The Story of Everything - Stephen Hawking

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: The Story of Everything - Stephen Hawking

Post by CeT-To »

Agreed Marcus.

Skater60 how did you come to that conclusion? or was that just random wishfull thinking because it really doesnt make sense.. y:-?
Skater60 wrote:Very poetic!! Unfortunately, I suspect it's not true.

Maybe God has nothing to do with the Universe and Matter. Maybe that concept is just our poetic license - something we just tossed together because it sounded good to somebody at sometime - and now we're stuck with it as "Truth"?
Find a good site or ask some one that can explain the Gospel in the sky and you will understand.
Skater60 wrote:Maybe God is forever and so is the Universe. Co-existing forever. Would it hurt your feelings if God told you someday in Heaven: "Hey Suzie... Matter really wasn't My idea! That stuff has always been out there. It does have a certain charm though, doesn't it?"
There is no matter outside universe, once the big bang happened - time, matter and space came into existance.

Matter cannot create things - like rocks they dream of nothing.
Skater60 wrote:So... maybe God is not this big ol' "creator", but simply a Father... Abba.... "Dad".... "Pop" - that's how Jesus addressed God. I don't think Jesus ever called God "Creator", so why do we?
LOL reason why Jesus never called God the creator because Jesus was never created - He IS God along with the Father and Holy spirit as one eternal being.
Skater60 wrote:Oh.... yeah... it's in Genesis - the Old Testament. And so we give equal weight to Jesus and Genesis?

Now that's kinda dumb, isn't it?
Like Marcus said... Jesus re-affirms the Old Testament, it was inspired by God. We call him Creator because he DID create us, Jesus said Father because Jesus begat from the Father ( NOT created). Now we christians can call God the Father because we are his adopted children.
But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16

I Praise you Yahweh, my Lord, my God!!!!!
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Re: The Story of Everything - Stephen Hawking

Post by SamTHorn »

I really enjoy his work. I've listened to everything I could find on him. Brilliant.

Gman wrote:Image

I just finished a tv show on the Discovery channel called "Into the Universe - The Story of Everything" by Stephen Hawking. While I must admit the show had the most stunning and sophisticated effects, it was clearly dipped into the acid of philosophical naturalism. No God required here, nature does the work... Basically the show focuses on the beginning of the universe (how it was started) and how it will likely end via naturalism as creator god.

The Story of Everything? Ok... Well, for those who believe that scientists don't mix their philosophy with their science, this show pretty much puts this idea to rest...

So how did everything come into existence? Answer.. Stars. Everything is made by stars. Our sun is the creator of all the atoms in our eyelashes. Everything is made out of nothing.

So how did life begin? Answer. The most plausible answer is we are an "accident". According to Hawking, "Just by chance some molecules bumped into each other at random until finally one formed that could copy itself, then began the slow process of evolution that led to all the extraordinary diversity of life on earth. Life seems to be simply what matter does given the right conditions and enough time. I think that life is probably quite common throughout the universe, but that's another tale altogether. As life developed it changed the planet on which it was born, altering the very fabric of the earth. After 4.5 billion years, the human race arrived on the scene" -Stephen Hawking.

But then he states, "People are often troubled when they hear this story. How could such an astounding change of events which resulted in us be an accident? Perhaps science has revealed there is some higher authority at work setting the laws of nature so that our universe and we can exist." -Stephen Hawking.

Next big question he asks.."So is there a grand designer who lined up all this good fortune? In my opinion, not necessarily. Look at it this way.. What if there other universes, ones not as lucky as ours, each of these universes could have come from it's own big bang with different laws of physics and different conditions.. For any number of reason's, universes could have come and gone without producing anything at all. So perhaps we should not be too surprised to find ourselves in a perfect universe, orbiting a perfect sun, on a perfect planet because such perfect places are the only ones where life like us can exist. We are one of many products of the universe, the result of an ancient elegant mechanism, but even this remarkable discovery is only just the beginning of what physics can tell us." -Stephen Hawking

Which brings us to our next question. If everything we see was the result of the big bang, stars, and gravity, what started it or was before all that? Answer.. Dark energy.

While I didn't see this show as being a direct attack against creationists, Stephen Hawking was just doing what he naturally does. He studies science. The problem here is when his "naturalistic" views collide with the Bible's view (as God being the creator). This can be a problem because science and the Bible deal with the same thing. Life. But they try to understand it under different types of considerations. One physical or natural and the other spiritual. And that is why they "must" conflict because that are trying to come to an understanding of the same thing, life, from two different points of view. And Hawking clearly made the distinction between the two when he shot down the designer viewpoint. He drew a line in the sand which many naturally do...

In all, I highly disagree with the show.. We are not accidents, we are created in the image of God.

Anyways I have a DVR so I could stop and start the show as I pleased. Some of these are direct "word for word" quotes from the show.

Stephen Hawking
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