SoCalExile wrote:DBowling wrote:
Before I run to work...
I agree 100% that our salvation is never dependent on works... before or after conversion. That is what those two passages speak to. We are saved by grace through faith not by works.
But Paul doesn't stop with verse 9... Paul goes on in verse 10 to tell us that we are saved to do good works.
Our disagreement here regards the result of salvation.
I assert that regeneration and the indwelling Holy Spirit will manifest itself in good works of some sort. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer may not be visible to many, but the Holy Spirit is there working in the life of a believer who has put their trust in Jesus.
You assert that it is possible for regeneration and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to have no effect on the behavior of a believer. I disagree.
You assert that the dead faith of the demons in James 2 somehow represents 'saving faith'. I strongly disagree.
In Christ
So saved without works but without works not saved.
This is really not a difficult concept to comprehend if you understand the difference between "cause" and "effect"
The cause of salvation is grace
The cause of salvation is not works
The cause of works is salvation
Put another way
The effect of grace is salvation
The effect of salvation is works
The confusion occurs when a person fails to distinguish the difference between cause and effect
Which means all the people that believe this are trying to do works to prove they're saved.
Of course not!
That is just another of your strawman misrepesentations.
People who believe in LS are trying to be sensitive to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and become more like Christ every day. And when they submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit they will perform the good works that Jesus saved them to do.
And yes, there are works one must do according to LS to be saved in the first place, like "turn from sin"/
And no... that is another of your strawman misrepresentations.
Asserting that the phrase "turn from sin" implies works salvation is ridiculous.
"Turn from sin" is so undefined that it can mean any number of things depending on the context. You presume a specific definition that fits your agenda, and then you judge other Christians and accuse them of holding a position that has nothing to do with what they believe and have openly professed.
For example...
"Turn from sin" can easily mean...
I acknowledge that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save me from my sin. Therefore I will turn to Jesus and put my trust in Him to save me from my sin.
I think you really need to examine why you continue to misrepresent, presume the worst about, and pass judgment on a group of believers who openly confess to the following...
There are many articles of faith that are fundamental to all evangelical teaching. For example, there is agreement among all believers on the following truths: (1)
Christ's death purchased eternal salvation; (2)
the saved are justified by grace through faith in Christ alone; (3)
sinners cannot earn divine favor; (4)
God requires no preparatory works or pre-salvation reformation; (5)
eternal life is a gift of God; (6)
believers are saved before their faith ever produces any righteous works; and (7)
Christians can and do sin, sometimes horribly.
In Christ