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Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:01 pm
by Rascus
Been reading about the Endtimes for awhile and over the years my thoughts and interpretations on them have changed as things progress on the worldy stage. Not certain of all, but I do feel that Rome and the Vatican will be players of a major role. Not certain of who the AntiChrist may be so on that I'll not comment, though I believe that he may be the one who will somehow allow the Temple to be rebuilt and the Jews may very well accept that he is the Messiah...that is until he changes his attitudes about halfway thru his reign or the Tribulation. As said these are only some thoughts which I have on the Endtimes and Im sure no prophet....just my own thoughts as I attempt to discern what I read and see transpiring...and somewhere that one world order,one world religion plays a definite role in the whole of it all. i am most surely open to any and all new idea on all of this though...and really would like to know who the AntiChrist will be...though I do believe he'll be of Jewish heritage.


Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:24 am
by Rascus
secretfire6 wrote:real quick I wanted to say thank you to BW and puritan lad. I also just remembered and then re read this verse: Revelation 13:3 "and I saw one of it's heads as though slaughtered to death, but it's death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration." several other references are made to this beast having a mortal wound that was healed. what could this be? To me its saying that one of the kingdoms or regions that make up the beast is one that was thought to have been dead, but is broguht back to life. The verse before it mentions the beast having features of a lion (babylon), a bear (medo-persia) and a leopard (ancient Greece) but does not mention anything pertaining to Rome....hmmmm.

I just wonder whether this passage may have any relevance to the Anti-Christ...the one who had a deadly wound that was healed. I am of the belief that the Pope will be the all seems to fall into place.

"Every criterion mentioned in the Bible is met by this first beast power. Now the Bible says that this beast would receive a deadly wound to its head. The Pope took over Rome and rose to power in 538 A.D. The Bible says he would have power for 1260 years which takes us to 1798. What happened in 1798? Precisely on time as prophesied in the Bible, in 1798 Napoleon’s General Berthier was sent down to Rome to kidnap the Pope and exiled and imprisoned him in France. Hover here for an article excerpt from page 3 of the London Times dated 12-3-1798. In 1799 the Pope got sick and died. The head of the Catholic Church was dead! This is the deadly wound to the head. For a while there was no head of the Roman Church. But the Bible says the deadly wound would be healed, and in 1800 they elected a new Pope and the healing of the deadly wound began."

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:37 pm
by secretfire6
Rascus wrote:
secretfire6 wrote:real quick I wanted to say thank you to BW and puritan lad. I also just remembered and then re read this verse: Revelation 13:3 "and I saw one of it's heads as though slaughtered to death, but it's death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration." several other references are made to this beast having a mortal wound that was healed. what could this be? To me its saying that one of the kingdoms or regions that make up the beast is one that was thought to have been dead, but is broguht back to life. The verse before it mentions the beast having features of a lion (babylon), a bear (medo-persia) and a leopard (ancient Greece) but does not mention anything pertaining to Rome....hmmmm.

I just wonder whether this passage may have any relevance to the Anti-Christ...the one who had a deadly wound that was healed. I am of the belief that the Pope will be the all seems to fall into place.

"Every criterion mentioned in the Bible is met by this first beast power. Now the Bible says that this beast would receive a deadly wound to its head. The Pope took over Rome and rose to power in 538 A.D. The Bible says he would have power for 1260 years which takes us to 1798. What happened in 1798? Precisely on time as prophesied in the Bible, in 1798 Napoleon’s General Berthier was sent down to Rome to kidnap the Pope and exiled and imprisoned him in France. Hover here for an article excerpt from page 3 of the London Times dated 12-3-1798. In 1799 the Pope got sick and died. The head of the Catholic Church was dead! This is the deadly wound to the head. For a while there was no head of the Roman Church. But the Bible says the deadly wound would be healed, and in 1800 they elected a new Pope and the healing of the deadly wound began."

hmm its quite possible indeed that Roman catholicism will become one of the heads of the great beast from the sea..maybe in an attempt to revive the true ways of the old Roman empire. im still studying alot of that right now.

I don't see a Pope becomming the anti-christ for 2 reasons. first is that from the book of Daniel, we know that the figure of the antichrist is a horn that rises out of the head of the seven headed, ten horned beast which is made up of old Greece and Rome. That same horn rises out of the head of the he-goat (Greece) after the formation of the other 4 horns. This tells me that he will come from a territory that was under the control of both Rome and Greece. Vatican city would not fit this as Greece never conquered territiory that far west. Secondly it says that this final world leader will decieve the entire world, even some of the elect believers if they allow it. Since many of the Jewish folks are still waiting for the messiah in the first place, and must be decieved into believing this guy is that messiah, then I think it's highly likely that he will come from Israel and mimic much of the life of Jesus until he's gained enough influence and power. so he Rises from the earth (symbolic Israel), two small horns like a lamb, speaks as a dragon, EXERCISES ALL THE AUTHORITY OF THE FIRST BEAST, causes signs and miracles in the sight of men, causes them to worship the first beast, gives life to the image of the beast, causes all to take the mark.

this sounds like the anti-christ leader to me. Even though many people see this beast as just the false prophet, if you really read about the things it does, it is much more than just a religious system. later in scripture this beast is called "the wild beast of the earth" and when Babylon the great falls it is the ten kings (horns) that tear the city down and then because God put it in their thoughts, give their kingdoms over to the wild beast. then this wild beast leads its people into battle against christ at armegeddon. Now go back to Daniel where the little horn with eyes and a mouth speaking blasphemies uproots 3 of the horns that came before it and takes their place. apparently not all of those ten kings gave their kingdoms willingly. remember this verse? "The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven and is going to perdition" NKJ. so you end up with a beast of 7 heads, each head having its own horn and a final 8th horn ruling over the whole thing. I think the multiple references to him being at one time, but then gone and returning again means that he existed before, but was dead during John's time and maybe still now, but will be "ressurected"for his end times role.

of course i am still studying and learning and may evolve or completely change my understanding as it goes on :)

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:33 pm
by Murray
Atheist are anti-christ and anti-jew.
It honestly could be a "atheist" that brings the end of the world :P

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:02 am
by secretfire6
haha possibly :) all i can say for sure is that it will be someone who wants to replace all religions and replace God. He will want everyone to believe he is the savior and that he is God.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:34 am
by Danieltwotwenty
secretfire6 wrote:haha possibly :) all i can say for sure is that it will be someone who wants to replace all religions and replace God. He will want everyone to believe he is the savior and that he is God.
Maybe it will be Stephen Hawking :pound:


Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:44 am
by neo-x
secretfire6 wrote:
haha possibly all i can say for sure is that it will be someone who wants to replace all religions and replace God. He will want everyone to believe he is the savior and that he is God.

Maybe it will be Stephen Hawking

:lol: I think dawkins will fit the bill too. y*-:)

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:22 pm
by narnia4
People consider themselves more evolved and sophisticated than past civilizations, but they are still quite willing to worship man. Remember what happened when Michael Jackson died? Incredibly hero worship, cult-like. Same with Elvis or the Beatles back in their day in certain crowds. Even a Bieber concert among some. Not even talking politics, but look at the praise and adoration for Obama before he did anything at all.

Looking at all those people, imagine a person who seemingly DID deserve all of that and more? There's no doubt in my mind that our culture today would easily fall for someone like that, just about everyone would.

I try to refrain from speculation about actual people though, somehow I don't feel it would work like that. Indeed, I haven't necessarily sorted out all of my eschatological views, really, although they tend to be traditional.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:58 am
by secretfire6
i agree very much with you Narnia4. just imagining a human that is given power and authority by Satan himself..and how easily so many will fall for him. I think too many people imagine this figure being creepy and nasty and overly cruel, maybe with a patch over one eye, part android or something really obvious. I would think he would be seemingly peaceful, charismatic, a good speaker probably physically good looking..all the things that would make people attracted to him and believe him.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:17 pm
by Murray
secretfire6 wrote:i agree very much with you Narnia4. just imagining a human that is given power and authority by Satan himself..and how easily so many will fall for him. I think too many people imagine this figure being creepy and nasty and overly cruel, maybe with a patch over one eye, part android or something really obvious. I would think he would be seemingly peaceful, charismatic, a good speaker probably physically good looking..all the things that would make people attracted to him and believe him.

Lets not forget, demons are supposed to be extremely physically beautiful in human form.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:13 pm
by neo-x
Lets not forget, demons are supposed to be extremely physically beautiful in human form.
y:-/ care to elaborate?

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:53 am
by Murray
neo-x wrote:
Lets not forget, demons are supposed to be extremely physically beautiful in human form.
y:-/ care to elaborate?

when people who have actually been possessed (very rare), they claim when they see the demon leave their body, it is the most beautiful things they have ever seen. This goes for people who claim to have seen angels as well, and demons and angels are technacially the same thing if I remember correctly.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:32 pm
by Rob
Murray wrote: when people who have actually been possessed (very rare), they claim when they see the demon leave their body, it is the most beautiful things they have ever seen. This goes for people who claim to have seen angels as well, and demons and angels are technacially the same thing if I remember correctly.
Out of curiosity, do you have any sources to back up this claim? I've heard similar stories and also stories that are wildly different about them being ugly. My own experiences have led me to believe more of the latter. Or possibly a combination. (Beautiful at one point, but with an underlying uncleanliness that is unattractive.)
I'd be very interested to hear more on this. A new thread or PM might be more appropriate since we'd be pretty much derailing this thread, though!

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:50 pm
by Murray
Rob wrote:
Murray wrote: when people who have actually been possessed (very rare), they claim when they see the demon leave their body, it is the most beautiful things they have ever seen. This goes for people who claim to have seen angels as well, and demons and angels are technacially the same thing if I remember correctly.
Out of curiosity, do you have any sources to back up this claim? I've heard similar stories and also stories that are wildly different about them being ugly. My own experiences have led me to believe more of the latter. Or possibly a combination. (Beautiful at one point, but with an underlying uncleanliness that is unattractive.)
I'd be very interested to hear more on this. A new thread or PM might be more appropriate since we'd be pretty much derailing this thread, though!
My source is from people I have talked to who "claim" to have been possessed.

But I do hear a variety of stories from people who claim to have seen angels and demons. Heck, one person who claimed to have seen an angel claimed the reason people draw angels with wings is because they are so bright and vibrant that the light comming from the looks like wings.

But im sure you can find some sources other than me for this view of demons. Demons come in all shapes, sizes, and appearances so my earleir statment about them being all beautiful is probably incorrect.

Re: Theory on the Ant-Christ

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:10 am
by thesign
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's . . . it's Ant-Christ.

:eugeek: I can't decide if I like my abdomen or my thorax more.

Better stick to my head.