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Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:58 pm
by ageofknowledge
It's not what "many say" friend it's what has the most explanatory power and is the best fit for the multilayered complex reality we observe.

For example, I'll assume you can tell the difference between an assertion of fact that a transcendent creator created the universe and one that says a sea monster did.

Obviously there is a great difference between looking at our universe and coming to the conclusion that Cecil the sea monster created it rather than a supreme transcendent Creator.

Now Harrambi was a polytheist who taught that the sun (e.g. the big ball of fire in the sky) was a god and that the sun gave him the code of laws. He also had homosexual lovers. Obviously our sun did not give him his code of laws (something which a real transcendent creator could have), anymore than Cecil the sea monster, so he lied about that and because he enjoyed homosexual sex acts just ignored them in his code.

The Rig Veda is an occultic polytheistic text that praises false gods like the thousand-headed, thousand-eyed, thousand-footed Purusa and other non-existent conjectures of imagination.

The revelation found in Genesis predates the Harrambi and the Rig Veda which is very different in assertions from the pagan texts and provides explanatory power back to the first human couple (male/female).

Seriously, I'd advise against using the sun or Purusa or Cecil the sea monster as a reason to engage in the sinful behavior of homosexuality given God's clear instructions not to engage in the abomination.


Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:18 pm
by Proinsias
I'm not using Purusa or Cecil the Seamonster as divine authority to ok homosexual activity. No need for a religious source to ok it or disagree with it for me.

I'm trying to show that it is not exclusively Chrsitian/Jewish. Your dismissal of other traditions as nonsense doesn't really cut it for me, it sounds just like an ill informed atheist mocking Christianity.

False Gods vs One True God, hmm when you put it like that your one sounds so much better. True Gods vs One False God, hmm when I put it like that........

Which date are you using for the revelation in Genesis?

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:02 pm
by ageofknowledge
I changed divine authority to reason as it fit the discussion better. But either way the point gets made.

And the revelation of God joining a woman to a man in a lifelong intimate relationship for manifold purposes within His design goes back to when God created woman and gave her to man. Unless Adam and Eve started a calendar around that time, we don't have an exact date. All other "definitions" are subsequent to this event AFTER the fall including the ones defined by practicing homosexuals like Hammurabi.

One true God, man made false ones, or atheism. Take your pick. Guess which one this person chose?


A practicing homosexual. But not nonsense no. Much worse than nonsense. If only it were nonsense.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:56 pm
by Proinsias
ageofknowledge wrote:All other "definitions" are subsequent to this event AFTER the fall including the ones defined by practicing homosexuals like Hammurabi.
I suppose it comes down to once you've committed to it then it makes perfect sense. If you start viewing on a level ground with other literature then things are a little more complicated, or rather more vague. I think the issue may be that I have a great deal of respect for many traditions and you have respect for one only, on the other hand I have only a little knowledge of many traditions and you appear to have a wealth of knowledge on one.

The idea of man being joined to woman in a lifelong intimate relationship of marriage has already been abandoned by the society I live in, divorce is recognised and remarriage is common, I suspect this is what will happen with same sex marriages. Kind of 'let them do it but let them know that God won't recognise it'.
ageofknowledge wrote:One true God, man made false ones, or atheism. Take your pick. Guess which one this person chose?


A practicing homosexual. But not nonsense no. Much worse than nonsense. If only it were nonsense.
I'm not sure where you are going with this. I guess C. atheism

Are you wishing me to find pictures of strange looking Christians or acts committed by Christians in the name of God which are more unpleasant than two men having sex. Or maybe good things accomplished by homosexuals, I'm really not sure.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:47 pm
by ageofknowledge
Oh yes let's have a contest. I'll win. The really nasties were not born again authentic Christians (Needless to say those guys didn't allow other men to put their weeiners into them either :lol: ). That honor falls to pagans, atheists, and so called religious people from many faiths that were not born again authentic Christians in word and deed taking Christ's life as their example.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:13 pm
by cslewislover
Proinsias wrote:Are you wishing me to find pictures of strange looking Christians or acts committed by Christians in the name of God which are more unpleasant than two men having sex. Or maybe good things accomplished by homosexuals, I'm really not sure.
There's a huge difference between someone who has Christ in him, and someone who calls himself a Christian but does things that go against the faith and God's will. Jesus warned of false prophets and false "believers" in the church; we know there are false, deceptive people in the church. And why wouldn't any of us think that homosexuals do good? Of course many of them do, well, what we humans call good. There are people inclined to unselfish acts, sweet people, and there are those inclined to anger, etc. We're all humans.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:31 am
by ageofknowledge
Proinsias wrote:I suppose it comes down to once you've committed to it then it makes perfect sense. If you start viewing on a level ground with other literature then things are a little more complicated, or rather more vague. I think the issue may be that I have a great deal of respect for many traditions and you have respect for one only, on the other hand I have only a little knowledge of many traditions and you appear to have a wealth of knowledge on one.
^^ INCORRECT. What it really comes down to is the truth and one's position concerning it. Objective truth matters. For example, take two different assertions of fact that are opposed to each other such as 2+2=4 and 2+1=4 within the context of simple arithmetic. What you're saying is that if a culture view 2+1=4 as correct then it is: even though it is not. This type of reasoning will take you into all kind of error.

You can choose to put on Christ, renew your mind, and learn to walk in the light standing before God at the judgement and counted worthy to enter into eternal life or you can put on homosexuality and a deceived mind and give your flesh over to corruption unto eternal condemnation.

The earliest revelation of what constitutes a holy standard for a sexual relationship was given by God after creating the first woman and is described in Genesis. Yet as Paul observed when studying the Greco-Roman Empire:

"18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." Romans 1:18-32.

People chose to reject God and engage in all sorts of abominable behavior listening to demons and creating occultic pagan substitutes which they passed on to suceeding generations which we find today reflected in ancient texts like the Rig Veda.

This choice we have to choose what behaviors we engage in results in what we become. We have ex-homosexuals at churches that have been happily married with children for over twenty years. They are not homosexuals anymore despite what the popular literature says about once a homosexual always a homosexual. They put on Christ and over time conquered and then discarded the homosexual desire that once burned hot within them. This is not just a spiritual, emotional, and mental process but also a biological one. For the brain has a measure of plasticity and changes occur based on the behaviors we choose to engage in.

A good example of this is reflected in the life of someone I know we'll call Steve. I first met Steve about a year after starting to follow Christ. He came from one of those blessed God bubble homes we all wish we could come from. You know the kind. Perfect modeling, awesome wealthy parents, great brothers and sisters, excellent extended family. All the love and support and modeling and opportunity anyone could ever ask for. But Steve had an issue. He felt he was different from his brothers in that he had homosexual desires. And he had acted on these desires several times. I did not know this.

As a young Christian fresh out of a very different kind of world than Steve (you could get whacked in the crazy gang related groups I grew up in for being a homosexual) had, I was surprised one night crashing over at his apartment to feel his hand on my leg. I woke up fast and knocked his hand away and woke him up and demanded to know what was going on. Suddenly all the Morrissey cds and that biography of Oscar Wilde he had been reading made sense. He confessed he had these desires.

I was so pissed I went out to the living room where a bunch of band members from a local band had taken over squatting for free in his nice upscale pad and kicked them all out in the middle of the night single handed with much drama (no red and blue lights showed up though), I then crashed on the couch.

Now this young man could have gone either way. He could have put on Christ or put on homosexuality. He chose to put on Christ. Today he's married with children, has a very close relationship with his a beautiful wife, is a very successful businessman, and a position of responsibility in his church. It was a choice that was his alone to make. He chose to put on Christ. No cheating, no drama, no homosexuality, no excuses. And his life reflects that today. I haven't seen him for five years but he had 20 years under his belt and was doing very well.

Now very few get the kind of Christian family that Steve was blessed with but the choice of whether to identify as and practice homosexuality always has been, is and always will be each person's (whether or not they may have a propensity for it).

For those already addicted (and addiction is very powerful as any drug, alcohol, porn, or sex addict will tell you) to homosexual sex sin, a program of recovery may be the only way they will find their way to a new life. Fortunately, there are many today and a good number of ex-homosexuals have passed through them successfully and are waiting for you to mentor you.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:20 am
by Proinsias
cslewislover wrote:
Proinsias wrote:Are you wishing me to find pictures of strange looking Christians or acts committed by Christians in the name of God which are more unpleasant than two men having sex. Or maybe good things accomplished by homosexuals, I'm really not sure.
There's a huge difference between someone who has Christ in him, and someone who calls himself a Christian but does things that go against the faith and God's will. Jesus warned of false prophets and false "believers" in the church; we know there are false, deceptive people in the church. And why wouldn't any of us think that homosexuals do good? Of course many of them do, well, what we humans call good. There are people inclined to unselfish acts, sweet people, and there are those inclined to anger, etc. We're all humans.
I'm not trying to claim that none of you would think that homosexuals do good. I was just trying to establish if Age was trying to get into some point scoring game over 'who is best', it appears this is the case. I will politely decline this offer.
ageofknowledge wrote:
Proinsias wrote:I suppose it comes down to once you've committed to it then it makes perfect sense. If you start viewing on a level ground with other literature then things are a little more complicated, or rather more vague. I think the issue may be that I have a great deal of respect for many traditions and you have respect for one only, on the other hand I have only a little knowledge of many traditions and you appear to have a wealth of knowledge on one.
^^ INCORRECT. What it really comes down to is the truth and one's position concerning it. Objective truth matters. For example, take two different assertions of fact that are opposed to each other such as 2+2=4 and 2+1=4 within the context of simple arithmetic. What you're saying is that if a culture view 2+1=4 as correct then it is: even though it is not. This type of reasoning will take you into all kind of error.

You can choose to put on Christ, renew your mind, and learn to walk in the light standing before God at the judgement and counted worthy to enter into eternal life or you can put on homosexuality and a deceived mind and give your flesh over to corruption unto eternal condemnation.

The earliest revelation of what constitutes a holy standard for a sexual relationship was given by God after creating the first woman and is described in Genesis. Yet as Paul observed when studying the Greco-Roman Empire:
I don't see the correlation between 2+2=4 and Christ-Homosexuality=Eternal life. You can choose to put on Christ or not, you can choose what to do with your genitals and you can wait to see what happens when you die along with everyone else - certainty that one text is correct above all others is no more than an opinion.

As for Steve. Recovery and addiction is a staple description of religion by those who have 'escaped' its trappings. It works both ways. One can as easily compare religion to addiction as one can compare homosexuality to addiction.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:22 am
by ageofknowledge
You said:

"I suppose it comes down to once you've committed to it then it makes perfect sense. If you start viewing on a level ground with other literature then things are a little more complicated, or rather more vague. I think the issue may be that I have a great deal of respect for many traditions and you have respect for one only, on the other hand I have only a little knowledge of many traditions and you appear to have a wealth of knowledge on one."

I said:

"What it really comes down to is the truth and one's position concerning it. Objective truth matters. For example, take two different assertions of fact that are opposed to each other such as 2+2=4 and 2+1=4 within the context of simple arithmetic. What you're saying is that if a culture view 2+1=4 as correct then it is: even though it is not. This type of reasoning will take you into all kind of error. "

My assertion is correct. Objective truth exists and it is desirable to apply it to life to get accurate, meaninful, and desirable results. If I start with a premise that is inherently flawed and begin to extrapolate that certain behaviors are acceptable, as you have been doing, then I can expect errors with my conclusions/deductions.

It doesn't matter if you feel that 2+2=4 doesn't equate to hetrosexuality being God's design for humanity. What matters is that you begin to use 2+2=4 rather than 2+1=4 or 5+4=4 or some other false construct as the basis for reasoning to draw accurate conclusions and discard the false ones. For example, 1 penis + 1 penis or 1 vagina + 1 vagina does not equate to 1 penis + 1 vagina. Now we have established that a difference exists between these three sets. Now which set is the most biologically desirable to life on earth?

The correct answer is that 1 penis + 1 vagina is the most desirable combination for life on earth. Having established that we can ask a new question and use objective truth to see what result we get. See how this works.

What we don't do is toss objective truth out the window and say all sets are equally desirable to life on earth because it's all relative, I feel this is correct, people are just animals and can use their genitalia however they want, and/or <fill in the blank> which I'm sure you will. All of these are incorrect answers.

You need a good 101 logic course. It will help you learn to think properly.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:30 am
by Proinsias
I realize that there is a difference between a penis and a vagina.

Biologically desirable for life on earth? You've lost me. What on earth does that mean or have to do with anything. Do you mean what is more likely to give us even more humans on earth?

The existence of objective truth is again a matter of opinion, as is the objective existence of mathematics.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:37 am
by Byblos
Proinsias wrote:The existence of objective truth is again a matter of opinion, as is the objective existence of mathematics.
By definition, 'a matter of opinion' is subjective, not objective. (aren't we having this very same discussion somewhere else?).

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:38 am
by ageofknowledge
I see I'm not reaching you. You're not able to reason well enough so that reality can help you. If you're really down to stating that objective truth doesn't exist then I suppose we're done for now. I suppose the consequences of your actions will instruct you until such time as you might become ready for God's forgiveness, love, and instruction. Peace out friend. I hope you find that.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:53 am
by Proinsias
Byblos wrote:
Proinsias wrote:The existence of objective truth is again a matter of opinion, as is the objective existence of mathematics.
By definition, 'a matter of opinion' is subjective, not objective. (aren't we having this very same discussion somewhere else?).
That's what I'm trying to get at. One claiming that something is objective does not necessarily make it so.

ageofknowledge wrote:I see I'm not reaching you. You're not able to reason well. At least I know I tried.
I feel the same. Thanks for trying. See you around.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:33 pm
by Proinsias
ageofknowledge: I would appreciate that in future conversations, which I would like to have with yourself, that you do not edit posts that I have replied to without at least notifying me beforehand. Spelling and grammar doesn't bother me but I'm not keen to interact with you if you are going to make changes beyond that. As you have said my reason and logic is not synonymous with your own and thus changes made beyond spelling and grammar do not sit well with with me. What may be pretty much the same to yourself is very different to me. I feel a little uncomfortable when I reply to something to then find that what I have replied to is very different.

I hope it's not too much to ask that if you wish to change something other than spelling or grammar, or wish to rewrite your post that you ask. At the very least keep it as it is and add something at the bottom with "Edit:................"



Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:02 pm
by ageofknowledge
Ack. I'll do the best I can. Sometimes I realize later I need to edit something to make it more accurate. A bad habit? I don't know. To me it's just something I do to self-correct myself. I'm not trying to "win" an argument that way. Anyways... peace.