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Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:02 am
by Canuckster1127
Canuckster1127 wrote:I think it is healthy from a scientific approach however to have competing theories and approaches where that spurs additional work and reduces complacency. So I think it is overall good that maybe Intelligent Design and the work of Dembski, Behe and others in this realm challenge us to examine not only the data, but also the frameworks we construct to interpret the data.
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Again I agree, one needs to remain skeptical of all human endeavors even if only a little. Competing ideas are good for research.

With one caveat.

One must learn the material first, one needs to be presented with the evidence and reasoning and experimental results first, before one can delve into the intracacies and shortcomings of a theory or hypothesis. Criticism from a laymans perspective usually does not bear any weight once analyzed. And without proper education one would be ill equiped to determine as such.
Agreed. In this case however, there is an appeal to authority on the basis of the work of such individuals as Behe and Dembski. I do not have to be able to interact directly in order to conclude there is reasonable support to postulate the possibility of something, if there are reputable and reasonable people with sufficient education and qualifications to make those assertions. Obviously there's a level of subjectivity present there and a certain level of subjective judgement then enters in as to the merit of the hypothesis or the qualifications of the one asserting it.

I as the person relying upon that appeal to authority have to maintain a certain level of humility and know where my knowledge ends and other's begin.

It is human nature to want to assert more certainty in the defense of a position then the evidence necessarily supports. This is universal to all humanity. However, as I am a vociferous critic of when YEC proponents do this, I have to beware of making my own errors in that regard in this context.

I'll try. But I won't concede easily without good conclusive evidence AND a consistent framework with which to apply it.