Re: Gen 1 Defies Physics Laws
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:39 am
zoegirl wrote:Irq conflict.
It does seem like you use scripture to imply that those of us who support OEC are somehow compromising God's word.
By the same token, am I supposed to tell you that because you believe first that the earth is billions of years old that it's ok to interpret Genesis to fit that OEC model? ie Yom out of context and ignore the ordinal numbers.irqconflict wrote: I just wanted to point out that old earth creationists tend to ignore context and cut and paste scripture to fit within the confines of what they believe to be true. ie 'presuppose'
How in the world can this be taken any other way other than a slap in the face of our faith and understanding of Gods word?
I would be intellectually bankrupt if I did that.
Then for any debate, you bring up scripture as if that then implies that if only we would read scripture we would get the point! ALl of the scripture you bring up is fine, great, wonderful, and I agree with it all! But we can use these scripture verses as well. My point is, why should these verses be exclusively for YEC?
Again you accuse me. Go back to those Scriptures and re read them and then read my post as to why I used those Scriptures. I cannot be held responsible for how you take something out of context in which it was put forth. Scripture should be used to instruct and edify. Why you choose not to use Scripture to bolster your position is your decision not mine.
In reality, only one of our positions on Genesis can be correct right?YEs, I react strongly, because you charge that we do not lift God up to the same arena that YEC'ers do.
My belief that your interpretation of Genesis is wrong in no way says we are unequal.If you truly do not hold to this, then gladly will I back off, but I've not seen anything to say that you think we are on equal footing.
Yes. The Earth.And being a good steward means that you have to understand what you are stewards over.
Rev 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
How then was it possible for the previous thousands of years without scientific discovery to be good stewards?How can we be good stewards of the earth, its resources, and its creatures, our bodies, our planet, our environment unless we seek to understand God's established rules and laws of these?
Do I need to be a mechanic to take care of my car? A carpenter to take care of my house? The answer is simple. The designers give you the necessary information to maintain the items which you have. Not that I have to learn everything there is to know about those items.Adam and Eve were given a mandate to be stewards over the creation. Does that not mean that they were supposed to learn and understand to the best of their ability God's creation?
Being a good steward of the earth simply means not destroying abusing or wasting it and follow the Word on how God wants His property to be taken care of.
We don't doubt this principle with money...everybody understands that to be good stewards of our money means that we should understand how to use money and the principles of interest, etc.Because God did not apply the same rules to the stewardship of the earth with regards to usury and tithes and offerings.So why should our responsibility to God's creation be any different?
Our responsibility begins and ends with what God Ordained.