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Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:00 pm
by jenna
zoegirl wrote:
jenwat3 wrote:Agreed. He said it "was very good". Answer one question for me, though. How long did it take for God to create man, in your opinion?
can you be more specific? What are you asking. In what "day" did He create man and woman?

how many years? Days? did it take? Dunno... Can you narrow down what you are asking for?

(btw, might get the answer tomorrow....I really should be asleep right now....I ahev GOT to go to bed)
No, not what day, but HOW LONG? Years, days?

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:02 pm
by the sleep of reason
jenwat3 wrote:Again, how long, in your opinion, did it take God to create man?
in my opinion, based on the literal, mechanical translation from hebrew, i dont know. what are you asking? how long from what starting point?

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:08 pm
by zoegirl
ok. this bible thing is something i've sought out for ten years, all of my adult life. and i mean dilligently. i talk to God everyday. now, you said the bible is how you know Him. i have to say that if i only read the bible and didnt seek communion and oneness with Him ouside of just reading the word, i wouldnt know HIm at all. i know God because of my walk with him and my seeking to be more like Him, my seeking to live in His will, and all of that, for me, comes from prayer, meditation, communion and fellowship. the bible has never, no matter how hard i've tried (and i cant stress enough how HARD i have tried!!!!) has never been fulfilling to me. it's always raised more questions than answers. i've begged God for peace on this issue, and i've really found it (i think) which is why i 'm asking if it's ok to just not really have all that much emphasis on a holy text but rather spend your time on the line directly with the man.

that being said, i'm studying the word in Hebrew now, as to circumvent any rhedoric. i dont know how else to, and i cant express what hard work this has been. i find that if anything the pentatuech (sp?) seems to be the most untainted--

what is religion? it's semantics made up by some people as to how they think people how to work. what is salvation? to me it is walking with Thee and trying to be like Thee, under His blessing because we accept Him as the Almighty and our Saviour. i have been to about 50 churches (literally) trying to find
Ah, ok,

(see, it's amazing how much confusion can be cleared up by asking for clarifiaction....that's actually not directed at you, just a reflection y/:) )

There is a LOT of history in the development of the evolutionary theory with atheist philosophy that contributed to the resistance of Christians.

I feel for you, because I do sense your struggle. I would correct one thing. I said how can you really have a walk with Him without discovering who He is. And without that knowledge I wonder if your "walk" suffers. I will pray for you with regards to this.

I have noticed that al lot of what you have said regarding the vailidity of scripture has more to do with misconceptions (flood would be a good example) than true worries about scripture.

May I suggest that you seek out some good literature on the subject (depsite your views on pro-bible websites, you shouldn't dismiss them before seeking them and reading them! )

Have you read "Mere Christianity" by C S Lewis? If you are wanting a book that delved simply into apologetics, this would be a good book for you. Nice book for you before classes start again.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:09 pm
by zoegirl
the sleep of reason wrote:
jenwat3 wrote:Again, how long, in your opinion, did it take God to create man?
in my opinion, based on the literal, mechanical translation from hebrew, i dont know. what are you asking? how long from what starting point?

yep, what I would ask.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:11 pm
by jenna
From the start of creation, how long? Days, years?

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:13 pm
by zoegirl
the sleep of reason wrote:
zoegirl wrote:
jenwat3 wrote:All I'm saying here is that God created man. From the dust. He did not create monkeys or what have you, and then let them evolve into man.
Ah, but what does the Hebrew word for dust imply?

Also I agree with you with regards to the word "let". I don't think anything that happened was simply "allowed" to happen. I think Genesis IS very clear that HOWEVER God did it, He did it intentionally, willfully, and He accomplished what He wanted to accomplish.

God simply didn't just add some ignrediets into some grand mixing bowl and sit back and say "wow, look what happened!"
so then do we not have free will?

do bees not pollinate flowers? doesnt the world work in a systematic way? isnt that a group of ingredients working together on their own?
if not, why then do we pray? if we 're not in some way controlling things here, how could God intervien after prayer?
He would already be running things, so that would render prayer useless, no?

i think God did step back and let us do our own thing. how else could adam have sinned?
I was addressing the act of creation, not free wil per se.

Genesis shows a God actively participating and intmately invovled in His creation. I don't think any created act was an accident (He didn't look at Adam and Eve and go wow, look what happened!! He decided to create Man and Woman and did so.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:13 pm
by the sleep of reason
zoegirl wrote:
ok. this bible thing is something i've sought out for ten years, all of my adult life. and i mean dilligently. i talk to God everyday. now, you said the bible is how you know Him. i have to say that if i only read the bible and didnt seek communion and oneness with Him ouside of just reading the word, i wouldnt know HIm at all. i know God because of my walk with him and my seeking to be more like Him, my seeking to live in His will, and all of that, for me, comes from prayer, meditation, communion and fellowship. the bible has never, no matter how hard i've tried (and i cant stress enough how HARD i have tried!!!!) has never been fulfilling to me. it's always raised more questions than answers. i've begged God for peace on this issue, and i've really found it (i think) which is why i 'm asking if it's ok to just not really have all that much emphasis on a holy text but rather spend your time on the line directly with the man.

that being said, i'm studying the word in Hebrew now, as to circumvent any rhedoric. i dont know how else to, and i cant express what hard work this has been. i find that if anything the pentatuech (sp?) seems to be the most untainted--

what is religion? it's semantics made up by some people as to how they think people how to work. what is salvation? to me it is walking with Thee and trying to be like Thee, under His blessing because we accept Him as the Almighty and our Saviour. i have been to about 50 churches (literally) trying to find
Ah, ok,

(see, it's amazing how much confusion can be cleared up by asking for clarifiaction....that's actually not directed at you, just a reflection y/:) )

There is a LOT of history in the development of the evolutionary theory with atheist philosophy that contributed to the resistance of Christians.

I feel for you, because I do sense your struggle. I would correct one thing. I said how can you really have a walk with Him without discovering who He is. And without that knowledge I wonder if your "walk" suffers. I will pray for you with regards to this.

I have noticed that al lot of what you have said regarding the vailidity of scripture has more to do with misconceptions (flood would be a good example) than true worries about scripture.

May I suggest that you seek out some good literature on the subject (depsite your views on pro-bible websites, you shouldn't dismiss them before seeking them and reading them! )

Have you read "Mere Christianity" by C S Lewis? If you are wanting a book that delved simply into apologetics, this would be a good book for you. Nice book for you before classes start again.
oh i forgot to say i'm reading a few books and have read many others about the bible. i study dake's commentary on the bible as well as strong's concordance, i have two books, one i've read one i'm working through, the second is by the president of the bible preservation society of ny.

i'm watching as many films as i can find on the subject (i have seen 4 documentaries on it in the last 8 days) as well as have sit down discussions about my question with my penticostle preacher father as well as my hebraic chrstian friends and my messianic jew friends.
more than any of that, i pray about it and meditate on it.
i'm starting another book called the mechanical (literal) interpretation of genesis from hebrew. there's more but i cant remember.

i have read zero books on evolution.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:15 pm
by zoegirl
I would REALLY encourage you to step back and read "Mere Christianity"

Wow, a good book. Go out tomorrow and either buy it or goto your local library and borrow it.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:16 pm
by the sleep of reason
jenwat3 wrote:From the start of creation, how long? Days, years?
i say it's unknowable, from the literal hebrew translation, because no starting point of creation is given.

like i said the earth was recreated, not 'from nothing' in the bible. so pre-adamite earth isnt covered in the bible and creation is therefore unknowable.

even if you asked me jsut to start from the first "day" of adamite creation, tho, it's still not knowable because of vast discrepancies in the translation of the word "day". again the bible says a day to Him is a thousand years to us. how can we know?
i simply dont.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:26 pm
by jenna
It states that He created man on the 6th day. (Which I'm sure you already knew this). So how do we know He didn't mean 6 thousand years? For one, He created plants on the 3rd day, and then on the 4th day He created the sun and moon. If it had been an actual 1000 years between the two, then the plants could not have survived! Nothing on earth can live that long without the sun. So therefore it had to be a literal "day". And since man was created on the 6th day, there would have been no time for him to evolve from monkeys, or anything else.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:53 am
by the sleep of reason
jenwat3 wrote:It states that He created man on the 6th day. (Which I'm sure you already knew this). So how do we know He didn't mean 6 thousand years? For one, He created plants on the 3rd day, and then on the 4th day He created the sun and moon. If it had been an actual 1000 years between the two, then the plants could not have survived! Nothing on earth can live that long without the sun. So therefore it had to be a literal "day". And since man was created on the 6th day, there would have been no time for him to evolve from monkeys, or anything else.
you should read 'a mechanical (literal) translation of the book of genesis from hebrew" by jeff a benner.
i know the bible says that in english, but you have to research what words meant. in hebrew it says:
gen 1:2-"and the land had existed in confusion and was unfilled and darkness was upon the face of the deep sea and the wind of Elohiym *Powers* was much fluttering upon the face of the waters.
1:3: and Elohiym *Powers* said , light exist and light existed, 1:4 and Elohiym *Powers* saw the light given and that it was functional...

now, i dont see any accounts of "on this day" or on that day. do you? no account of the passage of time has come up yet.
Young's Literal Translation
1:5 and God calleth to the light `Day,` and to the darkness He hath called `Night;` and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day one.

how can you know how much time has passed from gen 1:1-1:5? it would appear from every translation i can find that seven days passed starting from 1:5.

now, have you heard of the renovation by fire? dispensation of angels, or earths' several perfect states?
Lucifer's reign over the world that then was (Isa. 14:12-14; Jer. 4:23-26; Ez. 28:11-17; Col. 1:15-18). The length of his rule is unknown.
God destroys Lucifer's kingdom on earth completely, and curses the earth by destroying every bird, animal, fish, city, inhabitant, and all vegetation. He then turns the earth upside down, and by means of a great flood makes it empty and a waste (Gen. 1:2; Ps. 104:5-9; Isa. 14:12-14; Jer. 4-.23-26; Ez. 28:11:-17; 2 Pet. 3:5-7). Length of the pre-Adamite flood on earth is unknown.

Re-creation of the heavens and earth in six days. This may be six literal days or, as 2 Peter 3:8 relates, “...A day with the Lord as a thousand years...”

The Spirit of God moves upon the flooded earth in the darkness covering the waters. Light is restored; earth is brought to a second habitable state; new land animals, fish, fowls, and vegetation are created; and Adam is made the new ruler of the earth in Lucifer's place
(Gen. 1:2-2:25; Ex. 20:811 31:15; Ps. 104:6-9).

so, there you have it. time from the beginning of the earth until adam: unknowable.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:22 am
by jenna
This I agree with to an extent. I think there is actually a time gap from Genesis 1:1 to 1:2. The verse "was without form and void" may actually mean "BECAME without form and void". So there may have been a time gap. My take on this is that God created the earth and angels. Then Satan rebelled and in the battle the earth was destroyed and became "without form". So after God subdued Satan, He recreated the earth, in an actual weeks' time.

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:38 am
by David Blacklock
According to a recent poll, 68% of Republicans don't believe in evolution. On the other hand only 5% of monkeys believe in Republicans.


Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:43 am
by Canuckster1127
David Blacklock wrote:According to a recent poll, 68% of Republicans don't believe in evolution. On the other hand only 5% of monkeys believe in Republicans.

Humor ..... ar, ar ...... ;)

Re: Another challenge to Darwinists

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:41 am
by Gman
jenwat3 wrote:This I agree with to an extent. I think there is actually a time gap from Genesis 1:1 to 1:2. The verse "was without form and void" may actually mean "BECAME without form and void". So there may have been a time gap. My take on this is that God created the earth and angels. Then Satan rebelled and in the battle the earth was destroyed and became "without form". So after God subdued Satan, He recreated the earth, in an actual weeks' time.

I believe the gap theory proposes some problems as outlined in this article below...