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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:54 am
by melanie
neo-x wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:I appreciate the apology, neo, but none is really necessary. I would simply put the same scenario to you I've put to everyone else. If someone is about to shoot your family member and you could stop them with a gun, would you do it? If not, then I just say that you are deeply morally confused.

And yes, I CAN spiritually justify killing someone. I have a moral obligation to protect both my life and the lives of my loved ones. I'm not a pacifist. I find pacifism deeply unChristian (see, again, the article by Lewis I referred to earlier). If the only way to protect them is by the use of deadly force, then deadly force is justified. The principle is called the law of double effect.

I'm sorry for your losses, too. I hope the people responsible were brought to justice. I hope next time that you or one of your loved ones are in danger, you'll be blessed enough to be able to protect them. I simply ask that you don't try forbid me from protecting my family, because if it comes down to it, there is no neutral ground here. You are either on my side or you are on the rapist's side. Either you are going to hand me the gun so that I can protect myself or you are going to withhold it from me and allow my daughter to suffer that fate. If you put yourself in the latter camp, then not only is an apology necessary, but so is repentance.
Before I begin, let me say that:
1. I write with no ill will or heated debate etc. And I understand what you feel, I have been through it too. And I don't mean to make it light of it, it is not.

2. I am familiar with Lewis's essay and am I am not impressed. Though Lewis remains one of my best writer. However since that was years ago I refreshed my memory by going through it again. My conclusion remains the same, and I disagree with Lewis.

Now Christ taught Jews under cruelty and oppression of the brutal roman laws and customs, that you must forgive your enemies. Romans used to unjustly have the Jews carry huge loads over great distances, Christ said if one takes you far you go farther. Why do you suppose he said those things when by some, Christ was not a pacifistic nor were his teachings?

I wonder if Paul had been assassinated by a group of Christians, whom he was obviously persecuting? Do you suppose that would be a justifiable killing?

And I find you wrong on the spiritual matter Jac. Sure I will give you the gun and I have no right to stop you either nor I am doing that. And I might reach for the gun myself if I am in the same situation as you put.

But there is no way this can be justified spiritually without rejecting the core message of the Gospel. That we should forgive those who persecute us, harm us, oppress us.

And there is also no neutral ground here, either you project God's love and forgiveness or you don't, which he commanded us to do.

But let me give you something real not a hypothetical, and I didn't want to share this but now I am putting it down only because I think you need to also see where I am coming from, its neither pacifism not cowardice. Some time earlier three enraged and armed Muslim men entered my home, got my father outside they were furious because their brother had come to Christ through us. They beat my father, slapped him, shoved him down in the ground. Where I was standing, there was my brother hunting rifle just two steps away from me to my left. They threatened to kill my dad and my family.

My bro's rifle is single barrel. I thought I could shoot one person if I moved quickly, but in the end I didn't. You know why? not because it was not worth it. No. But because I knew that my father would not want me too, even if they killed him. How could he preach to others, love and forgiveness of God when he himself can't follow it or show it?

If he killed then I don't see how he could keep a straight face and talk about all that the gospel preaches. It will be hollow and superficial.

But apart from that, lets say, we do stop a rapist by killing him. Then I think we would be answerable to God. If my daughter or sister is the one suffering this act, I'd intervene, by force, beat the guy, with an inch of his life probably, but no I won't kill him. So don't mistake my attitude with pacifism I am not a tree hugger but I also believe in this "forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Jac, if lets say Paul and Peter, two of churches highest heads, tried to rape a girl, would I still be justified if I killed them?

The rapist could be anybody Jac, your president, your mom, my dad, my brother. You could be a rapist too, so could I. So are we justified in killing in every such instance?

Someone tried to rape me when I was a kid, do you think killing him is justified because he has two small kids to raise too?

I propose this isn't as black and white as one would think.

Spiritually you are no more the master of life of another or your own faults than the person you are about to kill. You can cast the first stone jac, but you better be sinless that is the only way you are justified...and that is equal to playing God.

Also since we are discussing this, why do you think that the early church was EXCLUSIVELY non-violent and non retaliatory?

According to you, is the term "christian-pacifist" an oxymoron?
You could have grabbed that gun, secured your dad's safety but you chose a path few would take. The strength and bravery you showed by not doing so is by far a greater testament to Christ's love, sacrifice, and message. It was not cowardice by any means, it would have been the easier option to have retaliated. You showed grace and wisdom towards your dad, your Heavenly Father, yourself and the perpetrators.
It is not black and white, nothing rarely is.
God bless you Neo
You wear your heart on your sleeve and I admire that.

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:01 pm
by B. W.
Wow took a break - a fast from the internet for a few days and lookie - wow a hot topic.

Imagine if only a one world governmental system has all the guns? Would you trust them?

I am not sure you all are aware of this book - Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World
By Mikhail Gorbachev

"The greatest difficulty in our restructuring lies in our thinking, which has been molded over the past years . . . We have to overcome our own conservatism. In politics and ideology we are seeking to revive the living spirit of Leninism." Gorbachev - Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World

"There is no reasonable alternative to a dynamic, revolutionary perestroika. Its alternative is continued stagnation. We will not retreat from perestroika but will carry it through. This society is ripe for change. It has long been yearning for it . . . we have set about changing the moral and psychological situation in society . . .Gorbachev - Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World

Mr. Gorbachev recommended... "we must extirpate genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness..."

In this, we see the roots of the modern progressive movement move to one world governmental system based on - the living spirit of Leninism.

If they had all the guns and controlled all - do you really think Utopia has arrived and you would be safe from abuse?

There is such a thing as a sin nature in the human condition and it does not matter, bare hands kill as do rocks and sticks by use of crazy hands - you cannot outlaw everything. It takes human hands to hold the rocks and the sticks, or rope, or whatever to kill.

Our hope is in Jesus Christ, not progressive propaganda.

The Progressive mantra is - conservatives evil - Christian's more so - must be extirpated at all cost. Just think how recently Obama mentioned that the President of Iraq screwed things up by not including others in not like himself in Iraqi government and military and creating a - one and only one side way of rule. How has he done the same to this Country? Is he blind or pure pragmatic Leninist?

Folks, there is a propaganda war going on and if some violently crazy person uses a gun - it will read - take away all guns, who cares about mental health issues that the policy of deinstitutionalization caused in the USA. It is the mental health issue that is important and being ignored here.

Jesus - beam us up soon!

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:29 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
No one wants to take away all the guns BW, people just want tighter restrictions on what is appropriate to be able to purchase and who is allowed to purchase. Let's take cars for example, we can reduce deaths by cars having certain restrictions being placed on them and they have to adhere to some safety measures, no one wants to ban cars but to just make them safer, we don't let blind people drive or let unsafe cars on the road do we.

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:19 am
by PaulSacramento
If I can give another perspective:
I served.
I was a long range reconnaissance "scout" in the Canadian Army, 3rd battalion, royal Canadian regiment out of Petawawa.
A very civil name for a sniper.
I served in Bosnia.

Look...people talk about guns and shooting and killing like it means nothing more than the words they type on the screen.
It mean a lot, A LOT !

The world is not a very good place at times and, at times, men with guns have to do things that are NOT what God has intended for us.
BUT we do them because we believe to be right and we do them because we have NO OTHER CHOICE.

A pacifist is someone that does NOT seek the fight, but they do NOT SHUN it either because if we are not willing to fight and protect what is right, then what is right is not worth much.

THAT SAID, it is NOT easy to kill another, to live with the very REAL consequence that you took a life NO MATTER the circumstances.

I think that there is just way to much "its ok to shoot people if I have too" going on around in this world, to many times where people see killing as a VIABLE OPTION and not as LAST RESORT.

And that pains me and it I am sure it pains God even more.

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:24 am
by RickD
Canada has an army? Is it a real army, with real guns?

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:08 am
by Philip
Canada has an army? Is it a real army, with real guns?
Nah, it's merely armed with hockey sticks! The tanks are sleighs pulled by reindeer.

Still, don't tick them off!

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:33 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:Canada has an army? Is it a real army, with real guns?
Canadian snipers are considered to be among the elite of the world.
We may not have much but we use what we have very well. ... iper_kills

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:14 pm
by RickD
Who would have thought shooting moose would've come in handy? :esurprised:

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:46 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:Who would have thought shooting moose would've come in handy? :esurprised:
I've had moose stew in Newfoundland. It is very, very tasty! So is another newfie dish: Brewis (pronounced ''brews'')...not pretty to look at but deeeelicious! BTW, I've travelled across Canada and Newfoundland is the nicest and most scenic far. Too bad Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949; they had a great thing going, and then went and messed it up.

Anyway, while I'm on the topic of the Oregon School Shooting, I'd like to announce that I now consider most of Florida to be ''A Great Place'', on an equal footing with all the other great states of the y**== . Only the extreme southern part of Florida (mostly South of lake Okeechobee) do I consider to be Occupied Land: occupied by mongrel hordes from the North, and an island due South.

Thank you for your attention.


Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:17 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:Who would have thought shooting moose would've come in handy? :esurprised:
Point being that, I have found in my experience , people speak/write in a far to "cavalier" way when speaking about guns and killing people.

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:57 am
by Philip
Point being that, I have found in my experience , people speak/write in a far to "cavalier" way when speaking about guns and killing people.
Absolutely! There must be a very serious reason for ever doing so: In times of war (kill or be killed) or against any member of a group that is trying to annihilate your side or alliances via mass killing. Or when one person decides to engage in actions that (even) threaten to kill another human being (made in the image of God). Those that are willing to protect human life(by whatever means necessary), that stand up to those who threaten to take it, are in effect showing that they find human life of immense WORTH, and thus justifying protecting from those with evil intent with a response of deadly force. Some here would seem to suggest that EVER responding with a weapon against one of murderous intent is immoral. Take one who has entered a public space and has begun his desired massacre of victims - is not killing that one person of evil (or even, insane) intent better than the loss of multiple, innocent lives? If you have a weapon and thus COULD (you have the ability) stop a murderer, but you decline to (based upon some supposed, morally superior principles, are you not responsible for the deaths of those that could have been prevented if you'd decided to intervene with your weapon?

A similar principal should drive the death penalty - for clearly proven, premeditated murder - such a death sentence shows that human life is so greatly valued that the one taking it has transgressed a societal value (that life is tremendously precious), and so the only just penalty can be putting them to death. This principle clearly mirrors Scripture.

But let's please not do a rabbit trail over the death penalty.

Re: Oregon School Shooting

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:02 am
by PaulSacramento
The death penalty is an issue of its own IMO.