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Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:48 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
Jesus says "for they shall see God." Jesus does not say "for they shall see me." I think if we do not have some humility with regards to our fandom of Jesus we are missing the core point of all his teachings. I guess I'm just old fashion in my beliefs.
The "core point" in Christs teachings, is that he is God, who became man, to die on the cross for the sins of the world, was bodily resurrected, and all that believe in him have eternal life!

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:49 pm
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:
RickD wrote:
Storyteller wrote:rick?

my posts are disappearing
Dvarn Kvindle!!!!
was a good post too :(

was it me or did you delete it?
I didn't delete it.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:52 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Jesus is certainly God now. During Jesus's time here on earth he was a very wise Jewish rabbi and prophet.

You deny Christ. You believe in a false Christ. The bible says that God became a man, in the person of Jesus Christ.

Your false Christ says a man, Jesus the "Jewish rabbi and prophet", became God.
You argument is fallacious. Yes, the bible says that god became a man, in the person of Jesus Christ. It does not follow that I therefore believe in a false Christ. I believe just as in Jesus Christ, we are all divine through the power of God's love and forgiveness. God is God. Every other word is a false idol. I'm sorry if my faith in God offends you but God always comes first.
Offends me? Nope.

If you believe in a man becoming God, like you said, you believe in a false Christ.

God the Father, is God.

God the son, is God.

God the Holy Spirit, is God.

Worshiping Christ, who is God, is not idolatry as you claim.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:54 pm
by Nessa
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Jesus is certainly God now. During Jesus's time here on earth he was a very wise Jewish rabbi and prophet.

You deny Christ. You believe in a false Christ. The bible says that God became a man, in the person of Jesus Christ.

Your false Christ says a man, Jesus the "Jewish rabbi and prophet", became God.
You argument is fallacious. Yes, the bible says that god became a man, in the person of Jesus Christ. It does not follow that I therefore believe in a false Christ. I believe just as in Jesus Christ, we are all divine through the power of God's love and forgiveness. God is God. Every other word is a false idol. I'm sorry if my faith in God offends you but God always comes first.
What does dfnj stand for?
It almost looks like the 17th personality trait y:-?

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:56 pm
by dfnj
Storyteller wrote:dfnj...

Christ was God in human form, to show us, to prove His love. Christ and God are the same.

Christ is God. He is our salvation. Only through Him, unless we dont know Him, can we truly relate to God.

Trust me, I know, I'm a woman ;)
There is nothing more sacred on earth than a woman. It's not that I have lack of respect or a question of trust with you but I do have a different way to my faith. I very much respect what you have posted. It's just that my faith in God is a little different than yours. It's okay I'd rather not offend you. You seem like a very nice and righteous person. I was actually more interested in conversing with the atheist. The atheists are much tougher nuts to crack and I like the challenge.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:02 pm
by dfnj
Nessa wrote:What does dfnj stand for?
It almost looks like the 17th personality trait y:-?
Dave From New Jersey. Now don't be making any jokes about my sacred state of New Jersey. God loves New Jersey just as much as any other place. Although I imagine at times New Jersey requires God's omnipotent powers to be stressed in greater degrees than other states in the union.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:04 pm
by RickD
New Jersey, the armpit of New York! :poke:

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:08 pm
by dfnj
RickD wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Jesus says "for they shall see God." Jesus does not say "for they shall see me." I think if we do not have some humility with regards to our fandom of Jesus we are missing the core point of all his teachings. I guess I'm just old fashion in my beliefs.
The "core point" in Christs teachings, is that he is God, who became man, to die on the cross for the sins of the world, was bodily resurrected, and all that believe in him have eternal life!
Your opinion on what is the "core point" in Christs teachings is different than mine. My beliefs are more centered around God directly and how Jesus described what our relationship to God should be.

We can go on but I really do not want to offend you with my beliefs. I was more interested in conversing with the atheists otherwise I probably would not have posted anything.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:14 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Jesus says "for they shall see God." Jesus does not say "for they shall see me." I think if we do not have some humility with regards to our fandom of Jesus we are missing the core point of all his teachings. I guess I'm just old fashion in my beliefs.
The "core point" in Christs teachings, is that he is God, who became man, to die on the cross for the sins of the world, was bodily resurrected, and all that believe in him have eternal life!
Your opinion on what is the "core point" in Christs teachings is different than mine. My beliefs are more centered around God directly and how Jesus described what our relationship to God should be.

We can go on but I really do not want to offend you with my beliefs. I was more interested in conversing with the atheists otherwise I probably would not have posted anything.
You won't offend me.
There is no relationship with God, unless one trusts Christ, the real Christ, for salvation.

John 3:16 says that those who believe in/trust in Christ for salvation, have eternal life. Trusting in Christ, is the beginning of an eternal relationship with God. There is no other way, except through Christ.

Acts 4:12

"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:14 pm
by dfnj
Storyteller wrote:rick?

my posts are disappearing
Select "descending" on the bottom, click the GO button, and then click on the "1" paging button and your post should be the first one listed.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:37 pm
by dfnj
RickD wrote: John 3:16 says that those who believe in/trust in Christ for salvation, have eternal life. Trusting in Christ, is the beginning of an eternal relationship with God. There is no other way, except through Christ.
Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."[/i]
Is it just saying the word "Christ" good enough or do you have to live your life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ?

It seems to me you've taken God out of the religion and replace God with Jesus. Which is okay for you. But I'm not sure you can say there is no other way, except through Jesus Christ. You can worship God directly. The Bible did exist before the time of Jesus. Again, please do not take my faith in God as being disrespectful to your beliefs. Salvation can come directly from God and the Bible has taught us so for many years before Christ. God is my judge. Not any man on earth. The question is will my God save me? And that is where my faith in God is much stronger and different than yours. You believe the only way to achieve God's salvation is through a certain way of practicing religion. You say certain words in a certain order and you achieve salvation. Again, I mean no disrespect in saying this. But my faith in God is not based in which words I use to express it. My faith in God is much bigger than anything I can express with language. Again, please forgive me if I have offended you it was not my intention.

As much as you love Jesus, I prefer not to live in a God-less world. That's why I say God first before ALL other words.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:51 pm
by abelcainsbrother
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote:Storyteller,

Look at dfnj' posts here, and his posts elsewhere. He denies Jesus is God.
Jesus is certainly God now. During Jesus's time here on earth he was a very wise Jewish rabbi and prophet.

Let me ask you a question. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. There are about a billion Hindus. There millions of other practicing many other types of religions than Christianity:

Are all these people practicing all these religions going to be "saved" and allowed to enter the gates of heaven to experience eternally heavenly bliss? Or are they all condemned to go to Hell?

Before you label me I will tell you my answer is absolutely "yes". So my faith in God is very much different than yours if you say "no". I believe God uses his omnipotent powers of unconditional forgiveness so each of us gets to experience heavenly eternal bliss regardless of which religion we practice. In God's eyes we are all sacred.

Where is your blood sacrifice to atone for your sins? God has always been a blood covenant God,remember when Adam and Eve sinned and God made them clothes? It was a blood sacrifice. Remember when Abel brought a blood sacrifice but Cain did'nt? God accepted Abel's but rejected Cain's so where is your blood sacrifice for your sin? Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world is mine. God will not just overlook your sin because of good works you do,or else God would'nt have sent Jesus to be the Lamb of God. So where is your blood sacrifice? Unless you have one your sin remains and you cannot stand in God's presence.You cannot go around Jesus and get to God.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:51 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote: John 3:16 says that those who believe in/trust in Christ for salvation, have eternal life. Trusting in Christ, is the beginning of an eternal relationship with God. There is no other way, except through Christ.
Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."[/i]
Is it just saying the word "Christ" good enough or do you have to live your life according the teachings of Jesus Christ?

It seems to me you've taken God out of the religion and replace God with Jesus. Which is okay for you. But I'm not sure you can say there is no other way, except through Jesus Christ. You can worship God directly. The Bible did exist before the time of Jesus. Again, please do not take my faith in God as being disrespectful to your beliefs. Salvation can come directly from God and the Bible has taught us so for many years before Christ. God is my judge. Not any man on earth. The question is will my God save me? And that is where my faith in God is much stronger and different than yours. You believe the only way to achieve God's salvation is through a certain way of practicing religion. You say certain words in a certain order and you achieve salvation. Again, I me no disrespect in saying this. But my faith in God is not based in which words I use to express it. My faith in God is much bigger than anything I can express with language. Again, please forgive me if I have offended you it was not my intention.

As much as you love Jesus, I prefer not to live in a God-less world. That's why I say God first before ALL other words.
You don't offend me just because you believe differently. But, what does offend me, is that you misrepresent my beliefs.

First, I haven't replaced God with Jesus. Jesus is God.

Second, the bible says there is no other way to God, except through Christ. Your choice. Believe it, or don't.

Third, salvation has always been through faith. And if Jesus is God, there is no "before Jesus". He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in the beginning, before the foundations of the earth. He is the eternal God.

Fourth, I don't "achieve salvation through a certain way of practicing religion". Salvation comes by grace, through faith in Christ. One must literally stop trying to achieve salvation by good works, or by following Religion, and just trust.

Fifth, the bible doesn't tell us, nor do I advocate for saying words a certain way to achieve salvation. There is no way to "achieve" salvation. It's a free gift of God.

And finally, "loving Jesus", is the same as loving God. Jesus is God. Jesus is not some other word. Jesus is the only name under heaven by which we must be saved.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:04 pm
by abelcainsbrother

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:02 pm
by dfnj
RickD wrote:You don't offend me just because you believe differently. But, what does offend me, is that you misrepresent my beliefs.
First, I haven't replaced God with Jesus. Jesus is God.
Second, the bible says there is no other way to God, except through Christ. Your choice. Believe it, or don't.
Third, salvation has always been through faith. And if Jesus is God, there is no "before Jesus". He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in the beginning, before the foundations of the earth. He is the eternal God.
Fourth, I don't "achieve salvation through a certain way of practicing religion". Salvation comes by grace, through faith in Christ. One must literally stop trying to achieve salvation by good works, or by following Religion, and just trust.
Fifth, the bible doesn't tell us, nor do I advocate for saying words a certain way to achieve salvation. There is no way to "achieve" salvation. It's a free gift of God.
And finally, "loving Jesus", is the same as loving God. Jesus is God. Jesus is not some other word. Jesus is the only name under heaven by which we must be saved.
Thank you for not being offended. Hopefully, not this time either!

Jesus is the not the same word as God. When I think of Jesus Christ I instantly think of the sermon on the mount, the Beatitudes, and love thy enemy. The word God represents something. The word Jesus represents something different than God. You make it sound like God can be removed from the Bible. You can't just replace one word with another and have it mean exactly the same thing.

Do you ever worship God directly or do you only worship God through Jesus Christ? I would hope you would be capable of worshiping God directly. God is God. There is only one true God. I think you may have lost site of the one true God with your fixation on idolizing the words "Jesus Christ". I don't believe Jesus was preaching, "Me, me, me." I think we are supposed to emulate the way Jesus lived his life and not treat Jesus Christ like our favorite NFL football team. I totally get the Jesus Christ fandom but being a fan is not the same thing as playing the game.

Your path to salvation seems excessively complicated to me. My faith is in an all-powerful all-loving totally forgiving God. In my faith, my God uses his omnipotent powers of love and forgiveness to allow everyone through the gates of heaven to experience eternal heavenly bliss regardless of our earthly sins or how we practiced our religion. Everyone is saved! Everyone experiences eternal heavenly bliss through the grace of God's omnipotence. Which is really good news for most us! Especially the people living in New Jersey!

I just can't accept the idea that our God is not powerful enough to forgive even the worst sinners among us. Or that our God is not powerful enough to accept people who do not worship him in exactly the right way. It seems to me labeling and categorizing people would be the absolute antithesis to an all-powerful all-loving totally forgiving God. It actually seems extremely irreverent to me to think God would be otherwise. God is all-loving.

Again, I mean no disrespect of suggestion that you are thinking a certain way. It's more about contrasting my way of thinking to yours so I may not have your way of thinking accurately represented. These posts take a long time. I have to read each sentence 30 times or more.