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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:13 pm
by Felgar
Let me just say BW, that I think you're dead-on. I share the very same understanding, and to me the heart of it all is God's Love. His Love inspires our ultimate purpose (for it is His pleasure to share a loving relationship with us for eternity), and consequently that purpose inspires His call - and through it, His plan for Salvation.
Our 'Will, resolve, intents' are contrary to God as is our course, race, plans of life. God has to show us, demonstrate mercy, call to us. He does so through Christ sacrifice and resurrection.
Indeed; 1 John 4:19: We love because he first loved us.
How can God 'love' if none existed to love? How can God be Righteous, Just, Merciful, if there were none to demonstrate this too?
Yes! An eternal loving relationship is God's ultimate plan. Amen!

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your understanding B.W. I appreciate it, and more importantly others who are searching will read it and may come to a better understanding of our Lord.

There used to be a section here where we had posted some lengthy and very thorough examinations of various topics, which were then kept closed from further postings... It was intended as a way to keep some amount of information left intact and always available to possible outsiders, etc. Perhaps something like this could be added to that. If Bizzt and August see this, where did those go? Kurieuo and Jac both posted there shortly after the start of the board...

Anyways, thanks once again B.W. God bless.