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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:17 pm
by Kurieuo
Thadeyus wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Thad, I didn't get a chuckle.

I just wish skeptics like yourself would sometimes question their own beliefs and sources.

It is ultimately out of a desire to reveal truth, rather than poke fun, that I put time into writing here. Nuts often need a hammer to crack though, which is why I might appear to jester or be extremely critical and aggressive in tone at times. I have little patience when I believe people's lives are actually at stake. I do often wonder though why those like yourself are here? What drives you to respond or debate Christians?

Also, re-read my posts. I never stated either way whether I believed Hitler Christian or not, but rather I explicitly stated my opinion wouldn't matter to you (which it obviously doesn't). Instead I encouraged you to do your own research from neutral sources, rather than your secular ones. You say you spent hours, and I must assume these hours came before my post encouraging you to research him since you responded to me in a matter of minutes.

But, then I called your bluff, because anyone who has seriously read up on the guy would question your belief that Hitler was Christian. Rather than give my opinion though, which I know you hold little regard for, I referred you to an easily found article at Wikipedia (which is often moderated in a manner that is less than favorable towards Christianity).

And still... there is persistence your end it seems to cling to your original statement and belief re: Hitler's Christianity. Have a read of what Daniel quoted. There is more at the link. Otherwise, happy to move on. I just encourage you to have a healthy skepticism which includes questioning your own anti-Christian beliefs and "ammo", not simply those who hold religious beliefs or believe that God exists.

Okay....working tho=rough the Hitler side quest. We can see from the Wiki that the fellow was baptized a Roman Christian. He may have lapsed (As in stopped going to church etc) BUT he was never ex-communicated, as far as I'm aware. Hence, by from Roman Catholic side of things, he is still (Probably with a lot of wincing and back dating of things if they don't like it) A denomination of Christian.

Now... we can all agree that Hitler was a bad person as well as being a bad Christian (Of the Roman Catholic denomination) etc.

As for saying Hitler etc are bad people. Yes, I can say they were bad people....Based on the knowledge/education/social more etc of the secular society in which I have grown up and lived in.

Much cheers to all.
Infant baptism? I'm sure many Atheists would be interested to know they're actually Christian. :lol:

Really, I think you'd be on more solid grounds just forgetting about Hitler and simply focusing on the Church's many sins throughout history, whether Catholic or Protestant. Hitler clearly held to secular naturalistic ideals in action and words, simply using Christianity, philosophy, science, social media and education and whatever he had available to him to try install his political ideals and create his "perfect" world that was highly influenced by Nietzsche's thoughts.

And yet, everyone is guilty at some point, which is why as a Free-thinking Christian I believe the source of "Christ"ianity should be "Christ" Himself. To reject Christ based on the RCC is simply a reverse kind of genetic fallacy, that is, your associating "Christ" with the RCC or some particular denomination rather than the other way around, and therefore rejecting Christianity. What happened to bare belief in God or Christ? Like your perhaps simple "no belief in God", my "belief in God and Christ" is alone what I will always have regardless of any organised religion expressed via the RCC or some Protestant denomination or the like.

I do now have a particular church I prefer here in Australia, because it appears blessed with some really great pastors. But, as a Christian, I don't see my Christianity due to my attending a particular church or denomination.

This is something I think Catholics largely get confused over (my wife being brought up Catholic in perhaps the same manner as you). In RCC, one's Christianity is largely attached to the RCC. It is hard as a Catholic to see how one can indeed be Christian without the RCC. I've seen this play out in real life with my wife who after being brought up by her mother (a devout Catholic), and her aunt (a past nun) ended up being put off religion and Christianity in particular. It became a joke to her.

Eventually, we met and some months after she came to Christ for the first time. Her mother rather than being overjoyed that her daughter now took Christian beliefs seriously, seemed quite dismayed. She has since been challenged by her brother. He is by no means a practicing Catholic, except that he'd consider himself Catholic in virtue of his mother when in fact he seems more to be a skeptical Agnostic... yet, because she seriously turned to Christ via Protestant sources--he seems to see this as an attack on their family for she no longer identified as "Catholic" and therefore was betraying her mother and family.

Anyway, I'd encourage you to look beyond the RCC and labels of one particular church denomination or the other. While such may influence one's Christianity, such do nothing to make one a Christian -- which I'm sure even Byblos as a well-reasoned and more free-thinking Catholic would agree with y:-/

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:09 pm
by Thadeyus
Kurieuo wrote: Infant baptism? I'm sure many Atheists would be interested to know they're actually Christian.
Yah...glad you're having a chuckle...Doesn't actually stop the trope from being one way people look at the world though...And, yes, I so see the irony etc.... Which is why I mentioned the whole excommunication/apostasy thing.
Kurieuo wrote:..Wrote lots of other stuff...
Okay...your points still don't actually stop the Roman Catholic church from being a christian denomination. Joining ranks with all the other denominations, sect, cults etc e out there.

I do understand how one can be a christian without being a Roman Catholic though. That's not lost on me either.

Kurieuo wrote:Anyway, I'd encourage you to look beyond the RCC and labels of one particular church denomination or the other. While such may influence one's Christianity, such do nothing to make one a Christian -- which I'm sure even Byblos as a well-reasoned and more free-thinking Catholic would agree with?
Okay...this is a mental rabbit hole I'm wanting to shy away from.

By the Roman Catholic's ideas, once one is baptized a Roman Catholic, that's it, you're part of the club. (No 'takes back-sies'). One can also be baptized into a whole slew of other christian denominations (Church of England, Greek Orthadox, etc) would say that said people are christian of what ever denomination. Whether they are good or bad Christians (Or lapsed etc) that's a different thing.

Some one saying "Oh...they aren't a real Christian"...? Yeah...not as much traction.

Much cheers to all.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:22 pm
by RickD
Thadeyus wrote:
By the Roman Catholic's ideas, once one is baptized a Roman Catholic, that's it, you're part of the club. (No 'takes back-sies').
That's not entirely accurate. I believe, even if one is baptized in the Catholic Church, if one is out of God's grace by committing a mortal sin without confessing, then one is no longer safe from hell, according to Catholic doctrine.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:23 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Oh, yes...a Google definition of what a Christian is! :roll: The Roman Catholic angle is just as silly: what happens if you are a baptized Catholic, then proclaim yourself an atheist and never get excommunicated? Are you still a Christian?! C'mon, Thadeyus, use the brain God gave you!

I won't tell you the answer. I want you to find it for yourself in the Bible: go to the Source! That way you'll be less dependent on others and learn to think on your own.

FL :wave:
Ok, I guess if you don't trust Google's dictionary. How about Merriam-Webster?

Merriam-Webster - Christian : a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ

That one works for me as well, but I have a hunch it's going to get me another snarky emoticon and condescending lecture...

Either way, no, I'm not going to read the entire Bible just so that I can come back here and walk into your "No true Scotsman" argument. I have no trouble thinking on my own, and I don't see how learning to think like a Christian is going to make me any less dependent on others.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:03 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:Either way, no, I'm not going to read the entire Bible just so that I can come back here and walk into your "No true Scotsman" argument. I have no trouble thinking on my own, and I don't see how learning to think like a Christian is going to make me any less dependent on others.
Then, you'll just have to accept that you are dealing with ''hand-me-down'' information and that you will be dependent on others. An atheist who doesn't know what a Christian is, is like a mechanic who has never seen a car. Right off the bat, your ignorance shows.

Ditto for Thadeyus. Much cheers to him.


Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:53 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:Either way, no, I'm not going to read the entire Bible just so that I can come back here and walk into your "No true Scotsman" argument. I have no trouble thinking on my own, and I don't see how learning to think like a Christian is going to make me any less dependent on others.
Then, you'll just have to accept that you are dealing with ''hand-me-down'' information and that you will be dependent on others. An atheist who doesn't know what a Christian is, is like a mechanic who has never seen a car. Right off the bat, your ignorance shows.

Ditto for Thadeyus. Much cheers to him.

I already know the generally accepted definition of the word "Christian," and it works just fine for me. What I'm after is what the word means to you, but I'm only asking because you brought it up. I'm not playing supplicant to your oracle, and I'm not going on a quest to solve your riddle.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:22 pm
by Thadeyus
RickD wrote:That's not entirely accurate. I believe, even if one is baptized in the Catholic Church, if one is out of God's grace by committing a mortal sin without confessing, then one is no longer safe from hell, according to Catholic doctrine.
You will note that your comment only gets you into Hell...Not out of the Roman Catholic church, right?

Much cheers to all.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:34 pm
by Thadeyus
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Oh, yes...a Google definition of what a Christian is! :roll: The Roman Catholic angle is just as silly: what happens if you are a baptized Catholic, then proclaim yourself an atheist and never get excommunicated? Are you still a Christian?! C'mon, Thadeyus, use the brain God gave you!

I won't tell you the answer. I want you to find it for yourself in the Bible: go to the Source! That way you'll be less dependent on others and learn to think on your own.

FL :wave:
Um..actually it's not a Google quote...more like remembering an upbringing. As for using the 5 odd pounds of toothpaste consistency jelly within my skull? I have and hence why I'm a happy Atheist (Or an agnostic on the Atheist end of the sliding scale).

As for what happens with your question: "What happens if you are a baptized Catholic, then proclaim yourself an atheist and never get excommunicated? Are you still a Christian?!" see RickD's comment => :"That's not entirely accurate. I believe, even if one is baptized in the Catholic Church, if one is out of God's grace by committing a mortal sin without confessing, then one is no longer safe from hell, according to Catholic doctrine."

Which, as I replied, gets one into Hell...but doesn't get one out of the Roman Catholic Church.
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Then, you'll just have to accept that you are dealing with ''hand-me-down'' information and that you will be dependent on others. An atheist who doesn't know what a Christian is, is like a mechanic who has never seen a car. Right off the bat, your ignorance shows.

Ditto for Thadeyus. Much cheers to him.
Um...actually..even within the Secular society in which I live, it's rather hard not have knowledge of either the Roman Catholic Church or the Church of England. As a hint? I was given the teachings of the former through my formative years.

As for you not believing what I'm saying? Fine, no worries. You're the person who's mentioned their back story and from which branch of the belief tree you've fallen. On top of what your other half was brought up in.

Also note that just because one was brought up a Roman Catholic does not give one a University quality education within said beliefs. The schools system likes to keep things simple for the kiddies, that is what higher education is generally for, right?

Though, to come back to a point... I find your comment
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:I won't tell you the answer."
rather odd...since you're the one generally starting these lines of conversation.

Much cheers to all.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:50 am
by 1over137
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
1over137 wrote:I know people, some very close to me that would kill baby or cause the death by neglecting something if the baby was blind, deaf, etc...
Why? I mean what's their justification for that decision?
Quality of future life.

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 3:56 am
by RickD
Thadeyus wrote:
RickD wrote:That's not entirely accurate. I believe, even if one is baptized in the Catholic Church, if one is out of God's grace by committing a mortal sin without confessing, then one is no longer safe from hell, according to Catholic doctrine.
You will note that your comment only gets you into Hell...Not out of the Roman Catholic church, right?

Much cheers to all.
You are serious? The Catholic Church believes she is the bride of Christ. The one true church. According to the Catholic Church, those who remain in God's grace until death, remain in the Catholic Church, and go to heaven.

Your logic isn't getting much cheers in this instance. :shakehead: :lol:

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:16 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
You are still in ignorance, Thadeyus! The answer to what a Christian is can be found in the Bible but you don't care to look for it.

I can't really take you seriously. You are like a pastry chef who thinks cake is made with cornmeal.

FL :pound:

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:17 am
by Thadeyus
RickD wrote:You are serious? The Catholic Church believes she is the bride of Christ. The one true church. According to the Catholic Church, those who remain in God's grace until death, remain in the Catholic Church, and go to heaven.

Your logic isn't getting much cheers in this instance. :shakehead: :lol:
Yeah...I did kind of understand that.

Hence why I pointed out that your comment seems to indicate that one never leaves the RCC....

Hence, my point of "Become an Atheist and suffer the consequences in the afterlife".

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:19 am
by Thadeyus
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:You are still in ignorance, Thadeyus! The answer to what a Christian is can be found in the Bible but you don't care to look for it.

I can't really take you seriously. You are like a pastry chef who thinks cake is made with cornmeal.
*Shrug* I've told you what I know. I've seen SkepticalSkeeter tell you what they know.

You've made comments and then......not said anything....

Oh well..

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:09 am
by RickD
Thadeyus wrote:
Hence why I pointed out that your comment seems to indicate that one never leaves the RCC....
Then I guess you're saying the Catholic Church is in hell?

I'm not Catholic, and I wouldn't even say that!

Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:20 am
by Thadeyus
RickD wrote:
Thadeyus wrote:
Hence why I pointed out that your comment seems to indicate that one never leaves the RCC....
Then I guess you're saying the Catholic Church is in hell?

I'm not Catholic, and I wouldn't even say that!

*Shakes head* No....

Though yes, I do get and smile at the humor. ;)