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Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:13 am
by RickD
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
jpbg33 wrote:the rapture will happen.

If you interpret the bible as not being literal then the cross did not happen Jesus opening the blinded eyes didn't happen it was not literal. Jesus doesn't literally forgive us of all our sins the list go's on.

See how stupid that is.

It is not smart to say the rapture will not happen. Especially if you are using the bible as your proof.
you are talking to someone who has met Him in the air, though, jpbg...hope you do, too. Meanwhile, you can affirm women pastors from one side, and don't from the other, as long as you want to, ok. Don't find love, until you are ready

Maybe I'll regret asking this, but, you're saying that you , personally, have already met Him in the air? Please explain. Cause you're still here.
well, i hope you understand, when i said "no prob," i meant "you are forgiven," not "i am your doormat, thank you, sir, may i have another" ok. I'm still here, yes; and plenty of people are walking around "dead" as far as God is concerned, too. So i am just inviting you to start "believing all things," and maybe stop with the "knowing all things," per Who says he knows does not yet know as he ought ok.

By chance, did you grow up in the late 1960's/early 1970's?

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:54 am
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:I'm the one who has a problem with women as pastors Because Scripture says a pastor / elder / bishop is to be the husband of one wife. Amongst many other qualifications. A woman Can't be a husband -- she's a Wife.
yet a woman can be involved in "animal husbandry," huh. So maybe just keep doing what you are doing, you seem ok to me; and maybe reflect on how an analogy can be made that relates to the spiritual part of you using a male/female paradigm, and also how Scripture works on many levels, and God even provides Atheists what they seek in Scripture, that being "facts to refute."

So, on one level, a "Bishop" should be the Husband of one Wife, physically speaking; yet polygamists have their verses making polygamy acceptable, don't they? So, while at the same time not wishing to, or not interested in, denigrating a literal understanding of the passage, maybe recognizing that God cares mostly about the spiritual part of you, and wishes to speak to that, and of course the physical will manifest from the spiritual, just like we have manifested...oh, i dunno, "Gay Pride," although i guess i will have to splain that later.
jpbg33 wrote: "Don't find love, until you are ready"? What does that comment have to do with anything that we are talking about.
indeed. well, mom is calling, and i can't hold two thoughts in my head very well, unless they are both about numbers, so i will just say "why have you never gotten a sermon on this, or indeed likely never been quoted to out of "Songs" in your whole life?"

i'll be back...later, sorry.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:17 am
by crochet1949
You're right -- there were Lots of problems in that church and Paul was instructing the congregation. And a thought just occurred to me -- God was inspiring Paul to write that -- Not a woman.

The correlation between that and qualifications for an overseer / elder / bishop of a church body. The first one listed is that the man is to be the husband of one wife. And I'm thinking that one of the problems was that it was common for men to have more than one wife -- so the man in Charge was to set an example of having only One wife. Which would eliminate a woman from holding that position in a church.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:42 am
by crochet1949
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
jpbg33 wrote:the rapture will happen.

If you interpret the bible as not being literal then the cross did not happen Jesus opening the blinded eyes didn't happen it was not literal. Jesus doesn't literally forgive us of all our sins the list go's on.

See how stupid that is.

It is not smart to say the rapture will not happen. Especially if you are using the bible as your proof.
you are talking to someone who has met Him in the air, though, jpbg...hope you do, too. Meanwhile, you can affirm women pastors from one side, and don't from the other, as long as you want to, ok. Don't find love, until you are ready

Maybe I'll regret asking this, but, you're saying that you , personally, have already met Him in the air? Please explain. Cause you're still here.
well, i hope you understand, when i said "no prob," i meant "you are forgiven," not "i am your doormat, thank you, sir, may i have another" ok. I'm still here, yes; and plenty of people are walking around "dead" as far as God is concerned, too. So i am just inviting you to start "believing all things," and maybe stop with the "knowing all things," per Who says he knows does not yet know as he ought ok.

Not sure What conversation you're referring to , but, I Do know what 'no problem' means.

The subject of the rapture -- you brought it up -- it's a term Not found in Scripture , but it is referring to a future event in history, when Jesus Christ is going to collect all the born-again believers -- all of His Children -- in the air -- in the twinkling of an eye. As per 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:1-11 --- in other words -- the Church -- will be taken out of this world and be with Christ. The only one's remaining Here will be unbelievers. This event has Not happened yet. And Scripture Also tells us that No one knows When it will take place. Only the Father in heaven knows.

And the Only source Of this information Is the Bible. Even though there are those who don't believe in it. Because there Are those who feel that if the term is not used then it won't happen. It simply refers to the 'up-gathering' of believers. And it will happen very suddenly -- so that no one will be able to 'see it coming' and decide Then to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

And it Is different than the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ to earth. Because then He will literally be standing on the earth and will Be Here for 1,000 yrs.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:54 am
by bbyrd009
ok well sorry, my replies are being censored now, so bless you guys, and have a good day.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:54 am
by bbyrd009
jpbg33 wrote:First of all you have not met Jesus in the air.


bbyrd009 wrote this

Meanwhile, you can affirm women pastors from one side, and don't from the other, as long as you want to, ok. Don't find love, until you are ready
What does any of this have to do with what we are saying.

I have no problem with women pastors are you saying you do.

O yaw one other thing do you believe Jesus died on a cross?

ok this is my third reply to this post, so someone is playing around here now, and i guess i have to go. see you guys

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:10 am
by bbyrd009
so, when both of my other replies to that post are put up here, i will come back, ok?

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:33 am
by RickD
bbyrd009 wrote:so, when both of my other replies to that post are put up here, i will come back, ok?
I just checked the moderator logs, and nobody deleted your posts. Sounds like a classic case of user error, brought on by years of psychedelic drug use. :mrgreen:

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:05 am
by bbyrd009
RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:so, when both of my other replies to that post are put up here, i will come back, ok?
I just checked the moderator logs, and nobody deleted your posts. Sounds like a classic case of user error, brought on by years of psychedelic drug use. :mrgreen:
yes, RickD, that is surely all it is. So, being the idiot that i am, i will try again, as you stone me for bringing you a different understanding of Word, no problem.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:11 am
by RickD
bbyrd009 wrote:
RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:so, when both of my other replies to that post are put up here, i will come back, ok?
I just checked the moderator logs, and nobody deleted your posts. Sounds like a classic case of user error, brought on by years of psychedelic drug use. :mrgreen:
yes, RickD, that is surely all it is. So, being the idiot that i am, i will try again, as you stone me for bringing you a different understanding of Word, no problem.
Stone you? Judging from some of your posts, I don't think you have a problem getting yourself stoned.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:13 am
by bbyrd009
jpbg33 wrote:First of all you have not met Jesus in the air.
because "i am still here, right?"

ergo, you know, for a fact, that there is no possible way i could have met Christ in the air. even though i have never denied that, the Book being God~Breathed, and therefore Living, might have other valid interpretations. Mine is not exclusive. "This passage means this, therefore put your mind at rest, and feel confident in refuting every other interpretation" is a thing sheep who have a pastor assume, and i notice that often the pastor would not even approve.

So see what you will see, and say what you want to say. I did not demand that you accept my belief there, jp.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:24 am
by bbyrd009
jpbg33 wrote:Second

bbyrd009 wrote this

Meanwhile, you can affirm women pastors from one side, and don't from the other, as long as you want to, ok. Don't find love, until you are ready
What does any of this have to do with what we are saying.

I have no problem with women pastors are you saying you do.
so, like "pastor's daughters," we must all understand like you do, or RickD does, in order to be making any sense, and there is no valid, general reflection inherent in

"most religious people condemn women pastors from one side of their mouths, while affirming Rapture doctrine, which has been outed by Ezekiel @ 'pillows' as coming from 'women,' and even though it suffered, oh, a mortal wound, say, was revived, late 19th C, by a 'woman pastor,' whose name is still even available to us, and there is no hypocrisy there."

personally i could care less, if the woman was coming from her man, her Priest, spiritually speaking; seems to go against the natural order, imo, but circumstances, or God's calling, might make any number of un-natural things manifest, like, say...oh, the proliferation of "Gays," "Gay rights," caused, directly, by these same religious apostates, for instance.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:33 am
by jpbg33
bbyrdoo9 Forget about all that. for now.

You do not wont to take the bible literally.

Here is my question to you did Jesus die on the cross.

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:36 am
by bbyrd009
jpbg33 wrote:O yaw one other thing do you believe Jesus died on a cross?
here you are asking me a question because, i am guessing, 1) you have had interactions in the past with people bearing a similar message, who have stupidly said something along the lines of "the Crucifixion was a lie" or "it was a hooey, all a story," etc, instead of coming to you where you are at, and suggesting that it might have been allegory, and you nor i have any proof otherwise.

so i will tell you that personally, i serve a Risen Lord, and that yes, i believe Christ died on a Cross, for us, but 2) you are also asking this, intimating that if i do not answer in the approved manner, and confirm that, essentially, "Christ has come in the flesh," i can safely be dismissed, by you at least. And so--with a literal understanding of that passage, rather than a more spiritual one, that cannot manifest from someone's mouth, but rather must be witnessed in their fruit, works unto rebound (repentance)--you are, wadr, easily deceived, as all i have to do is lie to you, if i want, and then i am good to go, as long as i talk like you, in your approved manner, and my sheep-suit stays intact.

You are asking me if you can trust me, jp. Now should i lie, and say "yes," like a pastor (wadr), or tell you the truth, and say "of course not!?" Spirits can lie to you, jp, and must be known by their fruit, same as people.

Anyone who says they know does not yet know as they ought

Re: Eternal Security...(Revised May 2015)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:45 am
by bbyrd009
you guys seek evidence of Word, when you alrteady know what it is, ok. It is what lights a room up, causes little children and dogs to come into the center of your circle, dogs even make a certain double-chuff noise when Word is in the Air, Word just...quickens, It is what quickens, brightens, creates, something from nothing, etc. It is very near to you, Word, just like God's Word is very near to you, you can hear It just fine, unless your cares make you deaf to It.

i guess my moose video and everything is gone,, i'll go dig it back up...
and see that we are just the moose. and so now look at the veil, that the moose cannot see through,
and would laugh at you and tell you that you were on drugs or whatever if you tried to explain to him later ok.
feel free to advance until the moose sniffs the arrow that would kill him ok