Evidence for theistic evolution

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by bippy123 »

Storyteller wrote:
1over137 wrote:
Storyteller wrote:
And Audie, lets say there is no God, what is the harm in believing?
When I was an unbeliever, once I was asked similar question.
In my case, I did not want to push myself into a belief. I value(d) truth a lot. And it would be harming me to push myself into something that would not be truth. I did not want to fool myself.

Audie's reasons may be different though.


Audie, get well soon. It's probably not a good idea to exhaust oneself to death, so take rest, find your balance.
(Then I hope you will not call God a dimbulb)
Doubt and uncertainty I can understand, I have those and I believe. I suppose it`s the denial that I cannot understand. How can anyone be so sure? I guess though, that non believers can say the same about me, how can I be so sure? I am sure because I feel it, I know it.

I found my truth in Christ.

I just wish everybody would, especially the people I care about.

And Audie, rest, and get better x

Annette, doubt and uncertainty are actually very strong parts of Faith .i know many Christians would think I'm crazy for saying this but these 2 qualities will push a seeker towards God in an amazingly effective way . The trick here is to ask this essential . How bad does one want God? I feel that this is the key.

Many more Christians go through it then they want to admit .

I have a neighbor whose wife whose a nurse actually was very helpful when my mom was having a. Stroke .
She is a very nice africa American lady married to a Caucasian guy. One day we were all out in front of their front yard and they asked how I was holding up after losing my dad and seeing my mom as a complete vegetable in a nursing home .

They said that they can't understand how this life has any meaning if we lived and then blinked out of existence . I quickly found out that they are agnostic . Instead of showing the bible down their throat which I knew wouldnt work because they said they hated it when jehovas witnesses did it, I quietly pointed them to the aware study . They were fascinated and said they would look more into it when they got the time .

You never know when someone will need to know about these things, and who knows , maybe later they will come to Christ from this initial morsel of information . They did hang up Christmas lights this past Christmas ;)
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Storyteller »

I welcome my doubt and uncertainty. it does, indeed, strengthen my faith. How badly do I want God? How badly do I want to know Him? More than anything else I`ve ever felt. I cannot live without God, or hope.

What`s the aware study? Is it something else worth me looking into?

It has taken me a long time to realize that I have to find my own way of reaching people. For me I don`t think it will be through preaching the Word as such, more just explaining what I believe and why, thing is, what I believe is too simple! Or maybe not. :D

So far, theistic evolution is making the most sense to me but I`m still not sure.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

EssentialSacrifice wrote:If we took all of the scientists in the world and put all of their knowledge together they still cannot produce living,breathing life with a soul,not even Satan could, he could only copy things God had already created,there is biblical evidence that Lucifer tampered with the DNA of life and tried to create his own life and failed in front of all the other angels because he wanted to be the most high God over God himself but the only thing he could do was copy certian kinds of life or produce new kinds of creatures by tampering with DNA and yet scientists think they know so much about life and how it got here.

The Nephilim /ˈnɛfɨˌlɪm/ (Hebrew: נפילים‎) were offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge according to Genesis 6:4; the name is also used in reference to giants who inhabited Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan according to Numbers 13:33 ... see also Goliath.

Genesis 6:4-5 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. 5Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.…

Genetic mutations from fallen angels intermingling with human women is how the story reads. Some postulate the very reason for The Flood. The Fallen Angels so sought after and desired and had human women only a very few were left with human blood only. God's recourse to save humanity in it's purity was the Flood so that the mixed race ( Nephilim) would not survive but humanity would.

You're right curious, it is right out of sci-fi, but it's our bible.
While some believe that the genetic mutations caused by the interbreeding between Divine beings and humans were wiped out with the flood ( and I agree that they probably were THE main reason for the flood), the bible seems to state that was not the case because it mentions their decedents ( giants) in a few places.
Some have also suggested the we may interpret some passages in the bible ( like the mention of the night hag) as possible evidence that our modern horror tales of "vampires" and "werewolves" are also decedents of these interbreedings.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Audie »

Philip wrote:
Audie: You are so right, burning both ends of candle.

Thanks, you're a nice guy.
Thank you, Audie!

BTW, do you actually look like your Avatar - somehow, in my mind, I think you might?
Similar, allowing for its a cartoon.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Audie »

I got a good night's sleep somehow. Going to Dr soon.

No harm in belief in God. Plenty of harm in self deception.

I didnt say god is a dimbulb you must have misread me.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Storyteller »

Audie wrote:I got a good night's sleep somehow. Going to Dr soon.

No harm in belief in God. Plenty of harm in self deception.

I didnt say god is a dimbulb you must have misread me.
Let us know how it goes with the Dr.

Could you be deceiving yourself by not believing in God?
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Audie »

Possibly, but the act of deciding to believe, when I dont would for sure be trying to fool myself.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Storyteller »

No it wouldn`t. It would be approaching it from a different angle, that`s all.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

Audie wrote:Possibly, but the act of deciding to believe, when I dont would for sure be trying to fool myself.
My wife had the same problem. She couldn't force herself to believe.
How can anyone force themselves to believe anything, when you just don't?
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:Possibly, but the act of deciding to believe, when I dont would for sure be trying to fool myself.
My wife had the same problem. She couldn't force herself to believe.
How can anyone force themselves to believe anything, when you just don't?
Agreed, other than, why is it a problem?
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

Because it's preventing you from believing in the Truth. ;) Duh! :P
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by Philip »

Ah, but one can well be so determined to not even seriously consider that God exists, or to be in such deep denial so as to believe that a unimaginably sophisticated, immensely complex and perfectly functioning universe of spectacular design and incredible scale can merely pop into place by itself. One has to work exceptionally hard at their God resistance, to even entertain that such a thing could even be a remote possibility. Such people deny the miraculous, while asserting that the FAR more miraculous (Pop Metaphysics!) could well be a possibility, if not a certainty.
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

While some believe that the genetic mutations caused by the interbreeding between Divine beings and humans were wiped out with the flood ( and I agree that they probably were THE main reason for the flood), the bible seems to state that was not the case because it mentions their decedents ( giants) in a few places.
Some have also suggested the we may interpret some passages in the bible ( like the mention of the night hag) as possible evidence that our modern horror tales of "vampires" and "werewolves" are also decedents of these interbreedings.

Hey Paul, yeah this topic is insane. I was waiting for the dentist in office, picked up a Time mag. and found this article about DNA genetic cloning going on in Switzerland. Found in article, they say they have DNA of a character named Nimrod. Recognized the name from bible, but not sure where-in. Googled name and came up with a bushel full of "what the heck is this". Really a bad actor, name means "great hunter", "against God" or "in the face of God" ... was the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham who was the son of Noah ... I mean he truly was connected, biblically. The other name of Nephillim I recognized was Goliath ...

Nimrod has historical ties to Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites and Persians who were the basis for Greek and Roman systems of rule. Nimrod's closest association to antiquity in historical context, besides our bible, is, he is Gilgamesh from the Epic of. Gilgamesh, if not known was an incredibly bad actor, whose people rose up against him because of his cruelty and licentious behavior and lifestyle. The union of human women and fallen angels was a terrible thing, and you are quite right, they were not snuffed out by the flood completely as evidenced by Nimrods place in history.

Obviously, there is no more chance of a giant Nephillim today any more than a T-Rex walking up your yard, knocking on the door to sell vacuum cleaners, but the bloodline is certainly here with us, diminished as it is, but still viable to some extent, if all this is true. Biblically speaking, I see no reason to doubt historical Nimrod.

With this known ... why would DNA Cloning researchers try to revitalize the character traits of a Nimrod ? y:-/
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

With this known ... why would DNA Cloning researchers try to revitalize the character traits of a Nimrod ?
Science has always been about what CAN be done, not about what SHOULD be ( or shouldn't be).
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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

Science has always been about what CAN be done, not about what SHOULD be ( or shouldn't be) y#-o
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence. -St Augustine
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