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Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:11 pm
by johnnyboy08
B. W. wrote: Answer to your question above: He a God of the Living and not the dead...
You sound convinced? God doesn't NEED us to exist, right? Why would He create His anyways? He is perfect, and would be foolish is He was to risk that perfection on us sinful creatures. He is all-knowing, and knows exactly what He will do and what we will do. What then would bring Him any pleasure or joy? The "good" emotions we feel, we feel because we know that they will one day end, and that we must enjoy them now. God doesn't go through that. Why did He create us then?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:15 pm
by johnnyboy08
B. W. I went through your post that you left for me. Thank you.

Perhaps you can clarify: Is darkness created from a LACK of light, in a way that coldness is created by a lack of heat?

So if the above is true, why do you think God needs to put such things into absolutes? It seems that to God, it's either all good or all bad, either Hell or Heaven. Is there any kind of common grounds for this religion, any kind of medium between the two? (I'm not talking about Jesus)

You ever ask yourself why God feels compelled to label things this way?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:45 am
by Enigma7457
As to why he created us, are you married? Do you have any close friends? I don't remember who wrote it already, but God wants fellowship. I like the idea of that.

Let me give you an example that most guys can relate to (sorry zoe and any other girls):

My mother-in-law hates me. With a passion. With a big strong burning intense hellfire passion. ANd you know what? I don't care. Me and my wife have been together for only six and half years (i'm only 22, so that's an accomplishment). And my mother-in-law has hated me six and half years. She has put me and my wife through hellfire already. When we were in high school, we were not allowed to see each other. I was 16. Any thinking 16 year old would have split and found an easier girl, right? Wrong. I loved her then and i knew i wanted to spend my life with her. So, like a trooper, i endured her mother's hate. Now, we live together and we have adopted her nine year old brother, stole him right from underneath the mother-in-law. heehee. I view God in a similar situation. I didn't create my wife, like God created us. But i love her and she loves me. SO, the 'heaven' we are in now was worth the struggles we went through.

Now, the mother-in-law is comparable to our struggles on earth. My marriage, heaven (not literally but for sake of the analogy) and IF we had not ended up together, hell. NOt eternal torture (sometimes marriage feels like that :wink: ) but separation from the one i love. If my wife were taken from me now, i would die. If my nine year old were taken from me now, I would die. I can't live without my family, the way God can't live without us.

Hope the example helps.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:35 am
by B. W.
johnnyboy08 wrote:
B. W. wrote: Answer to your question above: He a God of the Living and not the dead...
You sound convinced? God doesn't NEED us to exist, right? Why would He create His anyways? He is perfect, and would be foolish is He was to risk that perfection on us sinful creatures. He is all-knowing, and knows exactly what He will do and what we will do. What then would bring Him any pleasure or joy? The "good" emotions we feel, we feel because we know that they will one day end, and that we must enjoy them now. God doesn't go through that. Why did He create us then?
God can not help but being God...

I suggest looking at who God is as revealed in the bible - why the bible alone? Answer - so you will not get lost in a tangled maze.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:42 am
by B. W.
johnnyboy08 wrote:B. W. I went through your post that you left for me. Thank you.

Perhaps you can clarify: Is darkness created from a LACK of light, in a way that coldness is created by a lack of heat?

So if the above is true, why do you think God needs to put such things into absolutes? It seems that to God, it's either all good or all bad, either Hell or Heaven. Is there any kind of common grounds for this religion, any kind of medium between the two? (I'm not talking about Jesus)

You ever ask yourself why God feels compelled to label things this way?
I'll get to this answer your questions a little later on as I need to head off to work...

But for now … What does the Bible tell us about God? What do the names used to describe God mean? How does the Bible reveal things about God's character and what does it reveal?

This is something for you to search out and it will take time…

More later...

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:00 am
by Enigma7457
I agree with BW. Read the bible to learn who God is. Everything else (however relevant) will not answer that as well and will only serve to confuse you. HOWEVER, it may be beneficial to read a study guide along with it (or something to that effect). The bible was written thousands of years ago and what it says may read different if you do not understand the situation.

Either way, God will speak to you when you read the bible.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:59 pm
by FFC
johnnyboy08 wrote:
FFC wrote:johnnyboy08, are you sincerely seeking Christ or are you just having fun at our expense?
I don't have fun discussing religion. I take it as serious business, as serious as you do FFC 8)

I am seeking sincerely. I just never trust easy. It's so easy to be deceived, so hard to believe, and very simple to doubt. If the conversion process is not arduous and long, what's to stop me from becoming Muslim or Jewish right after this?

I know a lot of Christians. I also know a lot of former Christians. I know some "Ultra" Christians, too. I can't say too many of them are good examples of your Messiah. Like Gandhi said, "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians." There are quite a few ex-Christians that I am acquainted with that have told me they suffered in many ways when they were Christian, and most of it was related to simply the morality of man and the judgment of God. Some of these ex-Christians are compassionate, caring people, and I'm sure lost sleep over the fact that an eternity separated from God is possible in an existence given to them by an All-Loving God. They tell me that it doesn't matter how or what you do to justify it, it seems too far fetched and unlike God to do such a thing. I don't think so, not yet, so I need to look into this religion a bit more before deciding. I am not trying to waste anyone's time here. I just want some answers to my questions. For all the ones you all have answered already, you don't know how grateful I am. It's just hard for me to express gratitude over the Web and over my own cynicalism :wink:
Thanks Johnny. Just checking. :wink:

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:37 pm
by Looking for the Truth
Hello johnnyboy08,

I'm very happy to know that you are starting to know Christianity.
I'm not exactly a Christian ( well, depends on what you consider to be Christian), but I have a relationship with the same God. Therefore if you have doubts about Christianity, I'm not exactly the right person to ask. But I will try to help you.

Now an interesting fact: God revealed His personal name SEVERAL times in Scripture. That's because He wants to have a relationship with you. His name is Yahuweh; that means "I Am".

Please correct me if I'm wrong: The word "Covenant" ( Old Covenant, New Covenant) in Hebrew means "relationship". So, Yahuweh did not replace Judaism with Christianity. He just "recycled" His relationship with us.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:25 pm
by johnnyboy08
Looking for the Truth wrote: Please correct me if I'm wrong: The word "Covenant" ( Old Covenant, New Covenant) in Hebrew means "relationship". So, Yahuweh did not replace Judaism with Christianity. He just "recycled" His relationship with us.
That's not what the Jews say. Ask any orthodox Jew about God and tell them their God is the same God that Christians worship. I doubt that they would agree with you. The same with Islam. It's all just a point of view, isn't is? If you were a Muslim, you would put the same amount of effort as you are now, except for Allah instead of Jehovah. And from Christians I know, they're not the same, either.

Why would God wait a few thousand years before His relationship with the Gentiles? Why the Jews first? What, the Africans, Celtics, Asians, and Native Americans weren't good enough to be His first kids?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:31 pm
by johnnyboy08
Enigma7457 wrote:I agree with BW. Read the bible to learn who God is. Everything else (however relevant) will not answer that as well and will only serve to confuse you. HOWEVER, it may be beneficial to read a study guide along with it (or something to that effect). The bible was written thousands of years ago and what it says may read different if you do not understand the situation.

Either way, God will speak to you when you read the bible.
Thanks. I have been reading the Bible. I've been through a lot of the New Testament and a few books in the Old Testament. I've gotten to the last Book of John, and I am finishing up Judges. I can't say that it makes much sense so far. No offense, but I am not quite understanding what this Book has to say. It reads just like like any other Holy Book. Not only has it not been special, it has been disturbing. I've read passages where God kills innocent lives, or punishes people with terrible ways to die. So far, I haven't seen too much of your God's love. Just His malice and wrath. I've judged the actions of Christians, and saw only ignorance and intolerance. I've also read good parts of the Bible, and saw only racism and grotesqueness. I can't say that I am more convinced about your religion after reading your book. If anything, I'm now less convinced. Sorry.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:36 pm
by johnnyboy08

Enigma, I've looked for good study guides, but none of them can justify some of the actions of the Bible. If you know any that can make it okay to kill children, steal women, rape, steal, and enforce overly violent laws over some ridiculous reasons, please, tell me. I've been reading the NASB, and it isn't too hard to understand. It tells me that God has great power, and uses it to hurt people. That's what the Bible is telling me.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:50 pm
by johnnyboy08
Enigma7457 wrote:As to why he created us, are you married? Do you have any close friends? I don't remember who wrote it already, but God wants fellowship. I like the idea of that.

Let me give you an example that most guys can relate to (sorry zoe and any other girls):

My mother-in-law hates me. With a passion. With a big strong burning intense hellfire passion. ANd you know what? I don't care. Me and my wife have been together for only six and half years (i'm only 22, so that's an accomplishment). And my mother-in-law has hated me six and half years. She has put me and my wife through hellfire already. When we were in high school, we were not allowed to see each other. I was 16. Any thinking 16 year old would have split and found an easier girl, right? Wrong. I loved her then and i knew i wanted to spend my life with her. So, like a trooper, i endured her mother's hate. Now, we live together and we have adopted her nine year old brother, stole him right from underneath the mother-in-law. heehee. I view God in a similar situation. I didn't create my wife, like God created us. But i love her and she loves me. SO, the 'heaven' we are in now was worth the struggles we went through.

Now, the mother-in-law is comparable to our struggles on earth. My marriage, heaven (not literally but for sake of the analogy) and IF we had not ended up together, hell. NOt eternal torture (sometimes marriage feels like that :wink: ) but separation from the one i love. If my wife were taken from me now, i would die. If my nine year old were taken from me now, I would die. I can't live without my family, the way God can't live without us.

Hope the example helps.
Actually, I can relate. I've known my girlfriend since I was in High School, and my mom never approved of her no matter what I said. And her mother acted as if I didn't exist. Hard, yes. Rewarding, yes. Was it worth it all? Yes, it was. But if I was to die before knowing her, it wouldn't hurt. Now that I have known her, yes, you're right, it would be Hell if we seperated. Yes, we do plan to get married soon, and we do love each other, but the thing is, like I said, IF I never met her, I wouldn't feel pain if I died or lived life without her. I was a happy little camper, too! I am still a happy camper now, but life could go on without her if I never met her. Why couldn't God have done that? Just let life go on without such a strong desire to love so great but risk so much? By risk, I mean risking people going to Hell by allowing us to live in His presence. Why couldn't God create us and step back, or better yet, just NOT make us and revere Himself for en eternity. He is PERFECT, isn't He? Perfect means perfection, it is done, complete within itself. Why create man? Just for fun?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:53 pm
by zoegirl
Ah, but to understand Judges you must put together everything that has happened. before.

God chose Abraham and Sarah to be the vehicle for HIs people. Through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God built His nation. He called them to be an exalted nation through which He can show His love in the covenant originally established with Abraham.

Throughout the book of Exodus and Joshua, we see God delivering His people to His promised land.

Unfortunatley, HIs people in the promised land went through periods of giving in to the cultures around them. Judges shows repeatably that God loves HIs people enough to deliver His people from their enemies over and over despite their leaving His call to be a people for HIm. Despite their rebellion, God stands by His covenant. THis is the take-home message from Judges.

God stands true to His covenant to His people, even when they stray. His love shows through His mercy when they plead to HIm to deliver them from their enemies (even when they let themselves be swayed by the cultures around them)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:00 pm
by FFC
johnnyboy08 wrote:BTW

Enigma, I've looked for good study guides, but none of them can justify some of the actions of the Bible. If you know any that can make it okay to kill children, steal women, rape, steal, and enforce overly violent laws over some ridiculous reasons, please, tell me. I've been reading the NASB, and it isn't too hard to understand. It tells me that God has great power, and uses it to hurt people. That's what the Bible is telling me.
Well I'm glad your keeping an open mind, Johnny. You go from admitting to knowing nothing to having it all figured out after reading a few books at random. Where in the world do you see God condoning the actions you describe above? It's true that God is no one to play around with after much His enemies find out many times in the bible, but never does He punish without plenty of fair warning. If you still don't think He is fair then you are entitled to your opinion, but in His economy He is in control of the ballgame and can do whatever He wants to do, to whoever He wants to do it, whether it is something we approve of or not. He is just kooky that way with that soveriegnty of His.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:07 pm
by johnnyboy08
zoegirl wrote:Ah, but to understand Judges you must put together everything that has happened. before.

God chose Abraham and Sarah to be the vehicle for HIs people. Through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God built His nation. He called them to be an exalted nation through which He can show His love in the covenant originally established with Abraham.

Throughout the book of Exodus and Joshua, we see God delivering His people to His promised land.

Unfortunatley, HIs people in the promised land went through periods of giving in to the cultures around them. Judges shows repeatably that God loves HIs people enough to deliver His people from their enemies over and over despite their leaving His call to be a people for HIm. Despite their rebellion, God stands by His covenant. THis is the take-home message from Judges.

God stands true to His covenant to His people, even when they stray. His love shows through His mercy when they plead to HIm to deliver them from their enemies (even when they let themselves be swayed by the cultures around them)
Enemies? Really now, who are the ENEMIES? Are we not all of God's children? If we are not with God, He must kill us then?

First things first, why did God choose just Abraham?

Secondly, if the Land was "promised", why couldn't God just hand it over? Why let other people inhabit it first? If you look at this at another angle, you will notice something; history is written by the victors. ANY race could've just invaded a decent strip of land by the Sea, and then after their securing of their nation, simply written down on scrolls or papers that their conquest was divine of Heaven-sent.

Isn't this whole "Promised Land" business that sparked up the conflicts between Jews and the other cultures in the Middle East?

This is what I really wanted to say; are you implying that if God is on our side, our enemies better watch out? I mean, just because God is on the Jews' side doesn't give them the right to do everything they did in Judges, does it? Having a so-called "All-Loving" God shouldn't allow His worshipers to do whatever they want against people outside of their religion. That's called intolerance, in case you were wondering what the heck I am babbling about :wink: