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Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:00 pm
by ChrisB
Gabrielman wrote:
cslewislover wrote: Maybe I'll write about Kimba, and my story of being a lion when I was very young.
:ebiggrin: Can't wait!

Since we are on the topic, I still have a few more for you Samuel if you ever return!



So who wants to talk about anime? LOL I am going to be watching Bleach from episode one here soon, just to get a recap again and start going into detail, so expect some pics and long posts about it. So many anime though.... so little time :shock:

soul reapers, they come in every shape and size

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:33 am
by Gabrielman
J. Davis wrote:
I can let Gab off the hook and really I am not concerned with the matter at all. I just found it strange that he just changed so fast after being so cool earlier. Really I just want to make sure that there is no hard feelings at all for whatever reason he would have gotten a bit rude. I do write poetically but my real poetry is much different, passionate and for God and my Love. I may post some here soon along with some music. I did in fact get openly, comically flirtatious and use phrases with dual meaning but only after he got smart (from my perspective) and I perceived, given the elements involved and the situation that he was jealous so I played on that in (what I thought was) an obvious joke.
You know I didn't even see this, lol. sorry if I came off as rude, I was having fun having a mock debate, and it is good practice, I would actually like to have a mental sparring match with you, I need the work out! But yeah, I have been dealing with a lot of stress and bad headaches the past few days... or week... so sorry that I came off as rude. I need to work on my debate tactics, even if it is just a mock debate. And so far as your art is concerned, I would love to see some of it! So feel free to post it here.

Oh, and no hard feelings, at least not from me, I always look forward to your posts! :D

Now I did want to say that I am working on some more anime art and I hope to have something that I am going to start working on today up asap, but that may be me being too hopeful as it may take longer than I thought. All I ask is, that for now, everyone who I will involve in this picture I am making, will keep their current avatars and sig pics! I am also going to give some reasons as to why I have Ichigo as my avatar, so just to let you all know there is a lot coming form me soon!

Edit: Also, any thoughts on my siggy? I am not sure if I screwed it up or not, but I tried to get things to look just right.

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:35 pm
by Gabrielman
Samuel wrote: Image
:pound: Nice, I love that one!!! I have one in my PB as well!!!