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Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:34 pm
by zoegirl
Hey, yeah, let's get him...(I would certainly be all for that!!) :ewink: y:* y>:D< :heart: :whistle: :giverose:

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:04 pm
by Swamper
I found a bumper sticker online a few weeks ago that said "My other car is a TARDIS."

I want one so bad it isn't even funny.

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:20 pm
by zoegirl
That would indeed be cool

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:05 pm
by Cross.eyed
zoegirl wrote:THis thread has really taken a weird turn :esurprised: :ebiggrin:
We need clarification of the rules so as to be PC enough. :ebiggrin:

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:58 pm
by cslewislover
I have a bumper sticker that says "The Doctor for President." y:p I also have a t-shirt with the Doctor in sillhouete that says "i regenerate."

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:50 am
by catherine
I think David Tennant is handsome (although a bit skinny) and the best looking doctor by far.....

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:06 am
by cslewislover
So are you seriously telling me that when you first saw David Tennant, the very first time, you said "Wow, what a handsome man!"? When I first saw him, in an ad about him being the star in Casanova, I was like, "Hmmm. Him, Casanova? Riiiiiight . . ."

This is more like what I'm wondering, and to me it is what I mean by handsome, partly because that's how everyone talks about handsome. That when someone sees a person for the first time, their impression is of handsomeness or beauty. When I first heard/saw that David Tennant was going to be the new Doctor, I was really disappointed. I really had come to like Chris, and David was so different (and mousy looking). Now I really like him, but that's a different thing.

I don't care about FL harrassing me (since that's what he's doing, for fun), but it does make me feel uncomfortable about word definitions. Lol, I'm serious, like there's no objective reality (but I know, beauty is not objective, yet there seem to be some general human standards). It's like when Bill Clinton, during his impeachment, tried to make everyone believe that oral sex isn't sex. Which is so odd, since sex is right in the word itself :shakehead: . Sorry for that example, it's the only one I could think of right now. :roll:

FL, you better watch your back . . .

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:30 am
by catherine
'Beauty' is a hard concept to think about. Does it exist of itself, or is it only subjective? Who knows. I tend to think even 'ugly' men are 'good looking' in some way. Take the other man in your avatar, (forgotten his name). Now he is not what you'd call handsome but there is something about him that is 'good looking' imo. When I first saw David Tennant in a clip of Casanova (I never managed to watch it) I did think he was a 'pretty', less rugged kind of handsome, which is what I prefer. I can see him holding his own alongside Cary Grant, Rock Hudson, Charlton Heston if he'd been of their era. This gets me feeling very shallow. Beauty is only skin deep but I must admit I've never gone for someone unless they were a lovely person AND very good looking (in my opinion).

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:58 am
by cslewislover
I'm glad you're not mad at me, Catherine. ^_^ I didn't want you or anyone else to be, but I thought it could happen. Concerning beauty (in all things), it's a main thought process in my life, lol, so I don't know. I wouldn't worry about feeling shallow. I think what you're saying is very natural. I'm sure that if you came to know and like a guy that you didn't consider good-looking at first, you'd change your mind about his looks (or his looks would no longer matter).

Still, FL, you better watch your back . . . :evilnod:

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:17 pm
by catherine
By the way, changing the subject slightly, I came across the 'CS Lewis Society'. I've been listening to an interview by a guy I like a lot, David Berlinski: ... 8_48-07_00

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:20 pm
by cslewislover
catherine wrote:By the way, changing the subject slightly, I came across the 'CS Lewis Society'. I've been listening to an interview by a guy I like a lot, David Berlinski: ... 8_48-07_00
Really, David Berlinski speaking on Lewis? I'll have to listen to that. Thanks (even though it's way different, lol).

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:28 pm
by zoegirl

I don't know what to tell you. I saw Casanova and I liked him int that as well, got me to watch the show...a bit weird but interesting (although I like his brown hair and eyes better, he wore blue contacts for the movie). But I gave my list of guys earlier to show that I like a lot of different looks and consider all of them handsome. Although I will still concede that he (Tennant) does not fulfill the classical rugged masculine look. David Boreanaz certainly fulfills that definition better. Perhaps "Attractive" is a better term, but I still like DAvid Tennant's looks. What can I say.

David Boreanaz ... Itemid=156

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:44 pm
by cslewislover
OK, that guy. Yeah, hmm . . . I guess to me it seems that almost everyone agrees that Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise - those guys - are handsome/good looking. You know, when you first see them. I'm trying to think of some others, but even if I did, I might not know their names. The guy who played in the X-Files is pretty good-looking, I think, but more boyish. The star of Torchwood is more good-looking. I thought the guy in that supposedly Christian series was good looking (where he played a pastor), and he was in an old Star Trek movie; oi, I can't even think of the name of that show, even though it was on for so long. Anyway, whatever . . . lol *shrugs* It's not being handsome that counts, anyway.

And FL, did I say yet, that you better watch your back . . .

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:44 pm
by Cross.eyed
cslewislover wrote:OK, that guy. Yeah, hmm . . . I guess to me it seems that almost everyone agrees that Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise....

Robert Redford is good looking?? Good looking what?
Isn't he somewhere in the neighborhood of 230 years old???

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:49 pm
by cslewislover
Cross.eyed wrote:
cslewislover wrote:OK, that guy. Yeah, hmm . . . I guess to me it seems that almost everyone agrees that Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise....

Robert Redford is good looking?? Good looking what?
Isn't he somewhere in the neighborhood of 230 years old???
Lol. Ok, a lot of people considered (past tense) him handsome. Lol.

Who do you think is handsome, cross.eyed?