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Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:05 am
by abelcainsbrother
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
Yeah me too,the more I look into it I'm less convinced and for me it doesn't have much to do with creationism and is more a lack of evidence reason for me.I think they are using either reproduction or adaptation as evidence life evolves.But so many people accept it that it can be hard to resist.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:14 am
by Audie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
Yeah me too,the more I look into it I'm less convinced and for me it doesn't have much to do with creationism and is more a lack of evidence reason for me.I think they are using either reproduction or adaptation as evidence life evolves.But so many people accept it that it can be hard to resist.
If this is what you think you sure have not looked into it very much.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:15 am
by Audie
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
less convinced of what, SS?

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:18 am
by abelcainsbrother
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
Yeah me too,the more I look into it I'm less convinced and for me it doesn't have much to do with creationism and is more a lack of evidence reason for me.I think they are using either reproduction or adaptation as evidence life evolves.But so many people accept it that it can be hard to resist.
If this is what you think you sure have not looked into it very much.
OK what evidence confirms to you life evolves? Do butterflies producing butterflies in a lab demonstrate life evolves to you? Because this is the kind of evidence you'll see which is just reproduction,how is it evolution?

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:23 am
by abelcainsbrother

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:14 am
by Audie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
Yeah me too,the more I look into it I'm less convinced and for me it doesn't have much to do with creationism and is more a lack of evidence reason for me.I think they are using either reproduction or adaptation as evidence life evolves.But so many people accept it that it can be hard to resist.
If this is what you think you sure have not looked into it very much.
OK what evidence confirms to you life evolves? Do butterflies producing butterflies in a lab demonstrate life evolves to you? Because this is the kind of evidence you'll see which is just reproduction,how is it evolution?
No, that is not something presented as evidence, that is a ridiculous claim. Same as the things I commented on when I said they showed you had not studied much.

I am not going to write you a treatise on evolution, because you wont make an effort.
You wont accept anything I said anyway.*

Your reply was off topic in any case. Lets look at what I said:

I will rephrase.
I pointed out that the things you say show very clearly that you have very little actual understanding of ToE. I compared it earlier to if I were doing a post game show, and talked about the football court, and the goalie. People who know football even a little would spot me as a phony.

Its equally easy for me to see you have very very little background in science.

It is said a beginning of wisdom is to understand what you dont know. You have not the beginning of wisdom.

Yet you present it that you know more than any scientist on earth. A little common sense is called for on your part.

This is a little harsh, but you make yourself and the religion you adhere to look ridiculous. You cant see yourself, so you dont know. Its like I cant see myself so I dont know Im dressed with mismatched shoes and my dress backwards.

For your own sake, and for various other reasons I urge you to quit telling and start asking. that is, studying. I could suggest some ideas, but suspect Id be wasting my time. A hint tho, is that hopping around on webistes is not the way to do it.

The way to do it is to understand you have to crawl before you can run. Start with biology and geology 101. You cannot expect to be an expert if you have no foundation of the basics.

* i told you that science does not "prove theories" but you ignored that until some Christian told you. Then you seemed to get it.

I told you that the way science works is, if you think a theory is wrong, then you go out and disprove it, if you can. Your response was that "your way" was to concoct another idea and say the evidence fit better. That is, sorry but harsh again, childish nonsense.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:32 am
by abelcainsbrother
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I`m not sure.

I`ve accepted it for so long, as it is all I have been taught really but the more I look into all of the ideas the less convinced I am.
Yeah me too,the more I look into it I'm less convinced and for me it doesn't have much to do with creationism and is more a lack of evidence reason for me.I think they are using either reproduction or adaptation as evidence life evolves.But so many people accept it that it can be hard to resist.
If this is what you think you sure have not looked into it very much.
OK what evidence confirms to you life evolves? Do butterflies producing butterflies in a lab demonstrate life evolves to you? Because this is the kind of evidence you'll see which is just reproduction,how is it evolution?
No, that is not something presented as evidence, that is a ridiculous claim. Same as the things I commented on when I said they showed you had not studied much.

I am not going to write you a treatise on evolution, because you wont make an effort.
You wont accept anything I said anyway.*

Your reply was off topic in any case. Lets look at what I said:

I will rephrase.
I pointed out that the things you say show very clearly that you have very little actual understanding of ToE. I compared it earlier to if I were doing a post game show, and talked about the football court, and the goalie. People who know football even a little would spot me as a phony.

Its equally easy for me to see you have very very little background in science.

It is said a beginning of wisdom is to understand what you dont know. You have not the beginning of wisdom.

Yet you present it that you know more than any scientist on earth. A little common sense is called for on your part.

This is a little harsh, but you make yourself and the religion you adhere to look ridiculous. You cant see yourself, so you dont know. Its like I cant see myself so I dont know Im dressed with mismatched shoes and my dress backwards.

For your own sake, and for various other reasons I urge you to quit telling and start asking. that is, studying. I could suggest some ideas, but suspect Id be wasting my time. A hint tho, is that hopping around on webistes is not the way to do it.

The way to do it is to understand you have to crawl before you can run. Start with biology and geology 101. You cannot expect to be an expert if you have no foundation of the basics.

* i told you that science does not "prove theories" but you ignored that until some Christian told you. Then you seemed to get it.

I told you that the way science works is, if you think a theory is wrong, then you go out and disprove it, if you can. Your response was that "your way" was to concoct another idea and say the evidence fit better. That is, sorry but harsh again, childish nonsense.
I can go by evidence Audie,you can explain anything you want to and speak all of the scientific lingo yet if your evidence does not back up what you explain?Then your wisdom about it will only take you so far,nothing I have said has been untrue about the evidence used as evidence for evolution.Anybody can look at the evidence used as evidence and this is what I do.butterflies are used as evidence,I did not just make it up.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:37 am
by Audie
Suit yourself ABC, keep on looking ridiculous. I shouldnt try to help you out, the more Christianity is the home of the ignorant, the better as far as Im concerned.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:50 am
by abelcainsbrother
Audie wrote:Suit yourself ABC, keep on looking ridiculous. I shouldnt try to help you out, the more Christianity is the home of the ignorant, the better as far as Im concerned.
All I have done is point out the lack of evidence that demonstrates life evolves.Evolution is not just reproduction or adaptation,the theory of evolution is reproduction,adaptation,evolution,natural selection,micro-evolution and macro- evolution yet when you look at the evidence used as evidence it only shows reproduction or adaptation and there are actual evolutionist scientists themselves who have pointed this out and have written books about this and they are not making it up and have tried to steer evolution in the right direction,only to be ignored and yet the problem remains with the theory of evolution when it comes to actually demonstrating life evolves. I can't help it if it offends you for somebody to point it out.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:57 am
by Philip
Audie: I shouldnt try to help you out, the more Christianity is the home of the ignorant, the better as far as Im concerned.
Christianity is the home of the ignorant???!!! Audie, if you are going to say stuff like the above, then don't you EVER whine anymore about being offended that somehow someone has somehow miscaterogorized some aspect of your unbelief. As that statement is as arrogant and hypocritical as it is wrong! You argue endlessly with your usual unsupported jargon supporting the mere impossibility of pop metaphysics, admit you have NO idea as to the cause of the universe, and yet you declare Christians to be mostly ignorant? :shakehead: Wow, what a joke! Don't expect to be respected if you yourself post such stuff.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:26 am
by abelcainsbrother
I must be telling the truth.

If I have said anything untrue about the theory of evolution?Then let it be pointed out.I have given those who believe in evolution a chance to give me evidence that demonstrates life evolves.Audie could speak up and present evidence if I was wrong and nobody, but I think Kenny tried to give evidence.It must be OK to teach dinosaurs evolved into birds,teach that apes and man evolved from a common ancestor and yet when we look at the evidence we only see reproduction or adaptation?And this is used as evidence and we are just supposed to shut up and not say anything about it or point it out? or we are dumb Christians?,No it is you with the problem actually demonstrate life evolves like is taught or its going to be pointed out.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:46 am
by Jac3510
Philip wrote:
Audie: I shouldnt try to help you out, the more atheism in any sense of the word is the home of the ignorant, the better as far as Im concerned.
Christianity is the home of the ignorant???!!! Audie, if you are going to say stuff like the above, then don't you EVER whine anymore about being offended that somehow someone has somehow miscaterogorized some aspect of your unbelief. As that statement is as arrogant and hypocritical as it is wrong! You argue endlessly with your usual unsupported jargon supporting the mere impossibility of pop metaphysics, admit you have NO idea as to the cause of the universe, and yet you declare Christians to be mostly ignorant? :shakehead: Wow, what a joke! Don't expect to be respected if you yourself post such stuff.
Don't worry, philip. I fixed Audie's quote so that it's more accurate now. ;) 8-}2 :twisted:

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:02 am
by PaulSacramento
Christianity home of the ignorant?
Some of the greatest scientists ever were/are Christians. ... in_science

A site dedicated to Christians and evolution:

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:14 am
by RickD
Please keep this on topic. It was started by Storyteller so she could try to understand the differences between PC and TE.

Re: Progressive creation vs Theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:34 am
by Audie
Philip wrote:
Audie: I shouldnt try to help you out, the more Christianity is the home of the ignorant, the better as far as Im concerned.
Christianity is the home of the ignorant???!!! Audie, if you are going to say stuff like the above, then don't you EVER whine anymore about being offended that somehow someone has somehow miscaterogorized some aspect of your unbelief. As that statement is as arrogant and hypocritical as it is wrong! You argue endlessly with your usual unsupported argon supporting the mere impossibility of pop metaphysics, admit you have NO idea as to the cause of the universe, and yet you declare Christians to be mostly ignorant? :shakehead: Wow, what a joke! Don't expect to be respected if you yourself post such stuff.

IF you want to say that gapism or yec is not an ignorant belief, go ahead. If you think the poster I addressed does know what he is talking about, is well versed in science, go for it.

I have in no way mischaracterized Christianity. You, as usual, deliberately mischaracterized my statement by leaving out the qualifier. Note, if you will, my use of the phrase "to the extent", which could range from one person to 100%.

Turns out it is about 50%

That makes Christianity the home of quite a few million seriously ignorant people.

There is no hypocrisy, no arrogance not is what I said incorrect. YEC does correlate with low educational achievement. And it is fine with me if Christianity is associated with ignorance. Why should I care? You guys are the ones who should care, Id think, and instead of doing something about it you get mad when its pointed out.

usual unsupported argon supporting the mere impossibility of pop metaphysics
This makes no sense, but you appear to say I support the mere impossibility of pop physics? I dont. As for "pop" Im not the one who posted a cartoon, or posted a parody and claimed its what someone believes.

Gimme a H gimme a y.
and yet you declare Christians to be mostly ignorant? :shakehead: Wow, what a joke!
No, its not a joke. Its a lie. I DID NOT SAY THAT. You expect to be respected when you make things up or deliberately mischaracterize what I said?>

Gimme another H.

Try thinking before you get all excited and post nonsense.