A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by Philip »

Mel, while I could have used a better word, please address the Scriptures indicated. WHY don't you believe them? Do you believe they speak against, rather than for, capital punishment? Do you not think God inspired them? Why do you think, concerning capital punishment for murderers, that Jesus preaches something else, something NEW - a teaching that overrides his previous and the OT statements to the contrary?

Here is a list of pertinent Scriptures - argue against them. Or are they irrelevant, per our feelings?

Genesis 9:6; Genesis 8:20; Exodus 21:12; Leviticus 24:17; Numbers 35:31-35; Deuteronomy 19:10-11; Matthew 15:4 (Peter attempts to kill a member with authorities); John 19:11 (Jesus acknowledges Pilate's authority to have Him put to death); Acts 25:11 (Paul acknowledges there ARE crimes worthy of death - to which, IF he had been guilty, says he would have gladly submitted); Romans 13: 4 (Paul affirms the state is used as a "minister of God who brings His (and the state's) wrath upon evil-doers).
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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by RickD »

melanie wrote:I have been on this board for nearly 4 years, and I have seen first hand and countless times the 'close' ranks bully mentality, I have walked friends through it. Who have left, feeling intimated and disillusioned on here.
I'm not one of them
I am a Christian
But my beliefs do not align with the mainstream on here. How wonderful! What an eclectic bunch of important individuals
Who wants a forum that's an echo chamber, spirituality is rife with different convictions, ideals and Ideas.
Difference is growth
It means something, probably not to 99% and that's okay. Be authentically yourself and let others be also.
I won't be bullied,
I am not mainstream, im not going to pretend like I am.
This is me
Like it or ban me.
That sounds very controversial, but I know how these peeps work.
I'm already there.
And in the words of Philip clearly the level I have to articulate is...
I don't give a 'sh*t'
Sounds pretty magical to me
Why do liberals get so uptight?

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by melanie »

I've never had someone class me according to my political persuasions before. In actual fact I've never referred to myself as a liberal or classed myself in a box either.
It's just opinions Rick, no need to get all sectarian.
I know that's the way of the U.S, I don't think it needs to be the way on a Christian board,
Just sayin
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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by Storyteller »

Take a breath, seriously.

There are so many things being brought to the surface here, it's raw.
Mel, Philip, you are allies not enemies. It doesn't matter who's right. God will judge.
You guys are clashing, over details, please don't.
I hear you, I really, really do.
Christian? Religious?
My faith is akin to yours mel
This is all new, sometimes preachy
mel. hun, dont leave here, not yet
I need you x
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof - Kahlil Gibran
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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by RickD »

melanie wrote:I've never had someone class me according to my political persuasions before. In actual fact I've never referred to myself as a liberal or classed myself in a box either.
It's just opinions Rick, no need to get all sectarian.
I know that's the way of the U.S, I don't think it needs to be the way on a Christian board,
Just sayin

I'd never call you a liberal to your face. Only on a board, where I can hide behind a screen name.

Frankly, you're too intimidating. I'd be too scared to upset you face to face. I have difficulty dealing with domineering women.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by Philip »

What is sad is that an understandable difference of opinions conversation over abortion morphed into a discussion over the death penalty, that almost immediately turned into accusations of "perverting Scripture, hypocrisy, indoctrination, politics, and supposed bullying by those long-time on this forum." One should expect those taking a high view of Scripture as being God-inspired to write down, to line up in certain ways on key issues. That is NOT bullying but rather a defense of what certain Christians believe based upon God's Word. And even THAT doesn't mean those with such a high view aren't going to have flawed understandings on some issues. But a time-honored way to dismiss a bunch of people's opinion is to do so without addressing the details and nuances as to the WHYs of what they contend is supposedly wrong, and the reasons they give for them, by just dismissing them as simply categorically being wrong, or as "hypocritical." Just dismissively demonizing people who disagree with you is NOT a valid answer to what they might assert to be true, but is typically an avoidance that is disrespectful AND which refuses to have a civil discussion of viewpoints. It unnecessarily poisons and prevents any beneficial dialogue. There is no reason to turn the burners up to 150 degrees F, when a discussion can be had without an attempt to burn someone who sees things differently than you. If one has a valid opinion, they should be able to express the particulars of WHY they hold whatever position. That doesn't mean everyone will or should end up agreeing with you, but at least they will understand your reasoning. But those damaging relationships with pointless accusations without an attempt to explain or understand each other only shows people that one doesn't care about what others think or why, nor apparently care to explain their own views to others who disagree with them.

First all, people should realize that most on this forum, and certainly the mods, take Scripture very seriously. There CAN be reasonable differences of opinion upon meanings of it. If so, ADDRESS the nuances FROM SCRIPTURE. Don't just make caricatures and wild generalizations of WHY people believe certain things from and about Scripture, without a counter argument being made from Scripture. But when one merely or mostly only expresses their personal opinions on a subject that Scripture has a lot to say about it, don't be surprised when those who hold Scripture in high regard as being suspicious of what you might be contending. And when one has a difference of opinion, they can express it without attacking people unjustly and emotionally. Either one's views of morality and what is right and wrong come from Scripture or NOT. If so, intelligently make your opinion using Scripture, were it applies. But cherry-pick it with the expectation of criticism that utilizes SCRIPTURE to do so. And don't just stereotype people who defend something from a Scriptural standpoint as being "bullies!" AND there are important nuances to things: People and their understandings and beliefs have NUANCES upon which they turn. ADDRESS them accurately and intelligently! Don't just make things out to be black vs. white, them against us, etc: "All those that believe __________ are necessarily _________" (without detailed explanation as to why you think so).
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Re: A Beautiful Life - Almost Wasn't

Post by PaulSacramento »

Audacity wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Audacity wrote:
Storyteller wrote:So what, abortion isn't cruel because it's our decision and not Gods?
*Sigh* For some pregnant people no doubt it is, but whether it is or not doesn't absolve god of the cruelty he inflicts on expectant parents.
Do you believe in God?
I'm an agnostic.
You shouldn't concern yourself with questions that you, as an agnostic, openly admit that there are no answers for.

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
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