I'm sorry but that sounds like a straw man to me. It doesn't matter how much you believe their are only two options.
If one is trusting In Christ, one has assurance of salvation. The assurance of salvation is hope. It isn't a feeling. The assurance of salvation isn't about our confidence level, or that we can clinch our fist, squint our eyes, and make ourselves know, that we know that we know. My faith in Christ is not faith in my own ability to intellectually process and decide. My faith is in the work of Christ. When I trusted in Christ I knew. I didn't have all the doctrine down pat. But I knew, in my heart of hearts. Something happened that I can't fully explain. But it happened, and I know that it did. I 'Ginosko.' Interesting word. Translated into the English, 'Know'. But it is also the word that is used to say, Joseph has not yet KNOWN Mary. There are other words in the great that translate know in English. Oida, Gnostos. Paul likes to use this word Ginosko when talking about knowing Christ. When you Ginosko, you know. There are many who gnostos, or oida.
What I'm talking about is the person that, for whatever reason, returns to a non-believing state as an apostate and dies in that condition never repenting.
And this is why I think we need to have some idea of just what sonstitutes saving faith, what constitutes repentence, and What "In Him" represenents.
No one is saved by accident.
I keep coming back to the rich young ruler. There are many examples. But the scriptures afford many opportunities for Jesus to just tell someone, "John 3:16." Instead he gives the rich young ruler the Law. I mean imagine if someone came up and asked you, 'How can I inherit eternal life.' Many would say, 'just John 3:16, and OSAS.' Is that sound doctrine?
In fact when Phillip encountered the Ethiopian, did he lay a John 3:16 on him. No, he taught him from the scriptures, from the Law and the Prophets. And the Ethiopian came to see and KNOW his need for salvation. And could then truly embrace what is IN HIM.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord
"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious