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Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:29 pm
by B. W.
Storyteller wrote:Have loved reading this, one quick question? Whats the difference between soul and spirit?
Let's see...

For soul the difference starts in Motown

...and for Spirit the difference would be Sparrow Records recording such group as the Newsboys

Hope that helps or did I miss something in translation from America English to UK to the UK's olde Englisfh?

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:35 am
by abelcainsbrother
I think ya'll are both right. I believe Adam and Eve were not born in a womb but all other humans after them were.Adam did not have a belly button but all others do/did.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:52 am
by abelcainsbrother
DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: And since it mentions the earth being formed out of water through which the former world perished the only other flood we can find is Genesis 1:2 which you acknowledge the earth has water on it,yet reject a flood?
There is no flood mentioned in Genesis 1:2. There is no world that was destroyed by a flood mentioned in Genesis 1:2. It's just not there in Scripture.
According to Scripture the earth was formed out of the waters after Genesis 1:2.
According to Scripture all plant life was created after Genesis 1:2
According to Scripture all animal life was created after Genesis 1:2
According to Scripture humans were created after Genesis 1:2.

There is no destruction of the world by a flood mentioned anywhere in Genesis 1:2. That assertion is an extraScriptural presupposition that has been invented to support a tradition.
So we know based on Genesis 1:2 in which we have water on it and the fact the earth was formed out of water there was a world before it that was destroyed.
We do know based on Genesis 1:2 (and Genesis 1:9) that the earth was formed out of water.
We do not know from Genesis 1:2 (or anywhere else in Scripture) that there was a world before Genesis 1:2 that was destroyed. That is an extraScriptural presupposition.
It matters not what translation we use 2nd Peter 3:3-9 is still pointing us to Genesis 1 and not Noah's flood or both.
There is one and only one flood that destroyed "the world at that time" mentioned in Genesis. That is Noah's Flood described in Genesis 6-9. That is the flood that Peter is referring to in 2 Peter 3:6.

In Christ
Peter tells us the world at that time was destroyed by water so we know there was a world before Genesis 1:2 and we have evidence for it too with all of the evidence of death,exctinction and fossils,etc so we have Peter telling us a former world was destroyed by water and we have physical evidence also in the layers of strata in the earth.So we can say there was a former world "A Lost World" a "Lord of the Rings" type world that existed before Genesis 1:2 and since it has alot of exctinct life in it that does not live in this world we know a former world existed prior to Genesis 1:2.

I've already explained why 2nd Peter 3:3-7 cannot be talking about Noah's flood and yet you are still insisting all things have continued on since the beginning of the creation. I can't understand how you can claim there was no former world just because Genesis 1:2 does'nt mention a former world when Peter does,but I've enjoyed our discussion about this anyway but we'd just be repeating ourself if we continued so I think we've explained enough for now. Here look at all of the life that lived in the former world that was destroyed in water. ... gws_rd=ssl

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:50 am
by PaulSacramento
Storyteller wrote:Have loved reading this, one quick question? Whats the difference between soul and spirit?
That is one of the more interesting theological questions and the answer depends on if you are viewing the bible from the OT perspective or the NT since we have different cultural perspectives in both.

In short, for HUMANS, you can't have one without the other, they are "intertwined".
Animals and plants have souls, all living beings have a soul BUT only humans have a soul and spirit.
While the soul is the essence of what we are, the spirit is the "life" of what we are.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:00 am
by RickD
Plants have souls?

What Gave you that idea?

A soul is the mind, will, and emotions of certain creatures.

You're saying that plants have minds, wills, and emotions?

A Venus flytrap thinks about how to attack a fly, wills itself to kill the fly, then enjoys its prey?

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:00 am
by Storyteller
PaulSacramento wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Have loved reading this, one quick question? Whats the difference between soul and spirit?
That is one of the more interesting theological questions and the answer depends on if you are viewing the bible from the OT perspective or the NT since we have different cultural perspectives in both.

In short, for HUMANS, you can't have one without the other, they are "intertwined".
Animals and plants have souls, all living beings have a soul BUT only humans have a soul and spirit.
While the soul is the essence of what we are, the spirit is the "life" of what we are.
Okay how`s this for an idea?

God made us for Him, that`s why we have spirits, that`s the made in our image bit, animals were made for us and have souls because who wants to have a relationship with a plant?

I wonder if there will be animals in Heaven, I used to think so, now I`m not so sure. Maybe God will be enough, maybe we only need animal/human relationships, even perhaps other human relationships too, to learn how to love God to the fullest.
All the love we feel for animals, other people is just a trial run for loving God fully in Heaven.
Love for God should, I think, be all consuming, so perfect, so divine that no other love intrudes. God is the centre of it all.

That was all put really badly! Been reading Four Loves by C.S. Lewis :oops:

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:26 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:Plants have souls?

What Gave you that idea?

A soul is the mind, will, and emotions of certain creatures.

You're saying that plants have minds, wills, and emotions?

A Venus flytrap thinks about how to attack a fly, wills itself to kill the fly, then enjoys its prey?
OT wise, all living things have a soul.
A soul was a living creature.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:32 am
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:
RickD wrote:Plants have souls?

What Gave you that idea?

A soul is the mind, will, and emotions of certain creatures.

You're saying that plants have minds, wills, and emotions?

A Venus flytrap thinks about how to attack a fly, wills itself to kill the fly, then enjoys its prey?
OT wise, all living things have a soul.
A soul was a living creature.
Can you show me where in the Old Testament that idea is?

And you do realize that plants aren't creatures?

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:04 am
by PaulSacramento
Are plants alive Rick?

Aquinas believed plants to have a soul, of course his understanding of soul was not the OT view.

Still, the OT view of soul meant life and if something was alive, it had a soul. ... rticle=582
Second, the word soul can be used to describe the physical form of life that both men and animals possess and that ceases to exist at death. In their Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Brown, Driver, and Briggs noted that the word “soul” (Hebrew nephesh) often is employed to mean “life principle” (1907, p. 659). In Genesis 1:20,24,30, God spoke of the nephesh hayyah—literally “soul breathers” or “life breathers” (often translated as “living creatures” or “life”—cf. Leviticus 11:10). The writer of Proverbs observed in regard to animals: “A righteous man regardeth the life (nephesh) of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” (12:10). Hebrew scholar Hugo McCord therefore suggested:

Then the translators realized that the first meaning of nephesh is “breath,” and so Genesis 1:20,24,30 and Genesis 2:7 all fit together in understanding Moses as saying that all animals and man too are breathers. Breathers, coupled with hayyah, “living,” the translators thought, would be well translated, in the case of animals, as “living creatures,” and in the case of man as a “living being” (1995, 23[1]:87-88).

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:14 am
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:Are plants alive Rick?

Aquinas believed plants to have a soul, of course his understanding of soul was not the OT view.

Still, the OT view of soul meant life and if something was alive, it had a soul. ... rticle=582
Second, the word soul can be used to describe the physical form of life that both men and animals possess and that ceases to exist at death. In their Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Brown, Driver, and Briggs noted that the word “soul” (Hebrew nephesh) often is employed to mean “life principle” (1907, p. 659). In Genesis 1:20,24,30, God spoke of the nephesh hayyah—literally “soul breathers” or “life breathers” (often translated as “living creatures” or “life”—cf. Leviticus 11:10). The writer of Proverbs observed in regard to animals: “A righteous man regardeth the life (nephesh) of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” (12:10). Hebrew scholar Hugo McCord therefore suggested:

Then the translators realized that the first meaning of nephesh is “breath,” and so Genesis 1:20,24,30 and Genesis 2:7 all fit together in understanding Moses as saying that all animals and man too are breathers. Breathers, coupled with hayyah, “living,” the translators thought, would be well translated, in the case of animals, as “living creatures,” and in the case of man as a “living being” (1995, 23[1]:87-88).

Nothing you posted here is an argument for plants having souls. Not to mention there's no OT basis posted here, for plants having souls.

I'm not arguing against certain animals having souls. I'm asking for proof that the OT says plants have souls.


Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:16 am
by RickD
And btw, plants do not breathe!

Respiration is not the same as breathing!

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:42 am
by PaulSacramento
Are plants and trees alive?

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:40 am
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:Are plants and trees alive?
Yes. But they aren't creatures. And they don't have souls.


And btw, trees are plants. ;)

Asking if plants and trees are alive, is like asking if humans and Canadians are alive. :mrgreen:

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:39 am
by Nessa
abelcainsbrother wrote:I think ya'll are both right. I believe Adam and Eve were not born in a womb but all other humans after them were.Adam did not have a belly button but all others do/did.
Maybe God still gave him one.... It just looks alien or robotic like y=:)
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:53 am
by Nessa
You actually can be born with no belly button.. ... 0364943.bc