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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:16 pm
by CeT-To
Human wrote:(I break your argument to bring an introduction)

I seem to have chosen "Human" as a screen name for myself here. You may call me Nicholas is if that suits you better(and causes less confusion by vagueness). I am unsure of exactly when I became a Christian, though I suppose I should give my story to give an explanation.
I've been born into a somewhat secular Christian family. My mother switched sects for my father. Neither have read the Bible or seem very active in their walk. Or I am not seeing something. So I believed in God as a young child though I knew not what it all meant. Judaism, Christianity, and Catholicism were the only religions I knew until I was seven or so. :lol: Anyway, depression set in my elementary school years as well as mental disorders/diseases.whatever-you-label-them. Life had ups and downs though it usually felt empty and a will to die was constant. I was a heavy thinker, though, always pondering the wonders of reality. I stumbled upon some of the "great philosophies" or other scientific things just by thinking in my own mind. I had agnostic streaks and for a few years I believed all religions were true (God and Zeus co-existing). My friend though pointed out to me that that was a sin. So I renounced that. And somehow an episode of King of the Hill was how God reached out to me. That night I realized I DESERVE TO BURN IN HELL. I cried that night and repented to the Lord. It was not long after that I discovered salvation through Christ. I love Jesus Christ. Although I believed blindly and always took my own way. Things got worse as I justified ignoring God and trying to be in control of everything. I danced with depression, sucking it in like a drug I said I wanted rid of but thrived on(or so I thought). Finally earlier this year I cried out to God to free me. I saw it was Satan's work and it was pulling me from God. I turned away and loved everyone. I very much want to be with Christ. I've started into the Bible-reading from cover to cover. Read most nights and at Numbers right now. Tried a few times before but I had a lack of reading ability(or will).

So yeah. I love Christ and I love all of you. :ebiggrin: I'm a 15 year old teen trying to walk His way in today's world. Most of my friends are atheists and I listen to metal, but I keep my heart pure; I've actually had the pleasure of watching one of my closest friends finding God and becoming a Christian.
So yeah....human
Hello Human :ebiggrin: wow your story sounds a bit like mine, for me i was kind of drifting in the middle and the reason is because i was told to believe but not showed any evidence of why i should - also since i moved to Australia when i was 7 ( 2000) we only went to church only on special occasions such as Christmass and Easter and i guess the reason is the language barrier, also going to a secular school didnt help at all. So at the end of last year my dad was talking about the Shroud of Turin and i was strangely extremely fascinated.. i would start reading about it more and more and then i suddenly moved on to other things about Christianity and i eventually found this site ..i tell you.. everything went so fast it was all i blur to how quick i came to Christ...even my gf was freaked out of how much i changed in such a small amount of time...and now that i think about it I cannot imagine myself NOT being a Christian... and when i reminisce of how i was before, i can only think of how absolutely blind i was! Truly i tell you he has taken the veil off for me! hahah i remember the first time as i was about to start praying it felt so silly and strange but once i was into it i loved it! Be glad Human for where is death's sting now that you have accepted Christ? The only purpose we have left here is to be a witness to God for those that are lost and blind. I really envy you for having witnessed your friend coming to Christ >.< i have tried with my gf but to no avail..and im not the only one too as her closest friend has also :crying: i pray to the Lord that she may open her heart and her mind to the Truth :( :amen:

God bless! and sorry for going on about my life story :oops:

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:40 pm
by Kristoffer
Hello, Kristoffer from Scandinavia here. I am an interested spiritually agnostic, this place seems to be interested and can I find about the science here?

I have been to a lot of new-age religion centre and that is not really my thing. About science... Also evidence for God from Science, which is what? I've heard some funny stories in my times, please share yours. - or maybe its not funny?

Is not religion Opposed to science? Maybe I has been hearing a lot of propogander or something! Doesn't Science save and also Enrich millions of lives? No more!? How many lives does Gods save?

CeT-To wrote:...cannot imagine myself NOT being a Christian...
Double Neg.So you CAN imagine it?


Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:40 pm
by cslewislover
Hi Kristoffer, and welcome to the board. We hope you learn some things, yes, since science and religion are indeed compatible. It's so funny (sad and weird, not "ha ha" funny) that people have that view now; it's certainly widespread, though. Science as we know it today began in Christian areas because the view that God created order was a Judeo-Christian concept. Without order, you can't study anything in a rational way. Without order (natural laws), we could never know if something was a for-sure thing or not. Other cultures/religions didn't view nature in that way in the past. Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, and William Occam were Christians. Francis Bacon was Christian and wrote theological works. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Gregor J Mendel, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Michael Faraday, Robert Boyle, and Louis Pasteur were all Christians. Perhaps you've heard of some of them! :o And of course there are Christian scientists today as well.

It's obvious that english is not your native language, so I wasn't sure if you were making fun of Cet-to or not. The way he wrote that is normally accepted, yes. It's a way of emphasizing something. It would be redundant and boring (if not odd) for him to say he can imagine being a Christian, since he already is one.


Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:34 pm
by ByGrace
Hello. I'm not sure if I'm posting to the right thread, so I won't say much. I just wanted to let you know I'm here, that I'm getting familiar with the board, looking around. I am so very happy to have found this site. It's truly amazing.

Take care, and God bless

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:39 am
by Kristoffer
I know the English well enough to get some understanding, most people in my country can speak English good
Without order, you can't study anything in a rational way. Without order (natural laws), we could never know if something was a for-sure thing or not.
I know about the order of things, but because their are law of physic does not mean there is a law giver of physic? If there is a God/Gods I would of thought it was in some way easy to recognize. If Thor really was on Earth at some time for instance, how could you say there isn't a Thor? You could just say "Static electrik is just how Thor makes his lightning!"
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Gregor J Mendel, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Michael Faraday, Robert Boyle, and Louis Pasteur were all Christians.
This is called a list, Lists make me angry and happy. :? Are any of these men, from 20th/21st century? I know their are religious scientists now, but I always thought it was despite their faith that they work in science. What about Kenneth Miller and Fritz Haber, they could go on your list couldn't them?

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:53 am
by CeT-To
Kristoffer wrote:Hello, Kristoffer from Scandinavia here. I am an interested spiritually agnostic, this place seems to be interested and can I find about the science here?

I have been to a lot of new-age religion centre and that is not really my thing. About science... Also evidence for God from Science, which is what? I've heard some funny stories in my times, please share yours. - or maybe its not funny?

Is not religion Opposed to science? Maybe I has been hearing a lot of propogander or something! Doesn't Science save and also Enrich millions of lives? No more!? How many lives does Gods save?

CeT-To wrote:...cannot imagine myself NOT being a Christian...
Double Neg.So you CAN imagine it?

Hey Kristoffer welcome! y>:D< i hope you have fun posting here! :D Oh and by the way HAH thanx for finding that! But let me rephrase it :ewink:

I don't have the heart and mind to go back to the way i was before - the truth has set me free 8)

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:02 am
by Kristoffer
I got a bit confused when I read it. I thought you saying that you can imagine not being a Christian. At various times I have imagined myself as various different things, even Moslem.(although I got no idea why I was considering that.)

By Heart and Mind, do you mean you Emotion and your Reason? Your Emotional responses are personal so they are private or should be such, I wouldn't mind knowing the Reasons although perhaps there are many good reasons (for and against)

What do the people around here think of the process Evolution? It is sort of god-neutral, at least I think so?

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:06 am
by cslewislover
cslewislover wrote:Without order, you can't study anything in a rational way. Without order (natural laws), we could never know if something was a for-sure thing or not.
Kristoffer wrote:I know about the order of things, but because their are law of physic does not mean there is a law giver of physic? If there is a God/Gods I would of thought it was in some way easy to recognize. If Thor really was on Earth at some time for instance, how could you say there isn't a Thor? You could just say "Static electrik is just how Thor makes his lightning!"
I wasn't talking about what you might know, but about the history of science and why people began to study nature in an orderly way. The fact that you "know" there is order comes from a certain worldview that you received from your culture. Other cultures had thought that gods and spirits lived in rocks, and everywhere, and these spirits were not orderly (in a natural law sense). Also, since Christians believe God is outside of His creation (and that He is rational), creation can be studied as a created thing only that has order. Your question about Thor is odd to me. If Thor came to earth and I saw him, why would I deny him? I might think he's something else (like a fallen angel), but, I don't get your point really.
cslewislover wrote:Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Gregor J Mendel, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Michael Faraday, Robert Boyle, and Louis Pasteur were all Christians.
Kristoffer wrote:This is called a list, Lists make me angry and happy. :? Are any of these men, from 20th/21st century? I know their are religious scientists now, but I always thought it was despite their faith that they work in science. What about Kenneth Miller and Fritz Haber, they could go on your list couldn't them?
It makes you happy and angry at the same time?? I am VERY surprised you don't seem to know at least some of these people! Wow. I'm not trying to put you down - I'm just wondering what they teach in Scandinavia. If you don't know them, you really need to look them up - especially Galileo, da Vinci, and Newton. Gregor Mendel was a monk who was the first to scientifically chart genetics (at least that's what I had been taught and have read, maybe certain educators skip him or highlight someone else). Oh, and earlier Christian scientists were very into their faith and it's why they wanted to study God's creation - to know more about Him (many of them wrote theological pieces, too). I'd say that most contemporary Christian scientists have the same attitude. I'd like to provide some contemporary Christian scientists, but it's not as easy. There are those who have lost their jobs over being outspoken about their faith. Anyway, I'll try to come up with some names for you that you could look up. I can't get into that right at the moment, however.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:44 am
by Kristoffer
Hmm, so you trying to say that its because of Christianity that it became possible for science to advance? If so then I can see my respect growing, maybe more detailed explanation would help.
I wasn't talking about what you might know, but about the history of science and why people began to study nature in an orderly way. The fact that you "know" there is order comes from a certain worldview that you received from your culture.
I know of them. Newton for instance invented the cat flap, seeing as I adore Cats that kind of makes him an hero in my sight.
If you don't know them, you really need to look them up - especially Galileo, da Vinci, and Newton.
It just seems to me that it would be better to have a list of the modern day Christians in the science business rather than having a list that is out of date by about 300 plus years. why is it not so easy? I find two for you already, Fritz Haber for instance created a fertilizer that helps to keeps billions of people fed.

Galileo, was imprisoned by the church though wasn't he? Was that because of his ideas or for something else?

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:08 pm
by cslewislover
Kristoffer wrote:Hmm, so you trying to say that its because of Christianity that it became possible for science to advance? If so then I can see my respect growing, maybe more detailed explanation would help.
Sure. I'm thinking of starting a new thread pertaining to biographical info on scientists and philosophical scientists, and a good intro on the Christian influence on modern science would be good there.
Kristoffer wrote:
I wasn't talking about what you might know, but about the history of science and why people began to study nature in an orderly way. The fact that you "know" there is order comes from a certain worldview that you received from your culture.
I know of them. Newton for instance invented the cat flap, seeing as I adore Cats that kind of makes him an hero in my sight.
Are you being funny? y:-/ http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virgi ... ewton.html There's a ton of info on him out there, I just provided this link quick.
Kristoffer wrote:
If you don't know them, you really need to look them up - especially Galileo, da Vinci, and Newton.
It just seems to me that it would be better to have a list of the modern day Christians in the science business rather than having a list that is out of date by about 300 plus years. why is it not so easy? I find two for you already, Fritz Haber for instance created a fertilizer that helps to keeps billions of people fed.

Galileo, was imprisoned by the church though wasn't he? Was that because of his ideas or for something else?

It is harder to list them. They aren't in the media like the atheistic scientists, and as I said, some of them have gotten fired from their jobs for their beliefs. I will list some of those later (I thought I'd be leaving by now to do some other things I need to get done). But I do have some resources that will let me give you more names. The inventor of Canola Oil is a Christian. Anyway, why wouldn't I give the historical Christian scientists? You thought that science and faith couldn't mix, but it's been quite the opposite! And as you said yourself, you didn't even know how faith had actually helped develop the scientific method. As for Galileo (and others too, actually), yes, the institutional church was against him. But it was his faith, and the faith of others and knowing what was in the bible, that caused him and many early scientists to pursue science anyway. I guess one could argue about that, about whether you look at the institutional church at the time, or whether you look at individual believers and what they did with scientific study. It's a fact that the faith of early scientists led them to their ground-breaking endeavors and discoveries.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:37 pm
by Byblos
One of the most advanced space research agency in the world, dealing with astrophysics, is at the Vatican, formerly headed by a priest (George Coine). They recently opened a branch in Arizona.

If it weren't for religion in general and for Christianity in particular, science would not be where it is today so I really don't know where you're getting your facts from, Kristoffer.


That sticky idea is great. We need to create several of them, I think, on various topics that always come up. The existence of God (proof arguments: cosmological, ontological, etc.), Jesus' resurrection (stuff that Gman has posted in the past and keeps repeating every time the subject comes up), and so on.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:07 pm
by Gabrielman
ByGrace wrote:Hello. I'm not sure if I'm posting to the right thread, so I won't say much. I just wanted to let you know I'm here, that I'm getting familiar with the board, looking around. I am so very happy to have found this site. It's truly amazing.

Take care, and God bless
Nice to meet you! :wave: Welcome to the board!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:36 am
by Kristoffer
cslewislover wrote:
Are you being funny? y:-/ http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virgi ... ewton.html There's a ton of info on him out there, I just provided this link quick.

No not trying, its true in a sense, because that the invention of it has been attributed to him. :P

I readed your link! All of that and a the catflap? Wowzers!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:03 pm
by cslewislover
Kristoffer wrote:
cslewislover wrote:
Are you being funny? y:-/ http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virgi ... ewton.html There's a ton of info on him out there, I just provided this link quick.

No not trying, its true in a sense, because that the invention of it has been attributed to him. :P

I readed your link! All of that and a the catflap? Wowzers!

. . . whatever? I'm sure other people, in different times and places, made holes in their doors or walls for animals. The article says the cat flap was first used in 1950s. But there were other things before that, including holes like Newton made for his mom (supposedly). My old house (c. 1929) had a hole in the garage door that had a neat metal lifting door on it.

At any rate, it's a very practical thing and doesn't have to do with scientific method or theory.

I don't mean to sound mean or unhumorous, but it still seems you don't know about the fathers of science (or however you want to call them). It would be good for you to educate yourself about them, just for your own knowledge and for being able to discuss things. I guess I'll start that sticky thread.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:16 pm
by Kristoffer
Well that link about how Isaac lived was enlightening, lik i said, i know of them, just not really much of how they lived and stuff. Really we would want the history as it was, rather than and some kind of history-denial.

Also if he didn't make the cat flap that makes him less cool in my eye, cats are cool!