Homosexuality - Genetic OR Behavioral?

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Homosexuality - Genetic OR Behavioral?

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Post by Prodigal Son »

yes however weed is a relaxant.
okay :?:
if i as a brother do something that turns you away from Christ i should stop.
that's cool. so don't drink and don't smoke out. and hopefully you don't feel any pressure from me to do either just because i think weed should be legal and alcohol should stay legal. if you were pressured, i'd be a little worried.

me, i be burnin' not concernin' what nobody gotta say...recognize it; legalize it. :P well, actually, i haven't smoked since i became christian (soon to be one year!); am trying to stop drinking. but those, again, are decisions between each person and God.

c.s. lewis--one of the marks of a certain type of bad man is that he cannot give up a thing himself without wanting everyone else to give it up. that is not the christian way. an individual christian may see fit to give up all sorts of things for special reasons--marriage, or meat, or beer, or the cinema; but the moment he starts saying the things are bad in themselves, or looking down his nose at other people who do use them, he has taken the wrong turning.

oh yeah, this is a homosexuality thread, you know?
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Post by ochotseat »

bizzt wrote: How can you advocate Weed. It messes with your Brain. It does not allow you to live your life According to God Either.
Because he's uneducated. I posted scientific and medical evidence on why drug legalization is a bad idea. Check out the marijuana and prostitution thread. :)
If you want relaxation then go to a Steam Room or Hot Tub.
Biz, now we both know that those luxuries are out of reach for some classes.
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Post by Believer »

Okay this is getting out of hand ONCE AGAIN like in almost every thread. The topic is "Homosexuality - Genetic OR Behavioral?" not "Drugs". Let's get back on track here, stop getting off topic. :x
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Post by Prodigal Son »

because he's uneducated...
yeah, bizzt, why don't you check it out...so much of what he posted was laden with biased opinion...might bring you a few laughs.

ocho: did i strike a nerve? you know, what, you don't have a clue where i come from. your comments are disrespectful and obnoxious.
now we both know those luxuries are out of reach for some classes.
you just proved your class with that comment.
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Post by ray »

Homosexuality cannot be genetic as proven by studies of identical twins. If it were genetic, in every case of identical twins either both would be either homosexual or heterosexual, this is not the case. Since they both have the same DNA they cannot be different if they are identical. Read this article for further clarification.


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Re: Homosexuality

Post by ochotseat »

ray wrote:Homosexuality cannot be genetic as proven by studies of identical twins. If it were genetic, in every case of identical twins either both would be either homosexual or heterosexual, this is not the case. Since they both have the same DNA they cannot be different if they are identical. Read this article for further clarification.


Not genetic in the sense that it's inherited, but genetic in the sense that it's a genetic mistake that may have taken place in the womb due to an injury or complication. Also, it's believed that environmental factors and self-will play a role.
so much of what he posted was laden with biased opinion

:lol: The AMA is not a biased third party opinion like marijuana.com or something.
you just proved your class with that comment.
Yes, I'm going to prove my class and goodness in God and society's eyes by ignoring your asinine insults.
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Post by XenonII »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:comparing homosexuality to depression is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

It's not an illness, it's a lifestyle choice. One that doesn't hurt anybody. Whether genetic or not is irrelevant. It should be accpeted regardless of its origin.
Well seeing as homosexuality is one of the biggest causes of depression its not so dumb. Sure the behaviour is a choice but no one chooses the feelings that make *some" of them act on that behaviour/lead a homosexual "lifestyle". It's a mental disorder, that's what the Bible says and it should never have been reclassified. :?
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i agree with you xenonII.
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Post by XenonII »

Prodigal Son wrote:i agree with you xenonII.
Thanks. :) Someone said earlier about "No one is forcing "gays" or lesbians to like the same sex" so therefore they are choosing to, but one doesn't follow on from the other. Just like because someone may not be able to help the gender they are attracted to that doesn't automactically follow that they then have to act on it. The gender we are attracted to is not a conscious decision that we make, we do choose however whether we act on that attraction or supress it.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

yeah, the "no one forced them" argument doesn't make alot of sense.

it must be quite a struggle to be homosexual. i can't imagine it. :?
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Post by XenonII »

Prodigal Son wrote:yeah, the "no one forced them" argument doesn't make alot of sense.

it must be quite a struggle to be homosexual. i can't imagine it. :?
Well thank God that you can't even imagine it. Lucky for me my struggle has never been with the physical act of homosexuality just with abnormal feelings from having SSAD. I consider myself a heterosexual with a mental health problem. I'm going to speak to my counseller (yeah I'm already seeing one about depression) about it the next time we meet. After all why treat the symptoms and not the cause. :)
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Post by Prodigal Son »

if you don't treat the cause, it will keep coming back again and again.
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Post by XenonII »

Prodigal Son wrote:if you don't treat the cause, it will keep coming back again and again.
Yup and that's what I hate so much about SSAD it's associated with all these other conditions such as depression being one of the most common ones, which make living a Christian life more of a trial than it should be.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

:? i know. it's very hard. and, depression, likes to associate itself with anything and everything!

God is the only solution. nothing else will ever compare. you can't change who you've been, but He can change who you will be.
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Post by ochotseat »

XenonII wrote: The gender we are attracted to is not a conscious decision that we make, .
That's probably not the case for sane homosexuals.
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