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Re: to all bush lover

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:51 pm
by ochotseat
Forge wrote:

Look at what you quoted. 8)
Maybe you missed "who":
People who intensely hate Bush don't seem to understand how democracy works.

To all the republicans:

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:31 pm
by tarreyl
Dear President ochoseat,

So you are saying that Bush Sr. did make a mistake? That we are only over there because we were lied to by our president? Who for some reason all the Christians love for what? VFW, Veterans For War, Bush has decreased their money. They say that they support war. How will the people who fight in the war in Iraq feel when they are old and they need that money but Bush cut it? These men risked their lives fighting yet Bush took the money they need to life with away. kateliz forgets that war means lives are lost and that people are dying over there to free Iraqis. Why? They are set up now; they have their goverment. How long do families have to be without their relatives just so we can help Iraq? WE SHOULD FIRST FIX AMERICA FIRST- IT ISN'T SO GREAT ITSELF! WE HAVE PEOPLE GOING ON WELFARE AND THE POOR SLEEPING ON THE STREETS. THERE ARE HOMELESS EVERY NIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STEPS OF WASHINGTON DC, BUT BUSH DOESN'T SEE THEM, HE ONLY SEES FAR AWAY TO OTHER COUNTRIES... BUT HOW ABOUT FIXING AMERICA FIRST, PRESIDENT? AND HEALTHCARE? SENIORS ARE GOING TO CANADA TO GET PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. IF BUSH JUST LOWERED THAT! NO, HE HAS TO FIX OTHER COUNTRIES![/i]

Re: to all bush lover

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:17 pm
by Forge
Yeesh, Ocho. Okay, you said this:
ochotseat wrote:
Forge wrote: And dictionally and syntactically atrocious.
Yup. People who intensely hate Bush don't seem to understand how democracy works. :roll:
I don't see how you jumped from "bad grammar" into "democratically ignorant".

Wow, this is actualy getting really dumb :wink: 8)

Re: To all the republicans:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:24 am
by Felgar
tarreyl wrote:Who for some reason all the Christians love for what?
Well there's his stance on abortion which is huge - not many Christians support murdering children and most informed political minds understand that this one single issue surpasses all others as far as most Christians are concerned. Also, see the next point:
tarreyl wrote:kateliz forgets that war means lives are lost and that people are dying over there to free Iraqis. Why? They are set up now; they have their goverment. How long do families have to be without their relatives just so we can help Iraq?
There's something called compassion which maybe Bush understands and you don't. America is in a position to help and most Christians would feel has the obligation to help - esspecially after toppling their former government. If Bush turned a blind eye you would criticize him for that too. Again, more inconsistency. Nevertheless, Bush's fortitude to do what is right and what is compassionate is another thing about him that appeals to many Christians.

Are you learning anything here or just continuing to copy tidbits of criticism from a giant list that you have somewhere? My advice is that you start thinking these through for yourself.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:51 pm
by kateliz
Are you learning anything here or just continuing to copy tidbits of criticism from a giant list that you have somewhere? My advice is that you start thinking these through for yourself.
She doesn't care to take in what her opponent says in debates. She just keeps spewing her own opinion out and doesn't seek to make true rebuttals. It never ends or gets anywhere. She just doesn't care to do anything in a debate but argue her point.

I've found the best way to respond to her is sarcasm. You can express truth through this and hit her where she'll notice it. Take my mostlly sarcastic post earlier in the thread as an example. She didn't respond to it only because she actually was able to see in it my valid points. She won't respond to the vaild points she sees, but she feels the effects of them when they're coated in sarcasm.

Keep going with extreme sarcasm and she may just let you win a small battle because she tires of feeling the blows that she knows is backed by fact! There's really no other way to effectively debate with her.

Re: to all bush lover

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:57 pm
by ochotseat
That we are only over there because we were lied to by our president?
Which didn't happen. Read the evidence.
Forge wrote: Wow, this is actualy getting really dumb :wink: 8)
Notice you're the only person who's complaining about it.

kate saying that because she loves bush

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:38 pm
by tarreyl
michael moore had static of how many are in the war and how many have died so far. He show the soliders side what they have to face in Iraq kate forget that a lot of mothers lost there son and don't know why we are over there. DOESN'T AMERICA HAVE enough ISSUES ALREADY why do we need to take care of every one else? Why should i pay for this war if i don't agree to people dieing for what ? so they can be free ? we got ride of saddam now america should get out!! HOW MANY BROTHERS. SONS. COUSIN, UNCLE HAVE TO DIE for this war? kate hasn't lost any one to this war ?

Re: kate saying that because she loves bush

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:30 am
by Byblos
tarreyl wrote:michael moore had static of how many are in the war and how many have died so far. He show the soliders side what they have to face in Iraq kate forget that a lot of mothers lost there son and don't know why we are over there. DOESN'T AMERICA HAVE enough ISSUES ALREADY why do we need to take care of every one else? Why should i pay for this war if i don't agree to people dieing for what ? so they can be free ? we got ride of saddam now america should get out!! HOW MANY BROTHERS. SONS. COUSIN, UNCLE HAVE TO DIE for this war? kate hasn't lost any one to this war ?

While we all understand your passion against the war, there's really no need to make it personal nor to shout (capitalization is shouting). You don't know if Kate or anyone else lost someone in the war and even if they did, that they would not still support it.

People often ask why America has to get involved internationally in things that don't seem related to us at all. Well, they are related and the answer is very simple: it is because we can and we must. We have moral, ethical, ans yes, financial obligations as the sole superpower to assist where we can.

On another note, you seem to forget that we are no longer protected by isolation after 9/11 and that the war was brought to this soil first. Are we to sit back, do nothing and wait for the next 9/11? Afghanistan was the first logical place and Iraq the second. I know the intelligence turned out to be faulty but think back to how it was weeks and months before the war. Saddam expelled the UN inspectors and no verification of WMD was possible. We know he did have WMD simply because we gave it to him in the 80s and he did use them against his own people. How are we to assume he no longer had them or that he would not use them against us or worse yet, that he would not sell them to an al-quaida like organization? Governing with 20/20 hindsight is very easy.

Besides, even with all the mess of the war, Afghanistan are Iraq are a thousand times better off than they were before and so are we here because of it.

Yes, we do have domestic issues that need to be tackled but you can't blame all of them on President Bush. Congress has a lot to do with it as well. But look at the bright side, only 4 years after 9/11 (a tragedy many predicted will be the downfall of the American economy for decades to come) the economy is stronger than ever, home ownership is at an all time high, the housing market is still red hot, rates are at an acceptable level, inflation is in check and unemployment is down.

Look at what's going on in the Middle East due in no small part to Bush's policies:

1. Israel withdrew from Gaza and for the first time ever, there's really a prospect for lasting peace.

2. A strong democratic movement is taking shape in Egypt. So much so that Moubarak had to allow opponents in the presidential elections. I know he still won by a landslide but the wind of change is unmistakable.

3. Saudi Arabia, the bedrock of autocracy, held local elections.

4. Women are voting in Kuwait and for the first time ever they have a woman legislator.

5. Syria is out of Lebanon and democracy is being restored to its former glory.

The list goes on and on.

Just wanted to point out some of the positive things that have been happening and that we should be thankful for.

God Bless.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:16 pm
by stixandstones
Forge wrote:
August wrote:Yes, he is a bald-faced liar who takes things out of context. Believe what you will, but his movies are fabrications.
Imagine what a pathetic point his Canadian-door-opening sequence would have been like if he hadn't edited out the people who had locked doors or came at him with a weapon. :)
Dude are you canadian? I am and I can first hand vouch that most canandians only lock there doors if they leave home or at late night. I'm sure there were some locked doors but would showing that served a perpose? The point is we 'in general' do NOT lock our doors.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:18 pm
by stixandstones
Want to show some evidence? Moore is a hypocrite who has taken in a lot of people with his lies. If he realized that "they are controlled by the same", why was he a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention?
Right back at you...wanna show some evidence he is a liar? And out of curiousity are you a biased due to being a Bush supporter?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:08 pm
by August

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:47 am
by Byblos

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:52 pm
by beckyandretti
stixandstones wrote:
Want to show some evidence? Moore is a hypocrite who has taken in a lot of people with his lies. If he realized that "they are controlled by the same", why was he a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention?

Right back at you...wanna show some evidence he is a liar? And out of curiousity are you a biased due to being a Bush supporter?

Sorry just to weigh in.... Michael Moore added in his movie part of my friends funeral at Arlington national Cemetery. He did not have permission to do this and never even so much as apologized for sensationalizing a private moment for the family and friends of Major Greg Stone (my friend). Michael Moore is lower than the lowest life form on the planet and there is nothing that would make me ever believe any of the lies and propaganda he reports. BTW when he stated there is only one state trooper patrolling the Oregon coast did you believe him? I worked Law Enforcement before working for the Government (in Oregon) there are more law enforcement personnel than that. just 2 cents from someone who knows about some of his lies.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:04 pm
by Believer
beckyandretti wrote:
stixandstones wrote:
Want to show some evidence? Moore is a hypocrite who has taken in a lot of people with his lies. If he realized that "they are controlled by the same", why was he a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention?

Right back at you...wanna show some evidence he is a liar? And out of curiousity are you a biased due to being a Bush supporter?

Sorry just to weigh in.... Michael Moore added in his movie part of my friends funeral at Arlington national Cemetery. He did not have permission to do this and never even so much as apologized for sensationalizing a private moment for the family and friends of Major Greg Stone (my friend). Michael Moore is lower than the lowest life form on the planet and there is nothing that would make me ever believe any of the lies and propaganda he reports. BTW when he stated there is only one state trooper patrolling the Oregon coast did you believe him? I worked Law Enforcement before working for the Government (in Oregon) there are more law enforcement personnel than that. just 2 cents from someone who knows about some of his lies.
Michael Moore is satan, the master of all lies! :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:06 pm
by beckyandretti
PEACE wrote: Why are you so against him then?

Yes I do support Bush and the American Gvernment. I also support our Armed Forces, which is something that Michael Moore (a person who loves his freedom of speech) does not seem to do. Things in his movies are gross exagerations as well as being taken out of context. Michael Moore should be aware that the only reason he is free to belittle our government and armed forces is because of those who went before him and battled for freedom.