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Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:21 pm
by Kurieuo
1over137 wrote:I dont trust doctors anymore after my exerience. I went to hospital.only to have test there as all other doctors were on vacation. They did that rohrschach testto me made theyir diagnose (noone told me what was diagnosis that time. Now i tell you they were wrong. Schizophrenia is very popular to give as diagnosis even if wrong). The drugs they gave meade a zpmbie from me not fighting to leave from there. I also had side effects and doctors thoight i was lying. Only family got me out o had two suicide attemts.
My diagnpse should have been f32 and not f23. They made my depressioneven deeper.
And people think shaking a belief in God will do society good.

The physicalist mindset has done a great deal of harm.
To the medical profession, how they treat patients and how patients are treated.

If you're diagnosed with depression, heaven forbid it is actually related to your psyche.
That you have hit rock bottom in life, see no way forward, your dreams smashed, no hope.
Then faced with the very real question of what's the point?

[1] You're labelled by "the professionals" and society as having a mental condition.
And by that there's something wrong with your brain. You have a chemical imbalance.
There's something abnormal with you. Pfft. Such the physicalism. What crack of bull.

[2] Heavens forbid you are perfectly normal, deeply passionate and empathetic,
and so having a perfectly normal human experience considering the circumstances.
I mean, we can see this clearly with war veterans. Is there cause truly mental (the brain), or psychological?

If you're deeply depressed right now, which actually makes you feel more hopeful: 1 or 2?

The reigning and completely illogical unsupported belief is that we're purely physical beings.
So we have a "brain condition". We can only have a brain condition. Fix the brain and you fix the psyche.
"Give them drugs. Let our work be done as we take our cut and add to a 300+ billion dollar/year or more industry."
Never mind these soldiers are having perfectly normal psychological and human reactions.

These people are actually quite normal and having normal psychological reactions.
And we want to give them a cocktail of drugs with all sorts of warnings about how they can make one violent, suicidal and psychotic. (oh, you're doctor has "warned" you about the ironic side effects of "anti-depressants" and you've read the warning labels right?)
So yes, sounds like a wise thing to do to do, to give a person trained in the art of killing people what is possibly a lethal cocktail.
~10% I believe are negatively impacted. Enough for Veteran Affairs to investigated what the heck is going on.
Enough for movies to be made about such (e.g., Chris Kyle and the movie American Sniper).

Imagine that 10% of soldiers who have returned, those who saw war now walking around on a lethal cocktail of psychotic drugs that could actually make them snap at any moment. You know, these drugs nearly ruined my own life. I have not doubt they're ruining others.
And when I returned to the doctor, he shrugged and told there's something wrong with me.
This is all most doctors ever seem to say. OCD, there's something wrong with you!
But, you know what, there's extenuating environmental conditions that often lead one to OCD.
OCD is a perfectly normal human psychological way of dealing with something that makes them anxious and feel out of control.

There is one person I've come across who hit the button on the head and gave me a revelation where no other did.
Helped me see through all this fog to see that, you know what, I'm actually normal. If you're depressed, you're normal! Having a perfectly normal reaction to what we're forced to do in life due to whatever circumstances you're facing.
Tell me know professional who has told you that?

One person who really made the penny drop for me, is so often criticised by the pharmaceuticals industry which reaps unfathomable amounts of money by selling their anti-depressants. They try to smear him as a kook for promoting the belief that psychological issues are psychological and drugs only added a possible lethal cocktail to the mix. He's back by experience, has been pulled in to discuss Veteran Affairs in court and how drugs affect the war verteran. He's one of the only people who has had complete access by US court demand to see inside US/International drug company lie Eli Lilly.

Everyone is different. We all have different opinions and beliefs.
If you are severely depressed though, feel hopeless, then watch this.
This is a series of videos and I also recommend watching the video before that one.
It won't cure you, but will inform you and tell you think other psychiatrists and doctors probably haven't which attempt to help you, not your brain.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:14 pm
by 1over137
Nessa, the person thinks he or she is going to suffer like in current condition whole life. Total hopelessness. I think that is why people try to end their lifes.

K, it is indeed big business.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:28 pm
by Nessa

Re: Suicide

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:32 pm
by Nessa
Nessa wrote:
1over137 wrote:Nessa, the person thinks he or she is going to suffer like in current condition whole life. Total hopelessness. I think that is why people try to end their lifes.

K, it is indeed big business.
if you go through all the suicide depressing youtube vids..the common theme is often what I said. Especially teens.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:14 am
by Disciplical

as someone with OCD myself I can relate to your post in some way. There certainly is an over-reliance on drugs and chemicals being pumped into sufferer's bodies with little understanding of what they will actually do to the person. I haven't taken any medication and don't plan to - fortunately I encountered a therapist who didn't even mention drugs and focuses on overcoming the condition via training yourself to better control your mind.

My case of OCD seemed to be an odd one that not many people report. I needed answers to everything: to life, death, and everything in between such as morality and the reason for living. I suppose the closest OCD classification would be scrupulosity. The fact that I am alive and one day going to die makes me anxious, especially since I couldn't see a purpose to it. (This is partly what started me investigating Christianity). From what I understand, this is actually quite normal. At some point in their lives, everyone considers their life, why they live it and what they want to accomplish before they die. Dwelling on death isn't healthy though, spurring me on to get help.

So whereas I agree with you that OCD is a "normal" condition that indicates someone fears something, it drives the person to dangerous areas because they are becoming consumed by it. The biggest part of recovery is to see you have a problem and, simply, laugh it off. Unless it's life-threatening to you or someone else, it's not really a big problem in the grand scheme of things is it? It isn't worth fretting over.

I do pray one day that proper help can be given to people with mental conditions. I think there will be drugs out there people can take without dangerous side effects. We just need someone to start acting in the interests of humanity instead of the interests of currency.

Re: Suicide

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:32 am
by Nessa
Proverbs 24:11