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Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:12 am
by Kurieuo
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:well in my persoanal opinion christ was a very good man, but i can forgive sins to and i have done, that doesnt mean i am the son of God
The kind of forgiveness Christ extended wasn't one of simply forgiving someone who wrongs you or I. Rather, the sins were acts commited against God. Wrongs only God as our creator has the authority to forgive.

There are many passages I can bring up where Christ considers Himself God (e.g., see Now if someone claimed to be God today, we would likely think they had mental issues and so belonged in a psychiatric ward. If Christ was not God, yet portrayed himself as God deceiving many even to this day, then he was far from good but rather evil. On the other hand, there is the third option that Christ was who he portrayed himself to be. Which do you believe Christ to be?


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:47 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
i beleive christ was a religious person, ei he beleived in a God and he most likely beelived he was not God but a 'go between' between us and God.

He just happened to beelive very strongly about what he beleived in.

it would just be like if i beleived strongly about a certain way of life and i beleived in a God and i was the first person to preach this 'religion' then i would possibly beleive that i was part of God.

But technically if God ddid exist then we would all be part of God anyway becuase God is everything therefore we all would be God and we all would have the power of God in ourselves!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:59 am
by Felgar
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything.
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:But technically if God ddid exist then we would all be part of God anyway becuase God is everything therefore we all would be God and we all would have the power of God in ourselves!
Based on the above quotes, I feel that you have misrepresented yourself. However, I don't doubt that as you came here you really did consider yourself a Christian, and maybe you still do. The quotes tough, to me indicate that you may be somewhat unsure of what you truly believe and/or exactly just what it does mean to be a Christian.

I think the best thing for you would be to spend time studying scripture and trying to figure out exactly what you believe, and why. The main thing is to keep seeking, because if you honestly seek God, we know you'll find Him.

With prayer,

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 11:00 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
yet again i am sorry for my post,

in my posts i am trying to speak from a nutral position.

i think its the only to have a discussion, becuase if you are purely on one side of the argument then u cannot possibly see other points of view.

i am a christian im just trying to state tht there could be a possibility of something else.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 4:27 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:i beleive christ was a religious person, ei he beleived in a God and he most likely beelived he was not God but a 'go between' between us and God.

He just happened to beelive very strongly about what he beleived in.

it would just be like if i beleived strongly about a certain way of life and i beleived in a God and i was the first person to preach this 'religion' then i would possibly beleive that i was part of God.

But technically if God ddid exist then we would all be part of God anyway becuase God is everything therefore we all would be God and we all would have the power of God in ourselves!
You're talking Eastern mysticism and New Age stuff here. God's is His creation. God and the physical universe are separate entities.
i beleive christ was a religious person, ei he beleived in a God and he most likely beelived he was not God but a 'go between' between us and God.

He said quite clearly that He was (and is) God.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 4:45 pm
by Kurieuo
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:if God ddid exist then we would all be part of God anyway becuase God is everything therefore we all would be God and we all would have the power of God in ourselves!
i am a christian im just trying to state tht there could be a possibility of something else.
These two statements are a contradition. In one you state a truth claim that God is everything. In the second you advocate Christianity wherein God is not everything, but rather Christ is believed to be God. As much as you might think it more "politically correct" to be amiable to all sides, truth dictates only one is right so you can't have it both ways.
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:i beleive christ was a religious person, ei he beleived in a God and he most likely beelived he was not God but a 'go between' between us and God.
I'd agree with AKMS that Jesus quite clearly portrays himself as God. This either makes him a crazy person, a lier, or means he was telling the truth. Now assume for a moment the Christian position that God is an omnipotent being who has existed from eternity and created all things that came to be. Is it unreasonable to think that God could visit us in human form if He saw reason to?


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:26 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
i agree that from a sitting on the fence position that God can visit us in hhuman form, but also Christ was the son of God.

im not saying you are incorrect but beleife in the bible is mainly our interpretation of it.

Jesus might have meant that he is the Son of God.

E.g. i am my father

He could mean that he is like is father, God.

He has the same *Blood* as God.

let me know what u think?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:59 am
by Kurieuo
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:i agree that from a sitting on the fence position that God can visit us in hhuman form, but also Christ was the son of God.

im not saying you are incorrect but beleife in the bible is mainly our interpretation of it.
Firstly, I would not expect non-Christians (that is not and intended statement with respect to your own beliefs) to accept the Bible on the same grounds Christians do, but rather such should analyse and evaluate each book of the Bible separately. Yet, there are references of Jesus outside the Bible which verify certain things about Christ including that he performed miracles. For example, the The Babylonian Talmud never denies Jesus performed miracles, but rather accuses him of deceiving people of Israel through acts of sorcery. (Sanhedrin 43a, "Eve of Passover")
Mr.UK wrote:Jesus might have meant that he is the Son of God.

E.g. i am my father

He could mean that he is like is father, God.

He has the same *Blood* as God.

let me know what u think?
From what I understand of what you write, I'd say you are basically correct.

Most Christian theologians if asked will point out that "Son" is not meant to be taken literally in the sense that I, or you, are the son of our parents. Rather Son of God is a title which represents a quality Christ possesses. For example, someone who is called "son of the sword" would suggest such a person lives by the sword. Likewise, the title "Son of God" designates Christ's divinity.

A further response that is often given, is that as a human son shares the same human nature as their father, Christ who was designated "Son of God" must therefore possess a divine nature as God's son. I'm assuming this is along the lines you were thinking of when you said Christ has the same *Blood* as God?


Re: Sex

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:41 pm
by Nessa
Shirtless wrote:Sex has been a hot subject recently, so I felt like I should give my two cents! Sex is a word that describes a physical urge that human beings are born with, and it's safe to say that it's part of our daily life. Many Christians are of the belief that sex, in one form or another, is sinful. It has been grounded in our notion of original sin in the eyes of many for over 1,500 years. Some forms of sex are considered more sinful than others--homosexual sex is considered VERY sinful.

If you're an average Joe watching TV, you'd probably think that Christians are the most anti-sex people on Earth! Whether it's because Britney is wearing too short a skirt, or because a black pop-star exposed her breast during the superbowl, sex is #1 on the Christian hate list. Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! That's all you hear!

I was well aware of this a few years ago, and I remembered going to Church as a little boy. But strangly, I never remembered hearing anything about sex at church...not once. Why was this? I went to reading the Bible. There were few vague references to sex here and there, but they were all put in a positive light (you should have seen my face when I read the Song of Soloman!). I still had questions, so I researched on the internet. Turns out that the original greek word for "lust" in the Bible is more accurately translated as "to strongly long for" (in other words, a-sexual). "fornication" is an inaccurate term as well, the original Greek word, pornea, has several meanings; none of which are about sex before marriage. Take away those two words, and you have a solid case for the argument that the Bible, Old Testiment or New, does not condemn sex. (if you want references to these words, I will gladly give them to you)

But where did this way of thinking come from? In the Dark Ages, there was a man named Augustine who was a pagan. Augustine was what many would now call a "sex addict". Sex addiction is a very serious condition that is a horrible burden for all those unfortunate enough to have it. His mother convinces him to convert to Christianity. He does, and manages to quit his addiction and get his life together. He then becomes very well respected in the church community. He doesn't like the man he was, and looks back on his lifesyle with disgust. "I am relieved of this horrible burden!" he probably says. "Now I must use what I've learned to help everybody!" At that time in history, the church was state-controlled and what the church said was what God said. What did Augustine say? Well, he wrote many books on sex and how evil it was. He wrote that ALL sex is sinful, and sex should only be performed for the sole purpose of bearing children (even though he considered that sinful too).

I've heard some say that Augustine's views on sex were a lot like someone who quit smoking, and no longer wants to be around anyone who smokes. This sounds like a pretty accurate comparison. Plato always said that Man needs to control his appetites, or else he will become corrupted by them--same with Aristotle's "Doctrine of the Mean". This is similar to the Biblical view as well, because after all, too much of anything is bad for you. Had Augustine been more cultured, he may have felt the same way. Instead, he condemned all sex as a horrible thing. :?

Fast forward hundreds of years later, and we're feeling the effect now. I personally believe that sex, by itself and untampered with, is a gift from God. It's a wonderful thing that is healthy for the mind and spirit. Maybe if Christians begin to understand this, Chistianity might be a much more respected religion. I hope that there are others out there that feel the same way...
It's been a few years now - I wonder if you have found a shirt yet :P

Anyways, just interested in other non Christians views on sex as well.

So, Non Christians: What are your views on sex and your take on the bible's view of sex?

Re: Sex

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:49 pm
by Philip
The Bible is VERY pro-sex! AS LONG AS it is practiced withing the confines of marriage, and as long as both parties are fine with the particulars - meaning, as long as it doesn't involve anything that is physically, mentally, psychologically, or spiritually harmful, then it's ALL good! God didn't give us those magic nerve endings for nothing!

Ah, but I'll go even further - SEX deepens one's marriage and spiritual bond. You neglect it, you weaken the bond, dilute the joys of marriage, open the doors to temptation. The more sex in a marriage, the deeper the spiritual bond!

I encourage all married Christians here to join - particularly the forum, as this is a Christ-centered ministry that discusses all aspects of sex, VERY openly, with reverence, with humor, sharing creative ideas, inspiration, challenges, relationship issues related to sex - you'll find many VERY pro-sex, mature Christians there. Join the forum, and then take a gander at how God models a married sexual relationship in Scripture, with the meanings of Song of Solomon analyzed (wow!): ... on#p908225 (you have to join the forum before that link will work).