Re: Yes on Proposition 8: California Protect Marriage
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:28 pm
Do any of our laws stop sin or corruption??? What I'm talking about here is endorsement. You seem to want to endorse or legitimize homosexual behavior. Unlike you I don't….BavarianWheels wrote:Gman...homosexuality is not going to "flourish" anymore or less as a result of Prop. fact inspite of Prop. 8, it will grow as God allows...not as we legislate.
Do I think man's laws are different to God's laws? Yes. Without law there is no sin. You think you're going to stamp out homosexuality by any means with laws?
Do people still steal, do rapes still happen???BavarianWheels wrote:Give them state rights to do unspeakable things...LOL. Are they not doing them now? What a rediculous idea...has the state all of a sudden legislated being homosexual is against the law?
Maybe you should complain to God about laws then…. After all all laws are wrong according to you..BavarianWheels wrote:The religious right...without them, all of society would be dead apparently.
Then go and endorse it then….BavarianWheels wrote:Health risks? Gman...*cupping hands over mouth to amplify voice* Homosexuality's nothing won't go away until Christ's here...a piece of paper will not change this.
So you are saying the God doesn't bless the state? Maybe we should all sing, “God don't bless America.”BavarianWheels wrote:Distinction between state and moral laws...I put it as best as I could. The state's paper gives the state's "blessing"...this does not give God's blessing...therein being the difference.
Don't give me that… You endorse it.BavarianWheels wrote:Once say I'm saying homosexuality is good for society (an unnatural perverted act) - I'm not saying that,
Perhaps fornication should too… Why not? Is fornication good for society?BavarianWheels wrote:however by the arguments so far, you and others are saying the EXACT same thing by staying quiet of the fornication matter which does the same and to a higher degree as there are far more heterosexuals in society than homosexuals.
Again you are confused… The Sabbath was not a moral law. The Sabbath was ceremonial law.. You do know the difference don't you?BavarianWheels wrote:You say we probably should...I would agree from the perspective of a Christian. But I would oppose any law based solely on religious beliefs. How would you feel if Saturday was mandated by the state as the only day one could worship?
Is this really what the Adventist believe? Boy, you have a lot to learn.BavarianWheels wrote:As an Adventist...I would certainly oppose such a state law! The point being...where do we draw the line for legislating laws that are based on religious beliefs through the state?
Can't prove that homosexuality is good for society huh? So you endorse it? Why? Do you wish to protect or harm society?BavarianWheels wrote:You're asking me to prove homosexuality is good for society and again I tell you I can't because as God has said, it's not good.
Apparently you have the problem listening, reading, and understanding. Are you actually thinking what you are writing or just venting?BavarianWheels wrote:I'll restate my ad hominem: You don't listen/read/understand.
Again.. You missed the point. So under your logic we should eliminate all stop signs because there will always be people that run by them anyways… So why have them?? Why don't we just eliminate all laws while we are at it as well?BavarianWheels wrote:It's a natural part of life that is a result of sin...not natural in a Godly sense, but natural to sin. Society has lived with homosexuality for almost as long as man has been on this earth and it will not go away as a result of a silly Prop.
We all deserve death for being sinners… That's not the point of the law.. Under the law we should all be dead.BavarianWheels wrote:Is it homosexuality that's unnatural or the marriage of two in love that's unnatural? If the former, then the efforts are being placed in the wrong place. Society isn't outlawing (sp? or is that a word?)...uh...the correct word isn't coming to me atm...anyway as a society we are not even as is suggested to do with homosexuals in the Bible. I wouldn't condone that myself now anyway. God and God alone has that right. I wouldn't assume so much to think every homosexual deserves death for being homosexual as I believe we all deserve death for simply being a sinner.
How could homosexuality kill itself off? Everyone is endorsing it… And according to you it's an ok practice to do.BavarianWheels wrote:...will homosexuality not kill itself off? I suspect it's the same statistic of gay/bisexual women?
The practice of homosexuality spreads diseases to society which can effect everyone… Have you read what I wrote before?BavarianWheels wrote:How are they spreading their disease to you?
Baloney… There are numerous homosexuals who have come out the practice. In fact I know many people who have successfully abstained from having sex altogether. They made a conscience choice to do so..BavarianWheels wrote:I believe that homosexuality is not a choice (for almost all of them) and there's nothing they can do to change their affinity for their own gender. I don't understand it, but I can't say it's fake.
Again.. Let's just destroy all the laws then. Who needs them anyway? Silly God, telling us what to do... How dare He..BavarianWheels wrote:God hates the sin...but never the sinner. God no more hates homosexuality than he does fornication yet we as heterosexuals seem to think we can mandate their actions when we are not mandating our own! We remain quiet on the "natural" sins...but are quick to drop the gavel when the same sin is "unnatural". Just because it has "two check marks" next to it, it should be a state law also ON TOP OF a Godly law? Silly.
The fact of the matter is Prop. 8 will no more stop gay marriage as prohibition stopped drinking.