It is hard for me not to interpret your remarks as anything but hostile. However, I am not the one with anything to lose, you however are the ones whose faith seems to be on the line. You call me dishonest, you call me hypocrite, you call me confused, and ignoramus. That's fine. But it just makes it more difficult for me to open to you. So, if this is how you like to play, let's play.
domokunrox wrote:You put some importance on this thing called Love. Its rather interesting because you seem to hold it as a virtue, correct? Since there are virtues, there are vices as well, right? The Tao directs reflects that.
Domo, you quoted Luke 7:45-50 in one of the very first posts to me. in it contains this, "her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little"
You, yourself believe Love is important, then why not exercise some of your amazing brain power and answer the question you pose to me yourself, without contradiction? Must I do everything for you?
The Tao points a finger straight at your hypocrisy, that's why it shows examples of duality and opposites. The first chapter of the Tao is a disclaimer to the whole thing. Have you not read it? Or maybe you just do not understand it. If you are going to quote the Tao, at least give it the respect it deserves and do not ask stupid questions that was already answered by the first chapter. The Tao can not be known. If you think you know it, you do not.
domokunrox wrote:You stated earlier that God is beyond language, logic, and formless. Practically impersonal. So, how do you come to conclude virtues/vices? Ethics like Love and Hate REQUIRE propositions. If God is unknowable, you would have no knowledge of these ethics, and God cannot inform your conscience or inform your actions. Its impossible for a virtue like Love to enter the realm of thought, and so how does that come into your view that you can propagate love actually exists?
Since you quoted the Tao, let's continue with that. The Tao (way of nature) is my God, the only constant is change, and the only predictable outcome is unpredictablity. That is the way of nature. God is nature, God creates nature constantly, continually, perpetually. If you think that God gives a damn about you, just wait till your loved one dies of horrible suffering, just wait till your daughter is raped and murdered, just wait till you are dying of cancer. You think you will go to Heaven by condemning others? you are Wrong, dead, wrong. The contradiction I see here is that you think you are smarter than God, smarter than nature.
An idiot can be with God, and probably even more so than your intellect. A Child, a baby has more of a chance of being with God than you. God is in you, God is with you, you do not need to know him with your mind, or intellectually, You are IT, you are GOD, God created you. The only Sin is your false idols of intellect. You think you can come up with symbols like 2+2 and call that God? you are Wrong again. God is in ME, God IS me. I AM God. I AM Love, Love is my nature, God is my nature. You spin words and confuse yourself and others. Stop that. You don't need to do that. If you want to know God, just be quiet and watch him work thru you.
domokunrox wrote:if you don't acknowledge truths existence as something that can be known? Can you identify falsehood? You said that truth and contradictions are the same side of the coin. You've made an error, again. What's on the other side of the coin, then?
Do you even read my words before you misquote them? I said that Truth and Contradiction are the TWO sides of the same coin. Again, let's refer to the Tao. Again, I point to the illusion of duality. You create absolutes in a relative world. Real truth, the Tao, the ways of nature, the nature of God does not need to be known by the mind. Just BE and the experience of God comes to you. The only falsehood that I need to identify is your pseudo-intellectualism.
domokunrox wrote:Isnt it becoming more and more obvious to you? What you propagate is impossible. It robs identity from God and effectively you rob yourself and claim nothing has an identity. Yet here you are telling us about the is of predication? Telling us effectively there is no duality. No perception, no perceived. No objects. No contingency.
Actually, it is becoming more and more obvious to me that you are merely an infant on the road to real understanding. You need to hold onto your teddy because you are scared that if you let go you would be lost. And you bend my words with your already confused mind, lost in your own created maze. You do not seek to understand, but to accuse. I say to you this. Redirect this mis-spent energy to finding the truth in my words. Apply your great brain power to actually figuring it out. Don't let your fears hold you back. Cast away your lovey-teddy and jump into the arms of the Tao. Don't be afraid of letting go your believes. They won't serve you at the Gate of the Lord. Just because you win arguments does not mean you are let in. Just because you proved you have read more books, memorized more verses, does not mean you KNOW wisdom.
If you are really interested in having a conversation outside of the rules of this forum, then send me a private message. Because I do not wish to embarrass you in front of your congregation of misguided intellectuals.