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Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:59 pm
by Gman
DannyM wrote: What are these charities, SML? What principles are they are founded on?
Survival of the fittest.. Sorry. Had to... :ewink:

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:01 pm
by DannyM
Gman wrote:
DannyM wrote: What are these charities, SML? What principles are they are founded on?
Survival of the fittest.. Sorry. Had to... :ewink:
And I wouldn't have you any other way brother ;)

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:21 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Gman wrote:FL.. I love ya bro, but I'm not sure if atheism could be considered a "hatred" of God since they really don't believe in God. I would call it ignorant however..
...the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law nor can it do so. -Romans 8:7

Yes, they are hostile, even if you - or they - do not recognize it. Even people as even-tempered as hatsoff and SML are hostile towards God. Hostility can be very mild or very strong. The range of an atheist's* hostility may be anywhere between unfriendly and malevolent. All these words are synonyms of «hate.»


*Atheist: here, I am using the broad sense of the word «atheist.» That is, anyone who does not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. The only God there is, in other words.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:26 pm
by Dazed and Confused
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: Again, an atheist cannot hate God. If they do they are struggling with the concept of God and calling themselves an athiest.
Have you ever listened to a Christopher Hitchens debate? That man is one of the leaders of the New Atheism and it is readily apparent that he hates God. Just listen to the man speak, vile, angry and hateful towards the God of the bible.
Many atheists hate the concept of God
All you're really saying here is that Atheist hate God. The concept of God equates to the existence of God in this context. If God does exist than Atheist will hate Him because they hate the concept. There is no distinction between the two.
but to hate what you do not believe in could be defined as insane.
I couldn't have put it better myself. Atheist hatred towards God is confounding. Go to any Atheist forum and what you will find is a unified effort to debunk the God of the bible. Atheist love to convert Christian over to there mode of religion, they call it "deconversion". Interesting term for a group that you claim doesn't hate God.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:28 pm
by Gman
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Gman wrote:FL.. I love ya bro, but I'm not sure if atheism could be considered a "hatred" of God since they really don't believe in God. I would call it ignorant however..
...the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law nor can it do so. -Romans 8:7

Yes, they are hostile, even if you - or they - do not recognize it. Even people as even-tempered as hatsoff and SML are hostile towards God. Hostility can be very mild or very strong. The range of an atheist's* hostility may be anywhere between unfriendly and malevolent. All these words are synonyms of «hate.»


*Atheist: here, I am using the broad sense of the word «atheist.» That is, anyone who does not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. The only God there is, in other words.
Yah, I know what you mean. But it doesn't say that anyone who is an atheist is intentionally hating God. They don't believe God exists.. They may not believe in God, but their motives are hostile just like anyone else.. I would agree with that.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:30 pm
by SweetMonkeyLove
The organisations I give to are - Friends of the environment and Heat and stroke foundation. My wife has been a contributer to unicef for many years.

The Organisations on this list are not all considered 'atheist' but secular. ... ities.html
the list was too long to copy paste. There are some pretty big names in there.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:42 pm
by Gman
SweetMonkeyLove wrote:DannyM
The organisations I give to are - Friends of the environment and Heat and stroke foundation. My wife has been a contributer to unicef for many years.

The Organisations on this list are not all considered 'atheist' but secular. ... ities.html
the list was too long to copy paste. There are some pretty big names in there.
Huh? UNICEF and the likes are not atheistic organizations.. They are secular organizations. Just because they are secular doesn't make them atheist. And your point is?

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:49 pm
by SweetMonkeyLove
Dazed and Confused wrote:
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: Again, an atheist cannot hate God. If they do they are struggling with the concept of God and calling themselves an athiest.
Have you ever listened to a Christopher Hitchens debate? That man is one of the leaders of the New Atheism and it is readily apparent that he hates God. Just listen to the man speak, vile, angry and hateful towards the God of the bible.
Many atheists hate the concept of God
All you're really saying here is that Atheist hate God. The concept of God equates to the existence of God in this context. If God does exist than Atheist will hate Him because they hate the concept. There is no distinction between the two.
but to hate what you do not believe in could be defined as insane.
I couldn't have put it better myself. Atheist hatred towards God is confounding. Go to any Atheist forum and what you will find is a unified effort to debunk the God of the bible. Atheist love to convert Christian over to there mode of religion, they call it "deconversion". Interesting term for a group that you claim doesn't hate God.
Mr. Hitchens is not my leader. I do not need a leader. This is part of the point of being an atheist. I do not support his approach. To 'condemn and ridicule' Christians is innapropriate.
Many atheists hate the concept of God. Not any God in particular.
I don't know how else to say this. I cannot hate what I do not believe in. I can hate things about it's institution however. I can disagree with its teachings. I could chose to hate religous people but what would be the point. It would solve nothing and separate us further. The problem with the atheist and the Christian is this. We both feel as though the other is missing something. This makes for some colossal arguments! It also breeds hate. The extremists will always hate. I know happy succesfull people on both sides of the spectrum. I also know angry confused people on either side.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:52 pm
by SweetMonkeyLove
Gman wrote:
SweetMonkeyLove wrote:DannyM
The organisations I give to are - Friends of the environment and Heat and stroke foundation. My wife has been a contributer to unicef for many years.

The Organisations on this list are not all considered 'atheist' but secular. ... ities.html
the list was too long to copy paste. There are some pretty big names in there.
Huh? UNICEF and the likes are not atheistic organizations.. They are secular organizations. Just because they are secular doesn't make them atheist. And your point is?
My point is that there are lots of charitable organisations who do not align themselves with religion. Also I am not sure you actually read the list.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:22 pm
by Gman
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: My point is that there are lots of charitable organisations who do not align themselves with religion. Also I am not sure you actually read the list.
So? That doesn't mean that they are under the atheist religion. Also I read the link... It stated, "I am considering charities that do not promote a specific religion to be an atheist charity." So any secular charitable organization is automatically considered atheist? Who gave them the right to say that? Where on their web sites do they claim that?

Again... Where are your charitable orgs that run under the atheist flag?

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:25 pm
by Gman
This is another question for all the atheists out there... Where is the 100% proof that there isn't a god?

I'll take anything.. A bone, a toothpick. I'm dying out here... :|

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:31 pm
by SweetMonkeyLove
Gman wrote:
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: My point is that there are lots of charitable organisations who do not align themselves with religion. Also I am not sure you actually read the list.
So? That doesn't mean that they are under the atheist religion. Also I read the link... It stated, "I am considering charities that do not promote a specific religion to be an atheist charity." So any secular charitable organization is automatically considered atheist? Who gave them the right to say that? Where on their web sites do they claim that?

Again... Where are your charitable orgs that run under the atheist flag?
I honestly see no real difference. Atheism is not a religion. It is not a group. We do not have meetings. Why is it always assumed that atheists don't give? We just don't stand on the mountaintop and makes sure everyone knows. The point of a secular charities is so that people, like atheists do not feel like they are donating to a missionary. We do not have a flag as far as I am aware.
As for your second post. You know very well what an atheists will say to that. How on earth can I disprove something that does not exist.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:35 pm
by Dazed and Confused
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: Mr. Hitchens is not my leader. I do not need a leader. This is part of the point of being an atheist.
This is starting to sound more and more like anarchy. Atheist or Anarchist it is all in direct opposition to the God of the bible.
I do not support his approach. To 'condemn and ridicule' Christians is innapropriate.
Yet this is a common approach with many Atheist.
Many atheists hate the concept of God. Not any God in particular.
True but this is not what I specified. Atheist are unified in their effort to debunk the God of the bible and this is a fact Jack, make a new plan Stan, just drop off the key Lee, and let Jesus set you free. Besides it takes all of about one paragraph to demolish other gods from other religions. Not so with the One that is Faithful and True.
I don't know how else to say this. I cannot hate what I do not believe in. I can hate things about it's institution however.
Well I'm just a bible believing Christians with no institutions and no club memberships. So what you are saying then is you have nothing against the bible or the God it portrays. Is it correct than to state that you do not hate the concept of God?
It would solve nothing and separate us further.
In my mind we as separated as separated can be. You can't bridge that gap.

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:40 pm
by Gman
SweetMonkeyLove wrote:I honestly see no real difference. Atheism is not a religion. It is not a group. We do not have meetings. Why is it always assumed that atheists don't give? We just don't stand on the mountaintop and makes sure everyone knows. The point of a secular charities is so that people, like atheists do not feel like they are donating to a missionary. We do not have a flag as far as I am aware.
I disagree. Atheism is most certainly a religion.. Although it is not a supernatural one. If you deny the authority of God, that He created all things, you haven't denied the concept of authority, you simply transfer it to something else like nature or mother nature, etc... Everything becomes self generated. History becomes our invention, morality becomes our invention, knowledge becomes our invention. You just transfer your authority to your own knowledge, your own experiences, etc..

Milton Yinger, who wrote The Scientific Study of Religion, stated that religion "can be defined as a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with these ultimate problems of human life." Some people deal with it by shopping or playing golf. Man is ultimately concerned about his ultimate destiny.

Anything that is seeking to probe or give answers to that question is considered a religious confession. Not just simply to those who have an outward form of worship. Everyone is capable of being religious in that sense.
SweetMonkeyLove wrote:As for your second post. You know very well what an atheists will say to that. How on earth can I disprove something that does not exist.
That's right, you can't disprove that God doesn't exist. That is why I'm waiting for an answer.. Growing cobwebs here actually.. ;)

Re: I Don't Understand Atheism

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:48 pm
by SweetMonkeyLove
Dazed and Confused wrote:
SweetMonkeyLove wrote: Mr. Hitchens is not my leader. I do not need a leader. This is part of the point of being an atheist.
This is starting to sound more and more like anarchy. Atheist or Anarchist it is all in direct opposition to the God of the bible.
I do not support his approach. To 'condemn and ridicule' Christians is innapropriate.
Yet this is a common approach with many Atheist.
Many atheists hate the concept of God. Not any God in particular.
True but this is not what I specified. Atheist are unified in their effort to debunk the God of the bible and this is a fact Jack, make a new plan Stan, just drop off the key Lee, and let Jesus set you free. Besides it takes all of about one paragraph to demolish other gods from other religions. Not so with the One that is Faithful and True.
I don't know how else to say this. I cannot hate what I do not believe in. I can hate things about it's institution however.
Well I'm just a bible believing Christians with no institutions and no club memberships. So what you are saying then is you have nothing against the bible or the God it portrays. Is it correct than to state that you do not hate the concept of God?
It would solve nothing and separate us further.
In my mind we as separated as separated can be. You can't bridge that gap.
1. Anarchy? I voted for my govenrment.
2. True It is also a common approach for many Christians. Turn on your tv and see some of the evangelists. Harsh. You can always expect a backlash when you label people heathens etc.
3. Again they do wish to debunk the bible. I do not disagree. It is not a hatred of God. They do not believe in God.
4. If you insist on wording your question in such a manner that I can only respond 'I hate the concept Of God' Then so be it. I do not hate God. I hate the idea that my entire life is prewritten. I hate that we as a species are so arrogant that we think the universe was made for us alone.
5. If that is how you feel what is the point of discussion?