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Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:40 pm
by bippy123
Byblos it really doesn't and even if aliens exist , who created them? It all comes back to Saint Thomas Aquinas's first cause. ukrainian, it sounds like your friend is desperately reaching for straws, and it comes back to the same point I have been making over and over again which is, why is someone so desperate to defend a worldview that is illogical, with no ultimate meaning and no ultimate purpose for a worldview that has evidence that has ultimate meaning, ultimate purpose, eternal life and eternal love?

To me this is the height of irrationality

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:48 pm
by Ukranianlys
He has....stepped Down from his attacks now. Thank you. His last words before he shut up were "atheism is a popular thing, YouTube videos are in pleathora of atheist videos, Discussion sites are dominated by atheists and books are being published in waves by atheists to combat your 'god' face it $%&$ (blocked out my name) your religion is dying out. More atheists are coming and your losing. Christianity is dying out just like Zues and All the other fake gods, why is your any different? We are smarter, morally superior and in great number on the incline, while your species dies out, what hope do you have? ( or something similar to this effect) and with that he walked out my door. And I thought. Is he right? Even though we have superior evidence could we all be a dying breed?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:49 pm
by Ukranianlys
Or could he just be on the run with fake information?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:58 pm
by inlovewiththe44
Well, I don't know why he claimed they are "morally superior." By what standard?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:28 am
by Ukranianlys
I'm not quite sure as I said he walked out the door, but a very valid point. But back to the main question. Are we really losing this battle? Is it just a fad or are people thinking that we are stupid irrational religious people?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:54 am
by domokunrox
Ukranianlys wrote:I'm not quite sure as I said he walked out the door, but a very valid point. But back to the main question. Are we really losing this battle? Is it just a fad or are people thinking that we are stupid irrational religious people?
I can assure you, from an intellectual standpoint and based on the evidence, we already won the war. It is a fad for people these days to think their smarter/superior/etc/etc have more support and so forth and desire to be the majority mindset.

Guess what country thought the same thing back in the mid 1930s?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:57 am
by inlovewiththe44
Just from my perspective, I would say no, we are not fighting a losing battle. Christian apologetics has been on the rise for some time, and I think it gives us a lot of ammunition. It seemed to trip your friend up pretty well. Also, his final "rebuttal" wasn't even really a rebuttal at all. He seemed flustered because the arguments he brought up failed to disarm you, so he resorted to pulling at straws. He committed a popularity/bandwagon fallacy, and kinda threw a few petty slaps in your direction. His response to you seemed a little childish.

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:24 am
by bippy123
Ukrainian, his response was classic lol, when faced with the truth and not having any intellectual response in return he resorted to an appeal to authority hehe. He abandoned his intellect and got emotional, and while atheism is high in western Europe why not ask your friend why Christianity is exploding in atheist/communist China even with the Chinese government trying it's best to supress and torture Christians. I'd like too see him use the "well it's not an educated country" response for China lol.

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:26 pm
by Ukranianlys
Well thanks guys. That's very refreshing to hear. And yes he was very quiet yesterday when we were hanging out, I didn't press anything upon him. I can only imagine the feeling to have your belief shown to the light. I of course wouldn't know the feeling because Mono-theisim is correct thank god. But we should be respectful and be Christians and not insult him despite he himself insulting us. But god didn't teach 'an eye for an eye' am I right. On another note have any of you read a bit on this site called its a group of atheists attempting to make the layman athiests as well. Have anyone else come across this site?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:17 pm
by bippy123
Ukrainian, why not try this site instead.
This is a site formed to expose the fallacies of the atheistic worldview.
They are former atheists who rebelled against atheism because it is an absurd worldview that's illogical.
They have received death threats by atheists and o e was even arrested, they had their website taken down and hacked.
They are not even Christians, just people that feel atheism is iogical.

They have some pretty good arguments, I guess good enough to receive threatening hate mail by their former brethrens.

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:54 am
by Ukranianlys
Thanks, they make some excellent points, but do they not believe in god or are they those that believe that organized religion is bad and each person should have a personal relationship with god?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:31 am
by bippy123
Ukrainian, not sure but it seems like they are open to God. What I do know is that they see the shallow and intellectually bankrupt arguments brought about by atheists. They make good enough points for atheists to give them death threats.

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:47 pm
by KBCid
If the monotheistic belief is not beneficial to a species then logically from an evolutionist viewpoint it should not have been selected for above atheism for the past 40-50 centuries right?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:21 am
by Murray
KBCid wrote:If the monotheistic belief is not beneficial to a species then logically from an evolutionist viewpoint it should not have been selected for above atheism for the past 40-50 centuries right?

interesting thought y:-?

Re: Questions from a new Christian

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:20 pm
by sandy_mcd
KBCid wrote:If the monotheistic belief is not beneficial to a species then logically from an evolutionist viewpoint it should not have been selected for above atheism for the past 40-50 centuries right?
This statement demonstrates a common misconception about evolution. Scientists do not claim that every behavior or trait is necessarily selected for because it provides some advantage. This is especially true for complex human behavior. [Anyhow, over most of history, polytheism has been more prevalent than monotheism.] Four fingers and a thumb is not necessarily better than three fingers and two thumbs or five fingers and a thumb. Evolutionary processes are not driven by an attempt to reach the best possible configuration, but merely one better than competing alternatives in a particular environment. Popular culture and science are full of "just-so" stories which attribute nearly every facet of human behavior or characteristic to evolution. Not so.