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Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:25 pm
by RickD
crochet1949 wrote:Pence is pretty much an 'unknown' isn't he?
I don't know. Who is he?

And there are those who will vote for Hilary simply because they want a woman in the Presidency.
That's a pretty dishonest thing to think. Hillary is NOT a woman.

This election is going to be one of the odder ones' in our history. Next to the Previous one - that is.
I'm voting for Cruz. God told me to.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:46 pm
by abelcainsbrother
crochet1949 wrote:Pence is pretty much an 'unknown' isn't he?

And there are those who will vote for Hilary simply because they want a woman in the Presidency.

This election is going to be one of the odder ones' in our history. Next to the Previous one - that is.
It really reminds me of when Reagan was elected. Both parties did not like him,yet he won in a landslide.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:40 pm
by RickD
abelcainsbrother wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Pence is pretty much an 'unknown' isn't he?

And there are those who will vote for Hilary simply because they want a woman in the Presidency.

This election is going to be one of the odder ones' in our history. Next to the Previous one - that is.
It really reminds me of when Reagan was elected. Both parties did not like him,yet he won in a landslide.
There are some similarities with trump and Reagan. Two that come to mind are they're both old at election time, and...well, they're both old.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:03 pm
by crochet1949
RickD wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Pence is pretty much an 'unknown' isn't he?
I don't know. Who is he?

And there are those who will vote for Hilary simply because they want a woman in the Presidency.
That's a pretty dishonest thing to think. Hillary is NOT a woman.

This election is going to be one of the odder ones' in our history. Next to the Previous one - that is.
I'm voting for Cruz. God told me to.

Oh, my goodness !!!!!

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:39 am
by Jac3510
Jac3510 wrote:he result will be a much more stable Brexit than its critics predicted, and while this goes well beyond 2016, it will actually fuel the leave campaigns in other countries, most notably France. So watch for stories to pop up now and again about a Frexit. Merkel will focus on biding her time and not doing anything dramatic to try to temper those ideas and preserve the EU, with the problem being an increasing focus on a Germany-lead EU. All of Europe will be somewhat skittish about that, and the French won't be particularly fond of that idea anyway.
So this is happening quicker than I thought it would: ... lande.html

Looks like Le Pen will be elected next year and that will result in a Frexit referendum after all. The very fact of her election will set the whole EU on further edge and will further embolden opponents of the EU and of globalism more generally. Ironically, I think that plays out well for Britain, because it makes it easier for May to get trade deals. With all that instability, the incredible fact will likely be that the UK would be leading the way in providing stability to the region.

Check on the Pence thing. I expect a pretty real boost from Trump following the convention. Romney didn't get one, but I'm expect 3-4% percent as he further consolidates some Republican votes and continues to cash in with some indies on some of the recent violence both domestic and abroad.

And while it's looking like I was wrong with the Castro guess on Clinton, it's dishonest to change it now. Let me just say that I hope that she picks Kaine. With his own ethics problems, that really just plays more strongly into the crooked Hillary motif.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:17 pm
by RickD

# :mrgreen:

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:18 pm
by Jac3510
Well He just joined the forums, so you could always just ask Him.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:21 pm
by RickD
Jac3510 wrote:Well He just joined the forums, so you could always just ask Him.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:44 pm
by Jac3510
Jac3510 wrote:Let me just say that I hope that she picks Kaine. With his own ethics problems, that really just plays more strongly into the crooked Hillary motif.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:49 pm
by RickD
Well, that throws a monkey wrench into the equation. I just may be voting for Clinton now. With Cain as vp, Hillary made a great choice. In fact, Herman Cain is a great man, and can help this country get out of its financial mess.

Hillary, I applaud your pick!

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:16 pm
by Hortator
Jac3510 wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Let me just say that I hope that she picks Kaine. With his own ethics problems, that really just plays more strongly into the crooked Hillary motif.
Pick up the phone, because you called it.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:13 am
by abelcainsbrother
I believe Trump was already ahead of Hillary in the polls but now because of the RNC he is now far,far ahead of Hillary.Now before you think I'm drinking Trump kool- aid let me explain and you can agree or disagree,this is just my political opinion based on my political observations.

The media is biased as you should already be able to tell and they are all for Hillary and they slant the news to benefit her and so are the polls that show Hillary is ahead,believe the opposite,or if they show a close race?Trump is ahead.

However even if you trust the polls and even if they are right,here is why Trump is winning and has been. First off Trump received more votes in the Republican primary than any Republican in history,meanwhile votes were down for Democrats,this is why certain Democrat senators will not be at the DNC next week.The people do not like Hillary and she is an unliked Democrat candidate who received a lot less votes than Obama did.

Here is something that I have not heard any of the political pundits,radio talk show hosts,etc bring up and I think have overlooked and it is the tea party. I don't know if you remember the tea party but they use to have political rallies all over the country and many people became a tea partier and these tea party people all across America helped Republicans win elections.Sara Palin would go out and campaign for Republicans and many Republicans were elected for both the House and the Senate. Senators like Ted Cruz,Marco Rubio,etc. It was because of the tea party that Republicans won these elections and some even in states Republicans normally lose in.There were many Americans who became a tea partier both Republicans and Democrats because of the tea party rally's all over the country.

Yet it seems everybody has forgot about the tea party and think it has fizzled out. But I believe these Americans all over America who helped get Republicans elected grew frustrated and angered when these people put in all of the hard work to get them elected and they broke their promises.I believe these Americans are the reason why Trump is far,far ahead of Hillary and its these Americans that are the main force behind Trump.This is why his rally's were packed out compared to the other candidates I mean we're talking 30,000 people at a rally and they are having to send thousands of more away because of fire hazards.Everywhere Trump went he had high numbers at his rallies with only Bernie coming in a distant second place. The media has ignored these facts and has totally overloo!ed it.I believe the majority of these Trump supporters are tea partiers who were woken up because of Trump and yet they have been totally ignored and overlooked.

You see when the media claims this is a close race or says that only 60% of Republicans like Trump and that Trump needs to get up to the 80% range to unify Republicans in order to have a chance to win,while this may be true the tea parties I brought up have been totally ignored and they make up for the 20% that these political pundits claim Trump needs for the Republican party to be unified.So that if Trump is at 60%? He is already winning by a landslide that they are overlooking by focusing only on Republicans like they are. This is why Trump will win in a landslide because I believe this RNC this past week unified the Republican party enough so that Trump is already beating Hillary by a lot more than he already was and will win in a landslide come November.

Take it or leave it but that is my opinion and how I see things.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:59 am
by RickD
Trump can't win. God told Ted Cruz's father...

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:23 am
by Jac3510
Hortator wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Let me just say that I hope that she picks Kaine. With his own ethics problems, that really just plays more strongly into the crooked Hillary motif.
Pick up the phone, because you called it.
Well, in fairness, I had called Castro and said that Kaine was a strong second possibility. I certainly hoped it was Kaine, and this is why: ... le/2597458

In other words, and so it begins . . .

I expect in the next round of national and state pollings we'll see a modest bump for Trump.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:09 pm
by Jac3510
Jac3510 wrote:I expect a pretty real boost from Trump following the convention. Romney didn't get one, but I'm expect 3-4% percent as he further consolidates some Republican votes and continues to cash in with some indies on some of the recent violence both domestic and abroad.
And check . . . Trump is now leading in the polls, anywhere from 1 to 5 points:

I don't think we're going to see a Clinton bounce. I think the email hack is only going to deepen the divide between Sanders supporters at Clinton, and her immediately bringing on DWS to her campaign will just be seen as a slap in the face. Add to that the naming of Kaine, and I just don't see the unity they're hoping for. Moreover, if the Sanders protests do continue through the entire convention, the headlines are going to say for all four days--and just as importantly the weekend headline are going to emphasize--that the Democrat party is divided. That makes Republicans look stronger, and all of that means the few independents who are up for grabs aren't going to give Clinton that boost she's hoping for.

On Europe, watch for Germany to start reconsidering their take on refugees, and if they do that, then watch for the rest of Europe to start to follow suit. That only strengthens Trump's position and makes Clinton look naive.