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Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:10 pm
by B. W.
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Does anyone actually read/listen to these? Just curious.
Yes people do...

Thank you Theo for sharing...
I wasn't having a go at anyone, I was only wondering because no one had ever commented in here about any of the posts and I was curious what they were like. I just thought it strange that there has never been any discussion on the topics. Geez people jump to conclusions much!! Unless I'm reading a tone which isn't there but usually when people do ...... It is a sign of derision. 8-}2
No, it's Skippy's fault 8-}2 don't ya know?

I was thanking Theo for his posting = and if one would like to comment on any they sure can.

On to another topic, saw an old Skippy re-run the other day. The lad, Sonny, and his roo helping sheep poachers shear sheep so Sonny can earn money to by dad a present...

Here's the theme...



Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:27 am
by theophilus
Thanks for your responses. I'm glad to know this thread is doing some good. :D

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:20 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
theophilus wrote:Thanks for your responses. I'm glad to know this thread is doing some good. :D
Just a shame there is no discussion on it.

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:44 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Jac3510 wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Does anyone actually read/listen to these? Just curious.
I hope so! McGee is for the most part very good. I've listened to and read him for years now.
McGee? You've got the wrong show, Jac. Back to the Bible isn't McGee's Bible Bus (I listen to him too); Back to the Bible's new host is a Scottish fellow by the name of John Munroe.

FL :teacher:

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:44 pm
by RickD
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Does anyone actually read/listen to these? Just curious.
I hope so! McGee is for the most part very good. I've listened to and read him for years now.
McGee? You've got the wrong show, Jac. Back to the Bible isn't McGee's Bible Bus (I listen to him too); Back to the Bible's new host is a Scottish fellow by the name of John Munroe.

FL :teacher:
McGee had Thru the Bible.

But don't be too rough on Jac. He thinks Atlantis is the capital of Georgia.

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:46 pm
by Jac3510
Haha! You are right. I was thinking of McGee's Thru the Bible! :P

What I've heard of Munro's program has always been pretty good. I suppose I'll have to tune in more closely. :)

RickD wrote:But don't be too rough on Jac. He thinks Atlantis is the capital of Georgia.
Wait, WHAT? Hang on a second. Only one life changing correction at a time please . . .

mind . . . blown . . .

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:20 am
by theophilus
Week 2 of 4
This week Arnie Cole shares his personal story and an update on how Back to the Bible is using research and technology to teach the Word of God today. John Munro will also take a look at what it means to put your faith into action.

Monday, June 9 An Interview with Arnie Cole, Part 1

Tuesday, June 10 An Interview with Arnie Cole, Part 2

Wednesday, June 11 The Word in Action, Part 1

Thursday, June 12 The Word in Action, Part 2

Friday, June 13 Foolishness of Preaching ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:34 am
by theophilus
Week 3 of 4

Winning souls is a priority. But where do you start? What does it take? John Munro gives us biblical and practical principles for sharing your faith with others--a divine mission that requires God's divine power.

Monday, June 16 Winning Souls, Part 1

Tuesday, June 17 Winning Souls, Part 2

Wednesday, June 18 Overcoming Barriers, Part 1

Thursday, June 19 Overcoming Barriers, Part 2

Friday, June 20 Divine Mission: Divine Power ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:49 am
by theophilus
Week 4 of 4
Is the Bible reliable? Can I trust it? Is it truly the word of God? This week on Back to the Bible, John Munro helps us understand and answer these questions as we discover the authenticity, the uniqueness, and the transforming power of God's Word.

Monday, June 23 Is the Bible Reliable?

Tuesday, June 24 Can I Trust the Bible? Part 1

Wednesday, June 25 Can I Trust the Bible? Part 2

Thursday, June 26 Freedom from Immaturity, Part 1

Friday, June 27 Freedom from Immaturity, Part 2 ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:22 am
by theophilus
Week 1 of 4
What happens when the people of God look more like the world than Christ? The book of Judges paints a vivid picture of this problem--a problem we see today. Join us as we study the dangers of compromise with the world and the vital importance of teaching and modeling our faith to the next generation.

Monday, June 30 Compromise: The Message of the Judges, Part 1

Tuesday, July 1 Compromise: The Message of the Judges, Part 2

Wednesday, July 2 The Challenge of the Next Generation, Part 1

Thursday, July 3 The Challenge of the Next Generation, Part 2

Friday, July 4 The Downward Spiral ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:03 am
by theophilus
Week 2 of 4

How do you walk in faith rather than fear? John Munro continues in Judges to study the lives of Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar and Deborah. Find out how you can be used by God by looking at these uniquely different people who were called and equipped by God to accomplish His tasks.

Monday, July 7 The People God Uses, Part 1

Tuesday, July 8 The People God Uses, Part 2

Wednesday, July 9 An Unexpected Leader, Part 1

Thursday, July 10 An Unexpected Leader, Part 2

Friday, July 11 On the Victory Side ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:33 am
by theophilus
Week 3 of 4
In our study of Gideon we'll discover that we must first know God personally before we know His will. And once we know God's will, we must obey it. That is the path of true blessing.

Monday, July 14 God's Will Revealed, Part 1

Tuesday, July 15 God's Will Revealed, Part 2

Wednesday, July 16 God's Will Confirmed, Part 1

Thursday, July 17 God's Will Confirmed, Part 2

Friday, July 18 Knowing God's Word: The Path of the Word ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:16 am
by theophilus
Week 4 of 4

Our study of Gideon continues as we see how God takes ordinary people and equips them to accomplish "mission impossible." Join John Munro to learn about faith and courage in the face of incredible odds and the deadly consequences of blind ambition and corrupted power.

Monday, July 21 God's Will Is Mission Impossible, Part 1

Tuesday, July 22 God's Will Is Mission Impossible, Part 2

Wednesday, July 23 God's Will Is Challenged

Thursday, July 24 Power Corrupts, Part 1

Friday, July 25 Power Corrupts, Part 2 ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:52 am
by theophilus
Week 1 of 4

Most of us know something about Jesus. But have you ever personally encountered Him? John Munro explores the Gospel of John and the beautiful encounters people experienced with the Savior. Their stories show that once you have a personal relationship with Christ, your life will never be the same.

Monday, July 28 The Word, Part 1

Tuesday, July 29 The Word, Part 2

Wednesday, July 30 Being Great, Part 1

Thursday, July 31 Being Great, Part 2

Friday, August 1 Looking at the Lamb, Part 1 ... Bible.html

Re: Back to the Bible

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:40 am
by theophilus
Week 2 of 4
Jesus invites us into a great adventure of faith with the words, "come," "follow" and "see." This week we’ll see what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ. It's not someone who knows about Jesus but someone who has personally encountered Jesus and experienced His life transforming power.

Monday, August 4 Looking at the Lamb, Part 2

Tuesday, August 5 Following Jesus, Part 1

Wednesday, August 6 Following Jesus, Part 2

Thursday, August 7 Transforming Shattered Dreams, Part 1

Friday, August 8 Transforming Shattered Dreams, Part 2 ... Bible.html