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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:22 pm
by JackHectorman
jcgood wrote: Jack:Thank you for your prayer... writing...and public most people's.....have various messages....
This is called admonishing...not "poetry"Col. 3:16...Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
I know that cutticism is easier for you...but I perceive that you are able determine...poetry from admonishing.....right?
In the last post....I helped you see your duplicity putting your writing up to the same overly critical standards...that impede understanding

Am I in the Land Of Oz?......Is America Sodom?
That level of like......"Straining the gnat...but swallowing the camel"....and derail a thread on usury
It's just not appropriate.....and it distracts from the valid point I made about overlooked injustice disguised as good...from on usury
The point is ...try empathy.... trying to understand why I would even...."poetically" call America....Sodom...?
Jack....why do you think I am writing this....what's my motive?
"The more questions asked..the more the understanding.....and vice versa"....JC Goodman

Based on your post...that BTW....made me smile and like you....
You are still stuck in argument mode....
Because even if I was won over to your way of thinking...
Yeah ..I guess oppressing and creating poor people out of thin not that bad.....just a work in progress.. see you at the mass murder next week.."
What is it that I have gained?

NOT POETRY...Teaching here.....FYI....The only physical nation that was God's People......Israel...Old Covenant
In the New Covenant....only individuals are blessed by God through Jesus Christ...Eph 1:3
Nations are just legal entities..
You can ask the Lord to bless America....because those who love Him can ask Him anything...
The New Covenant...declares that there are two is the god of the world......and the other is God's
The nations are irrelevant for now...God will deal with them in the future....
Psalms 2:8,9...Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.'
If you care to refute this....please use Scripture...otherwise I won't even look at it
Hi JC,

Why on earth would I want to refute your poetry?
That would be humanly impossible anyway because it would like trying to refute the clouds.
As you gaze up into the sky and look at the ever shifting clouds, it becomes clear the clouds are irrefutable.

JC, is your poetry a catharsis for you?
Sayeth Webster:
2. A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions ..
3. A release of emotional tension ... that restores or refreshes the spirit.
Does number 2 and 3 state the reasons you write your poetry in threads?
Are you a "Catharsistic Poet" on a mission to cleanse your emotions?

Speaking of Emotions.
What kind of music do you like, JC?
Permit me to introduce you to the beautiful Brazilian soprano Carmen Monarcha
singing The Song Of Vilja, its an aria from The Merry Widow.

Click on this link and you'll hear her, and also get to meet Andre Rieu, a man
with an orchestra that creates beautiful music.

Click here to hear/see Carmen Monarcho singing O Mio Babbino Caro from
a Puccini opera. Its quite beautiful.

Link: One more. Here is the world's top tenor, Andrea Bocelli , with
the beautiful British soprano Sarah Brightmen, singing the beautiful Canto Della Terra.
Kick your speakers up, so you can feel this music. Its powerful.

How did you like those three pieces of music?
They say music is the universal language.
Maybe we can communicate through music.
We're not doing so well communicating via your poetry.
Btw, the lyrics to Canto della terra are quite beautiful and uplifting.
Click here for the English translation of Canto della terra.


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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:44 pm
by jcgood

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Unread postby JackHectorman » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:22 pm

jcgood wrote:Jack:Thank you for your prayer... writing...and public most people's.....have various messages....
This is called admonishing...not "poetry"Col. 3:16...Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
I know that cutticism is easier for you...but I perceive that you are able determine...poetry from admonishing.....right?
In the last post....I helped you see your duplicity putting your writing up to the same overly critical standards...that impede understanding

Am I in the Land Of Oz?......Is America Sodom?
That level of like......"Straining the gnat...but swallowing the camel"....and derail a thread on usury
It's just not appropriate.....and it distracts from the valid point I made about overlooked injustice disguised as good...from on usury
The point is ...try empathy.... trying to understand why I would even...."poetically" call America....Sodom...?
Jack....why do you think I am writing this....what's my motive?
"The more questions asked..the more the understanding.....and vice versa"....JC Goodman

Based on your post...that BTW....made me smile and like you....
You are still stuck in argument mode....
Because even if I was won over to your way of thinking...
Yeah ..I guess oppressing and creating poor people out of thin not that bad.....just a work in progress.. see you at the mass murder next week.."
What is it that I have gained?

NOT POETRY...Teaching here.....FYI....The only physical nation that was God's People......Israel...Old Covenant
In the New Covenant....only individuals are blessed by God through Jesus Christ...Eph 1:3
Nations are just legal entities..
You can ask the Lord to bless America....because those who love Him can ask Him anything...
The New Covenant...declares that there are two is the god of the world......and the other is God's
The nations are irrelevant for now...God will deal with them in the future....
Psalms 2:8,9...Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.'
If you care to refute this....please use Scripture...otherwise I won't even look at it

Hi JC,

Why on earth would I want to refute your poetry?
That would be humanly impossible anyway because it would like trying to refute the clouds.
As you gaze up into the sky and look at the ever shifting clouds, it becomes clear the clouds are irrefutable.

JC, is your poetry a catharsis for you?
Sayeth Webster:
2. A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions ..
3. A release of emotional tension ... that restores or refreshes the spirit.
Does number 2 and 3 state the reasons you write your poetry in threads?
Are you a "Catharsistic Poet" on a mission to cleanse your emotions?

Speaking of Emotions.
What kind of music do you like, JC?
Permit me to introduce you to the beautiful Brazilian soprano Carmen Monarcha
singing The Song Of Vilja, its an aria from The Merry Widow.
Jack have you ever read Hans Christian Andersen's....The Emperor's New clothes?

..Or maybe heard this song?...

hint...running away from reality......and 1 Cor 13.....

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:58 pm
by JackHectorman
jcgood wrote:Jack have you ever read Hans Christian Andersen's....The Emperor's New clothes?
Yes I have read the story many times and have used the moral of The Emperor's New Clothes AGAINST the
liberals and other groups who have their head stuck in the sand and will not face the truth.

The moral behind The Emperor's New Clothes is used by all sides AGAINST their enemy the other side. They
use this story to accuse their opposition of individual and/or collective DENIAL and embracing ILLUSION
and clinging to both DENIAL and ILLUSION even when they become silly and ridiculous in so doing.

You will accuse your opposition of embracing DENIAL and ILLUSION, and your opposition will accuse you
of embracing DENIAL and ILLUSION. The back and forth accusations will continue perpetually.

I have every reason to think that you are convinced that I am embracing DENIAL and ILLUSION.

I have many reasons to know for a fact that you are embracing
DENIAL and ILLUSION and that your mind is closed tight against
anything that does not harmonize with what you have decided
in your King Will that you are going to believe, no matter what
facts are presented to you that refutes your positions.

..Or maybe heard this song?...
I listened to your song. It had a woodsy tone. Also it struck me as rather
mournful and melancholy. I got the impression that the singers thought
they had arrived at some super level of wisdom and that the peons below
had not yet caught up to them.

It was not my kind of music. It reminded me faintly of something Simon & Garfunkel
would have written in the 60's, or something Bob Dylan might would have written.

I have already been through the Simon & Garfunkel ~~ Bob Dylan stage of morbid
musical "social commentary" and I have graduated up to such as Anna Netrebko
and Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli.

Spare me the sadness [your sad songs.]
I know how it all ends.
I have read the book of Revelation.
My side wins.
hint...running away from reality......and 1 Cor 13.....
.. lol .. Feel free to keep preaching that stuff.
Your interpretation of love in 1 Cor. 13 and how it ought to be applied, is NOT binding on anyone.
Re your interpretation of "reality":
Tell me how you think we can ever settle this?
We contradict each other regarding WHICH ONE of us is running away from reality.
You say I am.
I say that you are the one doing that.
If we take a Majority Vote throughout Christendom, then I win, and you lose because mainstream Christendom does NOT support your Land Of Oz views.
Of course, taking a Majority Vote does not settle anything [the majority can be wrong, and they have reversed themselves on moral issues in history.]


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.. lol .. This thread is about shot, isn't it? What ever happened to the OP's agony over "usury?"


Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:27 pm
by jcgood
I really do you love you brother...your posts make me smile...
I have many reasons to know for a fact that you are embracing
DENIAL and ILLUSION and that your mind is closed tight against
anything that does not harmonize with what you have decided
in your King Will that you are going to believe, no matter what
facts are presented to you that refutes your positions.
Finally honest post... :esurprised: exhibiting the exact delinquency that I was intended to expose
Finally confessing....what I have known all along...

Everyone can see that I just asked you a question....Have you read Emperor's New Clothes?

And out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks..... :esurprised:

First you spout your harsh, subjective diatribe with such vengeance .....that is vain and pointless...
...and not from the Lord

This is how you speak to a brother..who is a part of Christ...?

Learning how to live out 1 Cor 13...
That's the real point of discussion boards......that you run from
taking responsibility for your own unedifying junk...that you posted in God's sight.

The amazing thing is that you believe your own spin and end up "putting the foot in your mouth"...

FYI.....dishonestly calling my posts..."poetry" not refuting my statements....
....but in a delusion...the most neutral things appear to be "sad".....or "unhappy"
as you arrogantly expect every one else to see....the Emperor's clothes...that aren't there... spin "Mountain Sound'...into a "sad" song...and then arrogantly.....attempt to outlaw any other interpretation..

What you call .."Sad"....I am leaping and jumping for joy when I hear it's hopefulness

Be Honest....You are just not free of your hypercritical nonsense.....all my friends can read your putrid spin

and I watch them shake their heads in really hit this one...outta the park.. :clap:

...because I used to be like you...and the Lord delivered me....


Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:44 am
by 1over137
jcgood wrote:
Finally honest post... :esurprised: exhibiting the exact delinquency that I was intended to expose
Finally confessing....what I have known all along...
What does it mean that you have known all along? Does it mean even before you joined this forum?

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:06 am
by RickD
1over137 wrote:
jcgood wrote:
Finally honest post... :esurprised: exhibiting the exact delinquency that I was intended to expose
Finally confessing....what I have known all along...
What does it mean that you have known all along? Does it mean even before you joined this forum?

It means he spouts off a lot of nonsense. Then when someone disagrees, he plays the martyr card, and says he's being persecuted for Christ. Instead of realizing his posts are being called out for the balderdash that they are.

Then he says things like, "...because I used to be like you...and the Lord delivered me....".
The hubris just oozes out of this sentence.

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:15 am
by jcgood
1 over 137:
What does it mean that you have known all along? Does it mean even before you joined this forum?
It means since this:
Postby RickD » Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:02 am
Just an FYI, I was the one who approved jcgood's first post. And I saw the same tone in that post, that Pete is referring to.

I could've just disapproved the post, but I was kinda hoping someone would point out jcgood's seemingly "holier than thou" tone, and glaring errors.
...just a continual nauseating stream of non stop false criticism in one or two sentences...
without any example, evidence, or logic to back it up

How many times do I need to be told that what I write is ....wrong...
with no evidence at all...

The unbelievers are more pleasant than the wolves here

The only logical response would be for someone to ignore my posts.....
and wait for someone like are pleasant...and you ask questions..

It's some kind of tourette's syndrome going on here

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:19 am
by JackHectorman
jcgood wrote:Jack.....blessed...Jack....
You are a trip to be sure .. lol ..
I really do you love you brother...
If you love me, then obey my commands.
Command #1 is: Get a life.

/another lol
your posts make me smile...
I'm truly glad to hear that.
Finally honest post... :esurprised: exhibiting the exact delinquency that I was intended to expose (sized by Jack)
You said, "I was intented."
You mean you were anointed and appointed?
.. lol ..
Finally confessing....what I have known all along...
I went back and read some of your old posts. You have repeatedly used that same line a huge number of times.
Everyone can see that I just asked you a question....Have you read Emperor's New Clothes?
You said, "I just asked you a question." Your saying that strongly implies that you had no point to make about
the moral of The Emperor's New Clothes as it applied to me Yours Truly .. lol .. you must think I'm dull-witted
AND just got off the boat.
First you spout your
(1) harsh,

(2) subjective

(3) diatribe with such

(4) vengeance .....

(rearranged, sized, and numbered by Jack)
.. lol .. It was not harsh, not harsh at all.

And it had no "vengeance" in it.

It was not a diatribe either.

It was to some extent subjective, that is, based in my feelings, emotions, and opinions as juxtaposed
with a more objective analysis of your posts. But trust me when I tell that you come out much better
with my subjective analysis of your posts, than you would with an objective analysis of them. That's
true because if an objective analysis of your posts was made, it is my carefully considered opinion
that you would be declared clinically insane.


I do NOT mean that as an insult. I merely call your attention to your condition with a view to encouraging
you to get some help. Likewise, if I said to you: "It is my carefully considered opinion that you have the flu"
it would NOT be my intent to insult you, but rather to help you get some medical help. Likewise, I merely
seek to help you to get some psychiatric help.

After all this is the 21st century and mental illness is considered quite chic. :pound:

1. Conforming to the current fashion; stylish:

Many of the most outstanding, accomplished, and distinguished people in the world have a personal "head shrinker"
aka as a therapist and a "psycho doc." And these worthies make regular visits to see their "shrink" so they can be
cured of their clinical insanity and other psychological problems.

Go for it.

that is vain and pointless...
...and not from the Lord

This is how you speak to a brother..who is a part of Christ...?

Learning how to live out 1 Cor 13...
That's the real point of discussion boards......that you run from
taking responsibility for your own unedifying junk...that you posted in God's sight.

The amazing thing is that you believe your own spin and end up "putting the foot in your mouth"...

FYI.....dishonestly calling my posts..."poetry" not refuting my statements....
....but in a delusion...the most neutral things appear to be "sad".....or "unhappy"
as you arrogantly expect every one else to see....the Emperor's clothes...that aren't there... spin "Mountain Sound'...into a "sad" song...and then arrogantly.....attempt to outlaw any other interpretation..

What you call .."Sad"....I am leaping and jumping for joy when I hear it's hopefulness

Be Honest....You are just not free of your hypercritical nonsense.....all my friends can read your putrid spin

and I watch them shake their heads in really hit this one...outta the park.. :clap:

...because I used to be like you...and the Lord delivered me....

I'll say this for you. You're one of the funniest dudes on the Internet, I mean you're a laugh a minute.

Last night I went back and read a lot of your older posts, and I sat there at my computer and shook
with laughter. In fact [perhaps I just dreamed this] several times I laughed so hard that I hit the floor
and was rolling around and my wife came into my lair and said, "Jack, what are doing down there on
the floor?" I replied, "This JC dude is cracking me up." And my wife replied, "Be careful Jack, because
the world-wide web has some very strange birds perching in those digital branches."

" :amen: to that", I replied.

.. lol ..

Listen JC, don't be insulted because I am reasonably certain that you are clinically insane. Again this
is the 21st century and presently America is led by people that have your challenges [The Donk Party and RINOs]
so its really quite cool [chic] to be bonkers .. lol ..

Some in my extended family are clinically insane [they're Democrats] and they even come over for dinner sometimes,

Peace brother ... and here is to better Mental Health all around.

Btw, you're the King Of Ellipsis.


: A mark or series of dots ( ...... ) used in writing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words.


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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:39 am
by jcgood
Jack Hectorman wrote:
Listen JC, don't be insulted because I am reasonably certain that you are clinically insane.
Me...insulted?.. :pound:

If I am insane and you are writing to me......what does that say?

Jack ...I can always count on you to put your foot in your mouth..

You have nothing constructive to say...just like all the other trolls

But...if it gives you pleasure.....go for it... do fit clinical insanity....with your pathetic denial of

the harsh, subjective, diatribe....against a brother in Christ.....(not an enemy)
Peace to you.....but get help

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:54 am
by JackHectorman
jcgood wrote:Me...insulted?.. :pound:
I am glad you were not insulted and that you saw my efforts to help you as kindness on my part.
If I am insane and you are writing to me......what does that say?
It says that I may need to see a shrink too .. lol .. I'll make an appointment tomorrow,
if it doesn't slip my mind.
Peace to you.....but get help
:D Thanks I appreciate very much your concern, and I will get some help.


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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:12 pm
by 1over137
jcgood wrote:1 over 137:
What does it mean that you have known all along? Does it mean even before you joined this forum?
It means since this:
Postby RickD » Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:02 am
Just an FYI, I was the one who approved jcgood's first post. And I saw the same tone in that post, that Pete is referring to.

I could've just disapproved the post, but I was kinda hoping someone would point out jcgood's seemingly "holier than thou" tone, and glaring errors.
...just a continual nauseating stream of non stop false criticism in one or two sentences...
without any example, evidence, or logic to back it up

How many times do I need to be told that what I write is ....wrong...
with no evidence at all...

The unbelievers are more pleasant than the wolves here

The only logical response would be for someone to ignore my posts.....
and wait for someone like are pleasant...and you ask questions..

It's some kind of tourette's syndrome going on here
When you said you have known all along you were reacting to Jack's post. Now you share the quote from Rick. I hope Rick's words did not influence how you view others.

And, I want to get to know you better. So I ask questions.

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:19 pm
by jcgood

BTW...what's up with the pendanticism?
Your pendantic assessment of a song that I can bounce with exuberance to..

That you ardently declare as sad....for the kingdom of

Yes I laugh ...very hard.... :pound:

but of course...I'm insane......

Send in the clowns....

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:23 pm
by JackHectorman

This thread is shot and going nowhere except into such silly mess as our last few posts.

Its sorta wasting time really, because we're not gaining any insights into anything that
will help us.

So I plan to end my participation in this thread because the "usury" subject is about dead, me thinks.

JC, I will see you perhaps in another thread sometimes [unless this thread perks up with something more interesting than our mental condition .. lol ..]

I had a lot of fun in this thread at the beginning, and really enjoyed writing some of that stuff I wrote.

Be cool.


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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:24 pm
by 1over137
jcgood wrote:Jack..?

BTW...what's up with the pendanticism?
Your pendantic assessment of a song that I can bounce with exuberance to..

That you ardently declare as sad....for the kingdom of

Yes I laugh ...very hard.... :pound:

but of course...I'm insane......

Send in the clowns....
To whom was this post directed?

Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:25 pm
by jcgood
1 over 137..
When you said you have known all along you were reacting to Jack's post. Now you share the quote from Rick. I hope Rick's words did not influence how you view others.
Yes...but I actually made the same statement to both parties..

Their posts are not honest.....they don't read what I write

And they think the whole world agrees with them...except of course

I am the joke of the neighborhood..can't you see?