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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:42 pm
by Nessa
Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.


Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:33 am
by RickD
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:47 am
by Nessa
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(
Whadda show off! :econfused:

Tho mine did come with a french canadian commentary, including spelling corrections.... does that count? y:-?

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:27 am
by Kurieuo
Personally, I think the B.W. guy has some screw loose. :P

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:21 am
by Nessa
Kurieuo wrote:Personally, I think the B.W. guy has some screw loose. :P
Did you read the book?

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:23 am
by B. W.
Kurieuo wrote:Personally, I think the B.W. guy has some screw loose. :P
y\:D/ 8-}2 y:p

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:28 am
by B. W.
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(
Whadda show off! :econfused:

Tho mine did come with a french canadian commentary, including spelling corrections.... does that count? y:-?
There are two editions... one was an error released by the publisher which published the unedited rough draft by mistake and then they stopped that edition and got it right. So I hope you have the final edition. The rough draft version is very limited in number... thankfully... you can tell if you come across the word clam used instead of calm...

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:28 am
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:Personally, I think the B.W. guy has some screw loose. :P
Personally, I think he's smoking too much of that legal marijuana.

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:30 am
by RickD
B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(
Whadda show off! :econfused:

Tho mine did come with a french canadian commentary, including spelling corrections.... does that count? y:-?
There are two editions... one was an error released by the publisher which published the unedited rough draft by mistake and then they stopped that edition and got it right. So I hope you have the final edition. The rough draft version is very limited in number... thankfully... you can tell if you come across the word clam used instead of calm...
I have the rough draft edition, bad grammar and all.

Since my edition is rare, and it's signed by the author, I'm going to sell it on eBay, and make millions of $. :eugeek:

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:15 pm
by Nessa
B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(
Whadda show off! :econfused:

Tho mine did come with a french canadian commentary, including spelling corrections.... does that count? y:-?
There are two editions... one was an error released by the publisher which published the unedited rough draft by mistake and then they stopped that edition and got it right. So I hope you have the final edition. The rough draft version is very limited in number... thankfully... you can tell if you come across the word clam used instead of calm...
The copy is one FL gave to me... he added his own side notes and made a list of your spelling errors and corrected them.....What a geek! y:-B

Woooohooo! :jumping:
I got a limited edition!

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:25 pm
by Nessa
You mentioned what happened in a sinners lifetime gets done back to them. Or maybe I misunderstood?

Is there sexual perversion/abuse in hell?

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:28 pm
by B. W.
Nessa wrote::econfused:
B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:Got a copy of this book sent to me.. and I'm anxious to get into the hell bit but first the scene has to be set, I know.

I have a copy of the book, autographed by the author. y[-(
Whadda show off! :econfused:

Tho mine did come with a french canadian commentary, including spelling corrections.... does that count? y:-?
There are two editions... one was an error released by the publisher which published the unedited rough draft by mistake and then they stopped that edition and got it right. So I hope you have the final edition. The rough draft version is very limited in number... thankfully... you can tell if you come across the word clam used instead of calm...
The copy is one FL gave to me... he added his own side notes and made a list of your spelling errors and corrected them.....What a geek! y:-B

Woooohooo! :jumping:
I got a limited edition!
Wow where was FL when I needed a good editor!

Well, yoou got the red letter edition then!


Also tell FL to give us a hard time on this forum and to send me an email or PM me...

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:06 am
by B. W.
Nessa wrote:You mentioned what happened in a sinners lifetime gets done back to them. Or maybe I misunderstood?

Is there sexual perversion/abuse in hell?
As for sexual perversion/abuse in hell – yes, however, the perpetrators are the victims.

Next, Galatians 6:7 answers the first inquiry: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. NKJV

Job 4:8; Proverbs 1:31, Proverbs 6:14,15 also expresses the same truth as well. That is what goes on - what one sows, that they reap. However, no amount of good we sow will or ever can erase all the bad we sown. When one turns his or her life over to him, relying on the only true good, which is, God’s good work alone that saves finds peace.

What strikes me is to know how true Psalms 22:14 is. The scars from the nails are painful to see but seeing how his bones came out of join from hanging on the cross - to see it how his Radius, Ulna, Carpus spread apart as He carried me out of that place left an impression upon me - my how I wept then... and still do now! Near the end of my book you will read this part.

The pain was beyond incredible. This act of redemption revealed what sin is really is - everyone we have betrayed, slandered, abandoned, rejected, every heart broke, all petty games people play to get their gets, how many times have we put people on trial and condemned them? Everything we stole? How did we justify ourselves to do these things? How many have we led astray, manipulated, hurt all shows me how none of us deserves heaven - NONE. Hell exposes this truth in the rawest of forms.

Yet, Jesus came to us midst a world of crazy families, perversion, abuse, power trips, abandonment, accusers, the sanctimonious, etc, oh how he poured out life to such an ungrateful lot! He came showing how we treat God’s goodness. Then next, payed our own death penalty for our own transgressions against his own goodness, well, simply overwhelms me. Why, I have seen – none of us deserves rescue.

Nessa, and anyone else reading this, we weighed so heavily upon Jesus so much so that his bones were pulled out of joint. We do not deserve redemption but His just wrath. Seeing His joints pulled apart affects you and causes one to run to Jesus to be cleansed and released from all the shame we spread around.

So many folks, just like I used to think, think we are not bad people but to see your real self is another matter. Only way to face what you see is to face Jesus Christ whose bones were pulled out of joint while hanging upon a cross. How many heavy weights do we put upon people they cannot carry? Seeing how we justify crucifying others, well, affects you. You see firsthand what human sin nature is.

People do reap what the sow and they reap endless rejection, heartache, slander, betrayal, abandonment, pettiness, condemnation, abuse, addictions, neglect, vindictiveness, etc and etc all well-deserved in hell.

Lastly a message for anyone who happens upon this:

So, anyone who may end up reading this who does not know Jesus: Jesus hung upon a cross, his bones pulled out of joint due to the weight you put upon him by your treatment of friends, family, spouse, acquaintances, strangers, even God himself. The cross exposes human nature, what we do to each other and God who is good.

His own goodness revealed in Jesus took humanities death sentence upon himself in-order to free you and I from continuing living in such mire, well, awakens you: He came to raise us all up out of a miry pit and set our feet upon the rock.

That is what I have seen. Knowing that I deserve not rescue from such a place I was in haunts me. It is only by God’s goodness I was permitted to come back to this life for his own reasons, not mine. Only in this mortal life can one be changed by God’s grace because one needs sealing before eternity sets one way concretely. One reaps what they sow. Sow your life to Christ – reap his life exchanged for yours.

Jesus Died in your place so you can live - stop showing contempt to one who came to save you and get before God in prayer saying:

Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner, how I have betrayed and hurt so many and myself. Forgive me for I now see how much weight I placed upon you by what I placed on others. Forgive me, take this stuff I carry all away, make me Born Again of your Holy Spirit. Lead me and guide me instruct me the rest of my days for I give my life to you, wholly…. In Jesus name. Amen

After you pray this, be still for a moment and think of how you have hurt others, what you have robbed from others, cost others and how they did so to you and then really pray…

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:46 am
by Nessa
B. W. wrote:
Also tell FL to give us a hard time on this forum and to send me an email or PM me...
He's sunnying it up in Costa Rica for the next two weeks but will pass on your message :esmile:

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:00 am
by Nessa
I will probably ask questions and make comments as I read the book and will post them here

Did you ever meet up with Trish again after you became a Christian?