What YOU apparently believe the alternative likely is would be FAR more "wacky": Nothing produced awesome design and complexity - not THAT is wacky. But if something else produced it, or rather SOMEONE, then you think it's wacky. But what is more reasonable? And, YES, I do believe the world and universe are VERY old. But if you knew more about how words are used in the Bible, you would know that this text well supports that. Cute comment, no cigar! :wave:
Cute is trying to turn it back on me, cute is substituting "awesome complexity" for a wacky story about the one behaviour of
one of countless purported gods, cute is bringing in a whole new comparison of different topics.

As for who is the naif, you "know how words are used in the bible"? Give me a flippin' break. 38,000 sects of
Christianity, and then all say they got it right.
Law of averages would point to one being right then.

God exists.
Good point Annette. Even if Audie's 38,000 sects is accurate, I bet all 38,000 believe God exists.

Stay on topic already. The comment is on who is understtandin' what all that bible talk means.
I bet I know that book better than most chrustians

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:58 pm
by Kurieuo
Audie wrote:Stay on topic already. The comment is on who is understtandin' what all that bible talk means.
I bet I know that book better than most chrustians
I'd say you know the book (sic.) of the Bible better than ALL chrustians.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:58 pm
by Audie
Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:Stay on topic already. The comment is on who is understtandin' what all that bible talk means.
I bet I know that book better than most chrustians
I'd say you know the book (sic.) of the Bible better than ALL chrustians.
And most of the christianists.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:01 pm
by Kurieuo
It'll be good when you eventually become one then. ;)
You'll be able to put YECs in their place scripturally!