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Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:55 pm
by ochotseat
sandy_mcd wrote:Hey Bizz and Prod,

Thanks for the interesting resources. I have read a lot of the first one and skimmed through the others.

Why are you so partial to the discredited sources anyway? :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:03 pm
by sandy_mcd
LittleShepherd wrote:Marijuana should be legalized only for certain medicinal purposes.
I was just pointed to a publication of the American Chemical Society, Chemical & Engineering News, which features "46 drugs that have had a major impact on human health and society". ... 5list.html Here's the first few

* aspirin
* ether
* Librium
* isoniazid
* penicillin
* Prontosil
* cisplatin
* 6-mercaptopurine
* Rituxan
* Taxol
* phenobarbital
* Prozac
* medical marijuana


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:34 pm
by ochotseat
sandy_mcd wrote: I was just pointed to a publication of the American Chemical Society, Chemical & Engineering News, which features "46 drugs that have had a major impact on human health and society". ... 5list.html Here's the first few

* aspirin
* ether
* Librium
* isoniazid
* penicillin
* Prontosil
* cisplatin
* 6-mercaptopurine
* Rituxan
* Taxol
* phenobarbital
* Prozac
* medical marijuana

Doesn't matter, because the evidence, which I posted, is clear. :D

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:24 am
by Skim Milky
okay, prostitution should never be legal, obviously. but the marijuana thing is different for several reasons.

obviously god knew what would happen if we smoked marijuana. i think that all natural highs can have a place in our society, if used responsibly.

there is a big difference in something that grows on earth and the manipulation of gods elements into completely different substances. you dont make marijuana in someones basement lab with chemistry.

in countries where its legal, there crime rates are considerably lower. its just not that big of an issue in places like amsterdam. its a big deal here because we make it one.

i agree with the guy who made this forum. im sorry, but alcohol is ten times worse than marijuana. me personally, i would rather leave my children with a stoned babysitter than a drunk one, just as i would rather drive down the highway with a stoner rather than a drunk. by todays standard i am able to go into a liquor store and LEGALLY buy BOXES of 190 proof pure alcohol and LEGALLy drink and supply it to others who are twenty one, and the law says we are allowed to drink until we literally get alcohol poisoning and kill ourselves. they have no problem with that. but people cant use marijuana responsibly in their own homes? thats immoral and indecent.

in most states, you can do more time for pot than manslaughter

medical marijuana should be a no brainer. we will supply patients with oxycontin and morphine, both of which are pretty much pure heroin, and sell this to people for their pain but cant smoke pot? perscription drugs are a bane on society and kill so many people.

you cant overdose on pot. you just cant.

yes there are negative side effects, but come one, if you set something on fire and breathe in the smoke, its gonna be negative.

cigarettes are as bad as marijuana. actually worse. some people , most people, who smoke smoke one or two packs a day. 40 or more cigarettes a day is way worse than a joint or two.

yes most people who want it legalized for the purpose of legally being able to smoke it. whats so bad about that? with all the legal vices out there, its not as bad as legal things. i think its illegal because the government cant tax it like other things.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 5:29 pm
by Looking for the Truth
I am against the legalization of marijuana, and I'm going to write them below:

1- There is no medical advantages of doing so.
2- Its one more drug avaiable to society. We dont need that, we already got alcohol and cigars.
3- Some people, especially young people without much in their heads and no direction in their lifes, would ruin their lives.
4- Moronic parents would give pot to their children. Great, an entire family ruined.
5- Remember what the Opium did to the Chinese long time ago? It was so grave that China got in a war with the British Empire. I'm trying to illustrate here the fact that drugs like this may corrupt a society.
6- Its a cheap excuse to get high and not get arrested.
7- Some immoral people would sell it to underage people. Underage people would influence others to get addicted tooo and so on and so on and so on...
8- If a country legalize marijuana just because it cant control it, they are following the wrong logical path here. So a country cant control homicides, gangs, etc... So they legalize murder and solve the problem? It makes no sense at all.

I belive that special prisons should be built to drug addicts, with the addicts family paying for the medicine, etc... But the state should attack the root of the problem (arresting drug-dealers, providing basic life conditions to its citizens, and the like. )

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:56 am
by Skim Milky
pretty much every single things you said was in reference to people making bad decisions.

and sorry, there are medical advantages for some people. its okay for them to take heroin for their pain, something infinitely more addictive and destructive, but not pot? you have obviously gotten your facts from a bias source.

marijuana has NEVER ruined anyones life. people ruin their own lives. the worst thing about using marijuana is that it is illegal. you can go to jail for it. the only reason i feel i have the right to speak about such a topic is because i, unfortunately have experienced the broad spectrum of drug use. and from this i tell you , marijuana is not what you think it is.

people ruin their lives with or without marijuana. almost everyone who drinks that i know wouldnt drink if they could smoke. im not saying marijuana doesnt have some negative side effects, but compared to alcohol, its laughable. pure and simple. THERE IS NO COMPARISON BETWEEN MARIJUANA AND ALCOHOL. alcohol is a bane on our society. but since the government can tax and profit from it its okay? no way. people are ADDICTED TO ADDICTIONS. whether its marijuana, coffee, picking their nose, biting their fingernails, cholesterol, or drugs.

yes, moronic children would no doubt give their children pot. they already give them alcohol. we cant be responsible for the decisions of a few. for you to group marijuana users with such a stereotype is not only irresponsible, but immoral.

ive done opium before. there is no comparison between marijuana and opium. opium is very close chemically to morphine and oxycontin, which is essentially heroin.

its not a cheap excuse to get high without getting arrested, its a logical and moral aspect of a justice system whose punishments dont fit the crimes.

life isnt so black and white. to group marijuana use with murder if folley. it truly shows, no offense, your lack of knowledge of the subject.

dont take my disagreement as judgement against you. i respect your opinion and agree that drug users dont belong in jail with murders.


no. never. if someone gets high and goes driving and falls asleep, thats their fault for not being responsible enough. some countries allow legal and responsible use, with stipulations of course. it works. plain and simple.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:56 am
by Skim Milky
pretty much every single things you said was in reference to people making bad decisions.

and sorry, there are medical advantages for some people. its okay for them to take heroin for their pain, something infinitely more addictive and destructive, but not pot? you have obviously gotten your facts from a bias source.

marijuana has NEVER ruined anyones life. people ruin their own lives. the worst thing about using marijuana is that it is illegal. you can go to jail for it. the only reason i feel i have the right to speak about such a topic is because i, unfortunately have experienced the broad spectrum of drug use. and from this i tell you , marijuana is not what you think it is.

people ruin their lives with or without marijuana. almost everyone who drinks that i know wouldnt drink if they could smoke. im not saying marijuana doesnt have some negative side effects, but compared to alcohol, its laughable. pure and simple. THERE IS NO COMPARISON BETWEEN MARIJUANA AND ALCOHOL. alcohol is a bane on our society. but since the government can tax and profit from it its okay? no way. people are ADDICTED TO ADDICTIONS. whether its marijuana, coffee, picking their nose, biting their fingernails, cholesterol, or drugs.

yes, moronic children would no doubt give their children pot. they already give them alcohol. we cant be responsible for the decisions of a few. for you to group marijuana users with such a stereotype is not only irresponsible, but immoral.

ive done opium before. there is no comparison between marijuana and opium. opium is very close chemically to morphine and oxycontin, which is essentially heroin.

its not a cheap excuse to get high without getting arrested, its a logical and moral aspect of a justice system whose punishments dont fit the crimes.

life isnt so black and white. to group marijuana use with murder if folley. it truly shows, no offense, your lack of knowledge of the subject.

dont take my disagreement as judgement against you. i respect your opinion and agree that drug users dont belong in jail with murders.


no. never. if someone gets high and goes driving and falls asleep, thats their fault for not being responsible enough. some countries allow legal and responsible use, with stipulations of course. it works. plain and simple.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:56 am
by Skim Milky
pretty much every single things you said was in reference to people making bad decisions.

and sorry, there are medical advantages for some people. its okay for them to take heroin for their pain, something infinitely more addictive and destructive, but not pot? you have obviously gotten your facts from a bias source.

marijuana has NEVER ruined anyones life. people ruin their own lives. the worst thing about using marijuana is that it is illegal. you can go to jail for it. the only reason i feel i have the right to speak about such a topic is because i, unfortunately have experienced the broad spectrum of drug use. and from this i tell you , marijuana is not what you think it is.

people ruin their lives with or without marijuana. almost everyone who drinks that i know wouldnt drink if they could smoke. im not saying marijuana doesnt have some negative side effects, but compared to alcohol, its laughable. pure and simple. THERE IS NO COMPARISON BETWEEN MARIJUANA AND ALCOHOL. alcohol is a bane on our society. but since the government can tax and profit from it its okay? no way. people are ADDICTED TO ADDICTIONS. whether its marijuana, coffee, picking their nose, biting their fingernails, cholesterol, or drugs.

yes, moronic children would no doubt give their children pot. they already give them alcohol. we cant be responsible for the decisions of a few. for you to group marijuana users with such a stereotype is not only irresponsible, but immoral.

ive done opium before. there is no comparison between marijuana and opium. opium is very close chemically to morphine and oxycontin, which is essentially heroin.

its not a cheap excuse to get high without getting arrested, its a logical and moral aspect of a justice system whose punishments dont fit the crimes.

life isnt so black and white. to group marijuana use with murder if folley. it truly shows, no offense, your lack of knowledge of the subject.

dont take my disagreement as judgement against you. i respect your opinion and agree that drug users dont belong in jail with murders.


no. never. if someone gets high and goes driving and falls asleep, thats their fault for not being responsible enough. some countries allow legal and responsible use, with stipulations of course. it works. plain and simple.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:57 am
by Skim Milky
sorry i didnt mean to post that three times.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:55 pm
by zoegirl
Any time a medication affects the chemistry of the brain, it is serious.

Whether or not medical use should be allowed, let's not kid ouselves... marijuana affects the brain, affects long and short term memory, affects learning, affects judgment, and it also affects other parts of the body such as the lungs and heart.

Does alcohol and cigaretter smoking have horrible affects? OF COURSE! Should their legality be a reason to endorse another drug or minimize its affect? Rather the proverbial two wrongs making something right.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:59 pm
by FFC
Skim Milky wrote:sorry i didnt mean to post that three times.
Might be the marijuana. :lol: sorry, I couldn't resist.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:03 pm
by zoegirl
FFC wrote:
Skim Milky wrote:sorry i didnt mean to post that three times.
Might be the marijuana. :lol: sorry, I couldn't resist.
I was sooo tempted to say that.... :D


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:32 pm
by be-ing not do-ing
zoegirl wrote:Any time a medication affects the chemistry of the brain, it is serious.
Coffee, sugar and chocolate also affect the chemistry of the brain as well. :)
But obviously no one is going to give up their lattes.

Seriously though, Cannabis Satvia has a long history of use as a medical help. The medics in the Civil war era used it as a pain reliever.
The AMA had a fit when the government outlawed Canabis at the start of the Prohibition. About 100 scientific papers were published in th USA between 1840 and 1900 addressing the medical uses for Cannabis. And if "the government" has found no medical uses for Cannabis why have they patented the canabiniods for medical use?
I hear the arguements against legalization but they are empty.
God gave us all green seed bearing plants for food. Cannabis is green and seed bearing.
I do not agree that we should just take a chemical medicine when a natural one is available and works.

Re: marijuana/prostitution

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:17 pm
by andyredeemed
I used to do a bit of agency nursing, and one of my patients was a youngish chap of about 36, who was suffering from MS (Multiple Sclerosis), a truly horrifying disease that robs you of your dignity and independence long before it kills you, which it usually manages through complications such as pneumonia, etc. A part of my job was to help Mark with any personal needs, even if they where not directly related to his condition. One of those little jobs he needed me to do was to roll joints for him, which he would then smoke through a plastic tube taped to an ashtray. Now, I don't know all the facts about the pharmaceutical effects of hash. I am not going to enter into a debate about the morality of using illegal substances, all I want to say is this: using marijuana made Mark's last months tolerable. He believed that the drug helped relieve the muscle spasms that would otherwise prevent him from sleeping or being able to go to the shops or whatever. It numbed the sense of humiliation he felt when he went out and people would say to his carer "whats wrong with him?" as if he wasn't there. It made life livable, and incidentally, it allowed him a social life that was much more active than I would have believed. The police left him alone because he lived in sheltered accomodation and was wheelchair-bound, so all his mates would come around his place and spend time with him, share a few tokes, watch some videos, or whatever. If you're cynical, you'll say that they where just using his unique situation. I have rarely seen christians show so much care and spend so much time fellowshipping with those in thier church who lived in similar circumstances
Like I say, I am not expresing an opinion, but I thought I'd muddy the waters with a bit of real life.

Re: marijuana/prostitution

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:48 am
by Kyle2012
well being in BC, Canada (famous for the BC Bud) this is from a pro-decriminalization view

1. it's our number one export, even above lumber
2. if you eat it, there are no health concerns (in moderation of course)
3. i agree lots of things are worse, like alchohol
4. whether or not its legal, people can and will get it.
5. and i only believe its illegal because the govt could never control production and taxation (as others mentioned)

God made cow, I eat cow
God made grass, I "consume" grass